You are some kind of miracle worker since I have no clue how you changed your own map so drastically in such a short period of time.
Removing the underworld really gives back the focus on player Destruction and makes the gimmick of the walking skeletons less annoying and more a strength of your entry.
I really think the map is actually much better compared to
pd_pit_of_death_event by far.
The confusion for now players is completely gone with the new team coloured bricks and a easy to follow spawn room.
Your map starts to look stunning!
Removing the underworld also really helps to bring back focus on the gameplay of the gamemode.
Your loadout is so much better the only thing actually sticking out is your odd placement for the capping area.
The capture zone you placed has green lines on the edges of the boxes you placed. (see screenshot)
Have you thought about opening your Temple perhaps to enter the room to offer the souls players collected to a giant sarcophagus/statue/urn/portal < whatever.
It is the center point of the map and it would do wonders for the theme.
The croc pond is adorable <3
Fair to say I am a big fan of your amazing work so far and I wouldn't be surprised if this map ends up in Scream Fortress this year!