
KotH Ramjam rc1


May 28, 2013
BUMB I could use some help from a fellow mapper to fix a few problems with the map, as I am currently in the military and cant get home till next weeks friday. Comment here if you could lend a helping hand with a few minor mistakes I made. Kinda urgent since ramjam got into the ugc map list.


May 28, 2013
[b8b] Got the problem with explosions going thru walls fixed now, thanks for everyone who offered help!

should be ready for UGC now.


L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
Good luck! I lobbied on this map the other day and I reckon it has potential as an alternative to Lakeside - with the same large sightlines, but more reasonable holding positions rather than the singular pool room, and Jam.


L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
Played in UGC Iron as an engineer. We played the b8b version, and won 4-0 against a similarly placed team.

First thing I'd like to say is that no shutter doors are nobuilt in Valve maps - you can do exactly the same trick as stopped in the b9 update. Most obnoxious location is actually on Badlands second: there's a huge sightline from the door to choke that you can wrangle. Still, I'm the real comp guys don't know that because they don't play with engineers. B)

I have not played b9, but I think that dropping the capture time from 24 to 16 seconds will have a huge effect on the gameplay. I don't know whether it will be good or bad, just different. I mean, it's going from one of the longest cap times in the game to one of the shortest - about the same length as lakeside. If I were to guess from how we played b8b, that will stop teams from holding passively when owning the point and pushing back in when the other team starts to cap. In other words, teams will hold further forward and that means snipers are more powerful. That probably makes it even more similar to Viaduct, but the width of the map will mean that good work from the flank classes will hold the sniper down better.

On another note, minisentries were insanely powerful on b8b, especially in desperate scenarios. That's because they could be placed on the sides of the map with height advantage, resisting their destruction, and the long cap time meant that you couldn't escape their fire while still maintaining the push. Dropping the cap down to 16 seconds is probably wise from that point of view.

I might update this post later with other thoughts from my team.


May 28, 2013
Just to clarify, I havent given up on Ramjam, I just dont have time to work on it at the moment.(Mandatory Finnish military service stuff going on.) Optimization and some tweaks still need to be done before I can call it RC.
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May 28, 2013
[ b10 ] released. Tried to optimize and stuff.

eeedit: If someone happens to run a test on this, it would be nice to know if the fps is still horrible around mid. Mainly because I have no clue how to optimize this thing. Maybe its better now. Maybe.
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Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I flew around with mat_wireframe on and didn't see any spots where over-rendering was too egregious, so you at least know how to optimize properly. If anyone is still having issues, then there's likely nothing that could be done except to shave down the detailing around mid. It does seem busier overall than, say, mid in Badlands which is also rather open.


May 28, 2013
To do:

-More optimization somehow maybe
-Jam assembly line
-Cutting lower lobby smaller
-Polishing the detailing
-Maybe converting some brushwork into models
-Testing if the map is actually fun to play on
-Other stuff that came up on the gameday test I haven't had the time to look at yet.
-Finishing this map

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L7: Fancy Member
Feb 17, 2013
Anyone got anthing to say about ramjam? Anyone?

Or should i just forget about it ._.

Oh, eerrrrrr... what were the radical changes? I always thought this map was pretty cool. What feedback did you get from the UGC guys? I know Glassworks made it in next season, which I'm not really surprised by, so I guess it's not surprising that you're not in for another season. Are you at a state with this map where you're thinking about finishing it? How about getting it up in the Showcase?