Puddy's Small Mapping Resource Pack

Puddy's Small Mapping Resource Pack vscript_test (11/12/2022)


50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
wait.. func croc actually exists?!?!!?

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017
wait.. func croc actually exists?!?!!?
It was just added in the latest update. It's a special trigger_hurt that kills players, displays the special crocodile kill icon, and makes a crocodile jump out of the water (as seen in cp_mercenarypark, the croc-infested waters by the first point).


50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
It was just added in the latest update. It's a special trigger_hurt that kills players, displays the special crocodile kill icon, and makes a crocodile jump out of the water (as seen in cp_mercenarypark, the croc-infested waters by the first point).


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
Did this pack do something to disable some obj_dispenser outputs? According to the VDC page for obj_dispenser there should be 'OnDestroyed', 'OnObjectHealthChanged' and 'OnDamaged', as well as the usual 'OnFire1-4', but 'OnObjectHealthChanged' and 'OnDamaged' are now missing for me. I only have 'OnDestroyed' and the 'OnFire1-4's


L2: Junior Member
Jul 31, 2015
Did this pack do something to disable some obj_dispenser outputs? According to the VDC page for obj_dispenser there should be 'OnDestroyed', 'OnObjectHealthChanged' and 'OnDamaged', as well as the usual 'OnFire1-4', but 'OnObjectHealthChanged' and 'OnDamaged' are now missing for me. I only have 'OnDestroyed' and the 'OnFire1-4's
i haven't touch obj_dispenser yet
i think valve remove them and no one update that VDC page



Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
Well before you do that, 'OnDestroyed' does still work (I haven't tested 'OnHealthChanged') I don't know why it flags them as invalid, but they do still work.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 31, 2015
Well before you do that, 'OnDestroyed' does still work (I haven't tested 'OnHealthChanged') I don't know why it flags them as invalid, but they do still work.
i checked those obj entities with ent_info command
and it show these

output: OnDestroyed
output: OnDamaged
output: OnRepaired
output: OnDisabled
output: OnReenabled
output: OnObjectHealthChanged

output: OnIgnite
output: OnUser1
output: OnUser2
output: OnUser3
output: OnUser4
there's no OnHealthChanged
i'm gonna add these output to all obj in the next update of the pack.


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
In the gamemode prefab file which one is the gamemode for Standin?

mat_phong 0

L1: Registered
Jul 10, 2017
help, gameinfo.txt is now missing

edit: fixed it, had to edit GameConfig.txt
Last edited:


L2: Junior Member
Jul 31, 2015
New Entities List
  • tank_destruction
New Stuff
  • added "Only affect !activator" spawnflag to env_fade
  • added new Outputs to all obj_*
    • OnDamaged
    • OnRepaired
    • OnDisabled
    • OnReenabled
    • OnObjectHealthChanged
  • rework tf_logic_holiday icon
  • rework tf_logic_on_holiday icon
  • rework tf_logic_medieval icon
  • rework tf_logic_mannpower icon
  • rework tf_logic_trainning icon
  • rework tf_glow icon

Read the rest of this update entry...


L1: Registered
Nov 19, 2014
item_sodacan is a entity from HL:S its the soda cans from HL1 you get from vending machines probably want to just leave that out/leave warning saying HL:S exclusive


L2: Junior Member
Jul 31, 2015
  • New Entities List
    • tf_projectile_arrow
    • tf_projectile_ball_ornament
    • tf_projectile_balloffire
    • tf_projectile_cleaver
    • tf_projectile_energy_ball
    • tf_projectile_energy_ring
    • tf_projectile_flare
    • tf_projectile_grapplinghook
    • tf_projectile_healing_bolt
    • tf_projectile_jar
    • tf_projectile_jar_gas
    • tf_projectile_jar_milk
    • tf_projectile_pipe
    • tf_projectile_pipe_remote
    • tf_projectile_rocket
    • tf_projectile_sentryrocket
    • tf_projectile_spellbats
    • tf_projectile_spellkartbats
    • tf_projectile_spellkartorb
    • tf_projectile_spellmirv
    • tf_projectile_spellpumpkin
    • tf_projectile_spellspawnboss
    • tf_projectile_spellspawnhorde
    • tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie
    • tf_projectile_spelltransposeteleport
    • tf_projectile_stun_ball
    • tf_projectile_syringe
    • tf_projectile_throwable
    • tf_projectile_throwable_breadmonster
    • tf_projectile_throwable_brick
    • tf_projectile_throwable_repel

  • New Stuff
    • New icon for bot_action_point
    • New icon for bot_controller
    • New icon for bot_generator
    • New icon for bot_proxy
    • New icon for bot_roster
    • Fixed filter_tf_class icon's showing filter_class's icon
    • Update func_croc to match live tf2 (OnEat, Red, Blue)
    • path_track now used Cone model instead of while box

Read the rest of this update entry...


L2: Junior Member
Jul 31, 2015
I've got a list of every entity in TF2 that may help you. I went through a dumped datamap log from TF2 (dumped from SourceMod's sm_dump_datamaps command, but I used this up-to-date datamaps list generated by SourceMod plugin guy Powerlord) and using regex, eliminated any lines that weren't entity names.

Last I remember, the VDC is missing some of these entities on its List of Team Fortress 2 Entities article (and some entities don't even have their own page yet). I haven't gone through my list and compared it to the article so for all I know, the article might currently have all the entities listed. It's been a while since I checked.

So here's the list:
CBaseEntity - _ballplayertoucher
CFireSmoke - _firesmoke
CPlasma - _plasma
CBaseEntity - ai_ally_speech_manager
CBaseEntity - ai_battle_line
CBaseEntity - ai_changehintgroup
CBaseEntity - ai_changetarget
CBaseEntity - ai_goal_assault
CBaseEntity - ai_goal_follow
CBaseEntity - ai_goal_lead
CBaseEntity - ai_goal_lead_weapon
CBaseEntity - ai_goal_standoff
CBaseEntity - ai_hint
CBaseEntity - ai_network
CBaseEntity - ai_relationship
CBaseEntity - ai_script_conditions
CBaseEntity - ai_sound
CBaseEntity - ai_speechfilter
CBaseEntity - aiscripted_schedule
CAI_BaseNPC - aitesthull
CBaseEntity - ambient_generic
CBaseAnimating - archer_proxy
CBaseEntity - assault_assaultpoint
CBaseEntity - assault_rallypoint
CTFBaseBoss - base_boss
CBeam - beam
CBaseEntity - bot_action_point
CBaseEntity - bot_controller
CBaseEntity - bot_generator
CTFBotHintEngineerNest - bot_hint_engineer_nest
CBaseEntity - bot_hint_sentrygun
CBaseEntity - bot_hint_teleporter_exit
NextBotCombatCharacter - bot_npc_archer
NextBotCombatCharacter - bot_npc_decoy
CBaseEntity - bot_proxy
CBaseEntity - bot_roster
CColorCorrection - color_correction
CColorCorrectionVolume - color_correction_volume
CBaseEntity - commentary_auto
CAI_BaseNPC - cycler_actor
CBaseFlex - cycler_flex
CBaseEntity - dispenser_touch_trigger
CDynamicProp - dynamic_prop
CBaseAnimating - entity_bird
CBaseEntity - entity_blocker
CBaseAnimating - entity_carrier
CBaseAnimating - entity_croc
CTFMedigunShield - entity_medigun_shield
CTFReviveMarker - entity_revive_marker
CBaseAnimating - entity_rocket
CBaseAnimating - entity_saucer
CBaseAnimating - entity_sign
CBaseEntity - entity_spawn_manager
CBaseEntity - entity_spawn_point
CEntityFlame - entityflame
CBeam - env_beam
CBaseEntity - env_beverage
CBaseEntity - env_blood
CBaseEntity - env_bubbles
CBaseEntity - env_credits
CBaseEntity - env_debughistory
CEnvDetailController - env_detail_controller
CBaseEntity - env_dustpuff
DustTrail - env_dusttrail
CBaseAnimating - env_effectscript
CEmbers - env_embers
CEntityDissolve - env_entity_dissolver
CEntityFlame - env_entity_igniter
CBaseEntity - env_entity_maker
CBaseEntity - env_explosion
CBaseEntity - env_fade
CBaseEntity - env_fire
CFireTrail - env_fire_trail
CBaseEntity - env_firesensor
CBaseEntity - env_firesource
CFogController - env_fog_controller
CBaseEntity - env_funnel
CBaseEntity - env_global
CSprite - env_glow
CBaseEntity - env_gunfire
CBaseEntity - env_hudhint
CBeam - env_laser
CLaserDot - env_laserdot
CLightGlow - env_lightglow
CBaseEntity - env_message
CBaseEntity - env_microphone
MovieExplosion - env_movieexplosion
CBaseEntity - env_muzzleflash
CParticlePerformanceMonitor - env_particle_performance_monitor
CEntityParticleTrail - env_particle_trail
CParticleFire - env_particlefire
CBaseEntity - env_particlelight
CEnvParticleScript - env_particlescript
ParticleSmokeGrenade - env_particlesmokegrenade
CBaseEntity - env_physexplosion
CBaseEntity - env_physimpact
CBaseEntity - env_physwire
CBaseEntity - env_player_surface_trigger
CEnvProjectedTexture - env_projectedtexture
CEnvQuadraticBeam - env_quadraticbeam
CBaseEntity - env_ragdoll_boogie
RocketTrail - env_rockettrail
CBaseEntity - env_rotorshooter
CEnvScreenEffect - env_screeneffect
CEnvScreenOverlay - env_screenoverlay
CBaseEntity - env_shake
CBaseEntity - env_shooter
CSmokeStack - env_smokestack
SmokeTrail - env_smoketrail
CSniperDot - env_sniperdot
CBaseEntity - env_soundscape
CBaseEntity - env_soundscape_proxy
CBaseEntity - env_soundscape_triggerable
CBaseEntity - env_spark
CBaseEntity - env_splash
SporeExplosion - env_sporeexplosion
SporeTrail - env_sporetrail
CSprite - env_sprite
CSpriteOriented - env_sprite_oriented
CSpriteTrail - env_spritetrail
CSteamJet - env_steam
CSteamJet - env_steamjet
CSun - env_sun
CBaseEntity - env_texturetoggle
CEnvTonemapController - env_tonemap_controller
CBaseEntity - env_tracer
CBaseEntity - env_viewpunch
CEnvWind - env_wind
CBaseEntity - env_zoom
CBaseEntity - event_queue_saveload_proxy
CEyeballBoss - eyeball_boss
CBaseEntity - filter_activator_class
CBaseEntity - filter_activator_mass_greater
CBaseEntity - filter_activator_name
CBaseEntity - filter_activator_team
CBaseEntity - filter_activator_tfteam
CBaseEntity - filter_base
CBaseEntity - filter_damage_type
CBaseEntity - filter_enemy
CBaseEntity - filter_multi
CBaseEntity - filter_tf_bot_has_tag
CBaseEntity - filter_tf_class
CBaseEntity - filter_tf_condition
CBaseEntity - filter_tf_damaged_by_weapon_in_slot
CBaseEntity - filter_tf_player_can_cap
CFish - fish
CBaseEntity - func_achievement
CBaseEntity - func_areaportal
CFuncAreaPortalWindow - func_areaportalwindow
CBaseEntity - func_breakable
CBreakableSurface - func_breakable_surf
CBaseEntity - func_brush
CBaseEntity - func_button
CCaptureZone - func_capturezone
CBaseEntity - func_changeclass
CBaseEntity - func_clip_vphysics
CFuncConveyor - func_conveyor
CBaseEntity - func_croc
CBaseDoor - func_door
CBaseDoor - func_door_rotating
CFunc_Dust - func_dustcloud
CFunc_Dust - func_dustmotes
CBaseEntity - func_fish_pool
CBaseEntity - func_flag_alert
CBaseEntity - func_flagdetectionzone
CFuncForceField - func_forcefield
CBaseEntity - func_guntarget
CBaseEntity - func_illusionary
CBaseEntity - func_ladderendpoint
CFunc_LOD - func_lod
CFuncMonitor - func_monitor
CBaseEntity - func_movelinear
CBaseEntity - func_nav_avoid
CBaseEntity - func_nav_avoidance_obstacle
CBaseEntity - func_nav_blocker
CBaseEntity - func_nav_prefer
CBaseEntity - func_nav_prerequisite
CBaseEntity - func_nobuild
CBaseEntity - func_nogrenades
CFuncOccluder - func_occluder
CFuncPasstimeGoal - func_passtime_goal
CBaseEntity - func_passtime_goalie_zone
CBaseEntity - func_passtime_no_ball_zone
CPhysBox - func_physbox
CPhysBoxMultiplayer - func_physbox_multiplayer
CBaseEntity - func_plat
CBaseEntity - func_platrot
CBaseEntity - func_powerupvolume
CPrecipitation - func_precipitation
CBaseEntity - func_proprrespawnzone
CBaseEntity - func_pushable
CFuncReflectiveGlass - func_reflective_glass
CBaseEntity - func_regenerate
CBaseEntity - func_respawnflag
CFuncRespawnRoom - func_respawnroom
CFuncRespawnRoomVisualizer - func_respawnroomvisualizer
CBaseEntity - func_rot_button
CFuncRotating - func_rotating
CFuncSmokeVolume - func_smokevolume
CBaseEntity - func_suggested_build
CFuncTrackTrain - func_tanktrain
CBaseEntity - func_tfbot_hint
CBaseEntity - func_trackautochange
CBaseEntity - func_trackchange
CFuncTrackTrain - func_tracktrain
CBaseEntity - func_train
CBaseEntity - func_traincontrols
CBaseEntity - func_upgradestation
CFuncLadder - func_useableladder
CBaseEntity - func_vehicleclip
CBaseEntity - func_wall
CBaseEntity - func_wall_toggle
CBaseDoor - func_water
CBaseEntity - func_water_analog
CBaseEntity - func_weight_button
CBaseFlex - funCBaseFlex
CBaseEntity - game_end
CBaseEntity - game_forcerespawn
CBaseEntity - game_gib_manager
CBaseEntity - game_intro_viewpoint
CBaseEntity - game_player_equip
CBaseEntity - game_player_team
CRagdollManager - game_ragdoll_manager
CBaseEntity - game_round_win
CBaseEntity - game_score
CBaseEntity - game_text
CBaseEntity - game_text_tf
CBaseEntity - game_ui
CBaseEntity - game_weapon_manager
CBaseEntity - game_zone_player
CAI_BaseNPC - generic_actor
NextBotCombatCharacter - ghost
CBaseAnimating - gib
CBaseEntity - gibshooter
CBaseGrenade - grenade
CBaseAnimating - halloween_fortune_teller
CHalloweenSoulPack - halloween_souls_pack
CTFHellZap - halloween_zapper
CBaseEntity - hammer_updateignorelist
CBaseEntity - handle_dummy
CHandleTest - handle_test
CHeadlessHatman - headless_hatman
CHightower_TeleportVortex - hightower_teleport_vortex
CBaseEntity - info_camera_link
CBaseEntity - info_constraint_anchor
CBaseEntity - info_hint
CBaseEntity - info_intermission
CInfoLadderDismount - info_ladder_dismount
CBaseEntity - info_landmark
CInfoLightingRelative - info_lighting_relative
CBaseEntity - info_mass_center
CBaseEntity - info_node
CBaseEntity - info_node_air
CBaseEntity - info_node_air_hint
CBaseEntity - info_node_climb
CBaseEntity - info_node_hint
CBaseEntity - info_node_link
CBaseEntity - info_node_link_controller
CBaseEntity - info_npc_spawn_destination
CBaseEntity - info_null
CBaseEntity - info_observer_point
CInfoOverlayAccessor - info_overlay_accessor
CParticleSystem - info_particle_system
CBaseEntity - info_passtime_ball_spawn
CBaseEntity - info_player_deathmatch
CBaseEntity - info_player_start
CBaseEntity - info_player_teamspawn
CBaseEntity - info_populator
CBaseEntity - info_powerup_spawn
CBaseEntity - info_projecteddecal
CBaseEntity - info_radial_link_controller
CBaseEntity - info_target
CBaseEntity - info_teleport_destination
CBaseEntity - infodecal
CSceneEntity - instanced_scripted_scene
CBaseAnimating - item_ammopack_full
CBaseAnimating - item_ammopack_medium
CBaseAnimating - item_ammopack_small
CBaseAnimating - item_armor
CBonusPack - item_bonuspack
CCurrencyPack - item_currencypack_custom
CCurrencyPack - item_currencypack_large
CCurrencyPack - item_currencypack_medium
CCurrencyPack - item_currencypack_small
CBaseAnimating - item_healthammokit
CBaseAnimating - item_healthkit_full
CBaseAnimating - item_healthkit_medium
CBaseAnimating - item_healthkit_small
CBaseAnimating - item_powerup_crit
CBaseAnimating - item_powerup_rune
CBaseAnimating - item_powerup_rune_temp
CBaseAnimating - item_powerup_uber
CBaseAnimating - item_sodacan
CCaptureFlag - item_teamflag
CCaptureFlagReturnIcon - item_teamflag_return_icon
CRopeKeyframe - keyframe_rope
CBaseEntity - keyframe_track
CBaseEntity - light
CDynamicLight - light_dynamic
CBaseEntity - light_environment
CBaseEntity - light_glspot
CBaseEntity - light_spot
CBaseEntity - logic_active_autosave
CBaseEntity - logic_auto
CBaseEntity - logic_autosave
CBaseEntity - logic_branch
CBaseEntity - logic_branch_listener
CBaseEntity - logic_case
CSceneEntity - logic_choreographed_scene
CBaseEntity - logic_collision_pair
CBaseEntity - logic_compare
CBaseEntity - logic_lineto
CBaseEntity - logic_measure_movement
CBaseEntity - logic_multicompare
CBaseEntity - logic_navigation
CBaseEntity - logic_proximity
CBaseEntity - logic_relay
CBaseEntity - logic_scene_list_manager
CBaseEntity - logic_timer
CObjectCartDispenser - mapobj_cart_dispenser
CMaterialModifyControl - material_modify_control
CBaseEntity - math_colorblend
CBaseEntity - math_counter
CBaseEntity - math_remap
CMerasmus - merasmus
CMerasmusDancer - merasmus_dancer
CBaseEntity - momentary_door
CBaseEntity - momentary_rot_button
CAI_BaseNPC - monster_furniture
CAI_BaseNPC - monster_generic
CMonsterResource - monster_resource
CBaseEntity - move_keyframed
CRopeKeyframe - move_rope
CBaseEntity - multisource
CBaseGrenade - npc_concussiongrenade
CBaseGrenade - npc_contactgrenade
CAI_BaseNPC - npc_furniture
CBaseGrenade - npc_handgrenade
CBaseEntity - npc_maker
CBaseEntity - npc_template_maker
CAI_BaseNPC - npc_vehicledriver
CObjectSapper - obj_attachment_sapper
CObjectDispenser - obj_dispenser
CObjectSentrygun - obj_sentrygun
CObjectTeleporter - obj_teleporter
CPasstimeBall - passtime_ball
CTFPasstimeLogic - passtime_logic
CBaseEntity - path_corner
CBaseEntity - path_corner_crash
CBaseEntity - path_track
CPlayerDestructionDispenser - pd_dispenser
CBaseEntity - phys_ballsocket
CBoneFollower - phys_bone_follower
CBaseEntity - phys_constraint
CBaseEntity - phys_constraintsystem
CBaseEntity - phys_convert
CBaseEntity - phys_hinge
CBaseEntity - phys_keepupright
CBaseEntity - phys_lengthconstraint
CPhysMagnet - phys_magnet
CBaseEntity - phys_motor
CBaseEntity - phys_pulleyconstraint
CBaseEntity - phys_ragdollconstraint
CBaseEntity - phys_ragdollmagnet
CBaseEntity - phys_slideconstraint
CBaseEntity - phys_spring
CBaseEntity - phys_thruster
CBaseEntity - phys_torque
CBaseCombatCharacter - physics_cannister
CBaseEntity - physics_entity_solver
CBaseEntity - physics_npc_solver
CPhysicsProp - physics_prop
CRagdollProp - physics_prop_ragdoll
CTFPlayer - player
CBaseEntity - player_loadsaved
CPlayerResource - player_manager
CBaseEntity - player_speedmod
CBaseEntity - player_weaponstrip
CBaseEntity - point_anglesensor
CBaseEntity - point_angularvelocitysensor
CBaseEntity - point_bonusmaps_accessor
CPointCamera - point_camera
CBaseEntity - point_clientcommand
CPointCommentaryNode - point_commentary_node
CSprite - point_commentary_viewpoint
CBaseEntity - point_devshot_camera
CBaseEntity - point_enable_motion_fixup
CBaseEntity - point_gamestats_counter
CBaseEntity - point_hurt
CBaseEntity - point_intermission
CBaseEntity - point_message
CBaseEntity - point_playermoveconstraint
CBaseEntity - point_populator_interface
CPoseController - point_posecontroller
CBaseEntity - point_proximity_sensor
CBaseEntity - point_push
CBaseEntity - point_servercommand
CBaseEntity - point_spotlight
CBaseEntity - point_teleport
CBaseEntity - point_template
CTesla - point_tesla
CBaseEntity - point_velocitysensor
CBaseEntity - point_viewcontrol
CBaseEntity - populator_internal_spawn_point
CBasePropDoor - prop_door_rotating
CDynamicProp - prop_dynamic
CDynamicProp - prop_dynamic_ornament
CDynamicProp - prop_dynamic_override
CPhysicsProp - prop_physics
CPhysicsPropMultiplayer - prop_physics_multiplayer
CPhysicsProp - prop_physics_override
CPhysicsProp - prop_physics_respawnable
CRagdollProp - prop_ragdoll
CRagdollPropAttached - prop_ragdoll_attached
CPhysicsProp - prop_soccer_ball
CPhysicsProp - prop_sphere
CBaseAnimating - prop_vehicle
CPropVehicleDriveable - prop_vehicle_driveable
CBaseAnimating - raggib
CRobotDispenser - rd_robot_dispenser
CBaseEntity - rope_anchor
CBaseEntity - scene_manager
CSceneEntity - scripted_scene
CBaseEntity - scripted_sentence
CBaseEntity - scripted_sequence
CAI_BaseNPC - scripted_target
CShadowControl - shadow_control
NextBotCombatCharacter - simple_bot
CBaseEntity - simple_physics_brush
CBaseAnimating - simple_physics_prop
CBaseEntity - sky_camera
CBaseEntity - soundent
CBaseEntity - spark_shower
CSpotlightEnd - spotlight_end
CBaseEntity - spraycan
CTFTankBoss - tank_boss
CBaseAnimating - tank_destruction
CBaseEntity - tanktrain_ai
CBaseEntity - tanktrain_aitarget
CBaseEntity - target_cdaudio
CBaseEntity - target_changegravity
CBaseEntity - te_tester
CBaseAnimating - team_control_point
CBaseEntity - team_control_point_master
CBaseEntity - team_control_point_round
CTeam - team_manager
CTeamRoundTimer - team_round_timer
CTeamTrainWatcher - team_train_watcher
CTeleportVortex - teleport_vortex
CBaseEntity - test_effect
CTest_ProxyToggle_Networkable - test_proxytoggle
CTestTraceline - test_traceline
CTFAmmoPack - tf_ammo_pack
CTFMiniGame - tf_base_minigame
CBonusDuckPickup - tf_bonus_duck_pickup
CTFPlayer - tf_bot
CTFDroppedWeapon - tf_dropped_weapon
CBaseEntity - tf_flame
CTFFlameManager - tf_flame_manager
CTFGameRulesProxy - tf_gamerules
CTFGasManager - tf_gas_manager
CTFGenericBomb - tf_generic_bomb
CTFGlow - tf_glow
CHalloweenGiftPickup - tf_halloween_gift_pickup
CBaseEntity - tf_halloween_gift_spawn_location
CTFHalloweenMinigame - tf_halloween_minigame
CTFHalloweenMinigame_FallingPlatforms - tf_halloween_minigame_falling_platforms
CHalloweenPickup - tf_halloween_pickup
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_arena
CBonusRoundLogic - tf_logic_bonusround
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_competitive
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_cp_timer
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_holiday
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_hybrid_ctf_cp
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_koth
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_mann_vs_machine
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_mannpower
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_medieval
CTFMinigameLogic - tf_logic_minigames
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_multiple_escort
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_on_holiday
CTFPlayerDestructionLogic - tf_logic_player_destruction
CTFRobotDestructionLogic - tf_logic_robot_destruction
CBaseEntity - tf_logic_training_mode
CMannVsMachineStats - tf_mann_vs_machine_stats
CBaseAnimating - tf_merasmus_trick_or_treat_prop
CTFObjectiveResource - tf_objective_resource
CTFWeaponPDAExpansion_Dispenser - tf_pda_expansion_dispenser
CTFWeaponPDAExpansion_Teleporter - tf_pda_expansion_teleporter
CTFPlayerResource - tf_player_manager
CBaseEntity - tf_point_nav_interface
CBaseEntity - tf_point_weapon_mimic
CTFPowerupBottle - tf_powerup_bottle
CTFProjectile_Arrow - tf_projectile_arrow
CTFBall_Ornament - tf_projectile_ball_ornament
CTFProjectile_BallOfFire - tf_projectile_balloffire
CTFProjectile_Cleaver - tf_projectile_cleaver
CTFProjectile_EnergyBall - tf_projectile_energy_ball
CTFProjectile_EnergyRing - tf_projectile_energy_ring
CTFProjectile_Flare - tf_projectile_flare
CTFProjectile_GrapplingHook - tf_projectile_grapplinghook
CTFProjectile_HealingBolt - tf_projectile_healing_bolt
CTFProjectile_Jar - tf_projectile_jar
CTFProjectile_JarGas - tf_projectile_jar_gas
CTFProjectile_JarMilk - tf_projectile_jar_milk
CTFProjectile_SpellLightningOrb - tf_projectile_lightningorb
CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile - tf_projectile_pipe
CTFGrenadePipebombProjectile - tf_projectile_pipe_remote
CTFProjectile_Rocket - tf_projectile_rocket
CTFProjectile_SentryRocket - tf_projectile_sentryrocket
CTFProjectile_SpellBats - tf_projectile_spellbats
CTFProjectile_SpellFireball - tf_projectile_spellfireball
CTFProjectile_SpellKartBats - tf_projectile_spellkartbats
CTFProjectile_SpellKartOrb - tf_projectile_spellkartorb
CTFProjectile_SpellMeteorShower - tf_projectile_spellmeteorshower
CTFProjectile_SpellMirv - tf_projectile_spellmirv
CTFProjectile_SpellPumpkin - tf_projectile_spellpumpkin
CTFProjectile_SpellSpawnBoss - tf_projectile_spellspawnboss
CTFProjectile_SpellSpawnHorde - tf_projectile_spellspawnhorde
CTFProjectile_SpellSpawnZombie - tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie
CTFProjectile_SpellTransposeTeleport - tf_projectile_spelltransposeteleport
CTFStunBall - tf_projectile_stun_ball
CTFBaseProjectile - tf_projectile_syringe
CTFProjectile_Throwable - tf_projectile_throwable
CTFProjectile_ThrowableBreadMonster - tf_projectile_throwable_breadmonster
CTFProjectile_ThrowableBrick - tf_projectile_throwable_brick
CTFProjectile_ThrowableRepel - tf_projectile_throwable_repel
CTFPumpkinBomb - tf_pumpkin_bomb
CTFRagdoll - tf_ragdoll
CTFRobotDestruction_Robot - tf_robot_destruction_robot
CTFRobotDestruction_RobotSpawn - tf_robot_destruction_robot_spawn
CTFRobotDestruction_RobotGroup - tf_robot_destruction_spawn_group
CBaseEntity - tf_spawner
CBaseEntity - tf_spell_meteorshowerspawner
CBaseAnimating - tf_spell_pickup
CBaseAnimating - tf_target_dummy
CTFTauntProp - tf_taunt_prop
CTFTeam - tf_team
CBaseEntity - tf_teleport_location
CTFViewModel - tf_viewmodel
CTFWeaponBase - tf_weapon_base
CTFBat - tf_weapon_bat
CTFBat_Fish - tf_weapon_bat_fish
CTFBat_Giftwrap - tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap
CTFBat_Wood - tf_weapon_bat_wood
CTFBonesaw - tf_weapon_bonesaw
CTFBottle - tf_weapon_bottle
CTFBreakableSign - tf_weapon_breakable_sign
CTFBuffItem - tf_weapon_buff_item
CTFWeaponBuilder - tf_weapon_builder
CTFCannon - tf_weapon_cannon
CTFChargedSMG - tf_weapon_charged_smg
CTFCleaver - tf_weapon_cleaver
CTFClub - tf_weapon_club
CTFCompoundBow - tf_weapon_compound_bow
CTFCrossbow - tf_weapon_crossbow
CTFDRGPomson - tf_weapon_drg_pomson
CTFFireAxe - tf_weapon_fireaxe
CTFFists - tf_weapon_fists
CTFFlameThrower - tf_weapon_flamethrower
CTFFlareGun - tf_weapon_flaregun
CTFFlareGun_Revenge - tf_weapon_flaregun_revenge
CTFGrapplingHook - tf_weapon_grapplinghook
CTFGrenadeLauncher - tf_weapon_grenadelauncher
CTFPistol_ScoutPrimary - tf_weapon_handgun_scout_primary
CTFPistol_ScoutSecondary - tf_weapon_handgun_scout_secondary
CTFWeaponInvis - tf_weapon_invis
CTFJar - tf_weapon_jar
CTFJarGas - tf_weapon_jar_gas
CTFJarMilk - tf_weapon_jar_milk
CTFKatana - tf_weapon_katana
CTFKnife - tf_weapon_knife
CTFLaserPointer - tf_weapon_laser_pointer
CTFLunchBox - tf_weapon_lunchbox
CTFLunchBox_Drink - tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink
CTFMechanicalArm - tf_weapon_mechanical_arm
CWeaponMedigun - tf_weapon_medigun
CTFMinigun - tf_weapon_minigun
CTFParachute - tf_weapon_parachute
CTFParachute_Primary - tf_weapon_parachute_primary
CTFParachute_Secondary - tf_weapon_parachute_secondary
CTFParticleCannon - tf_weapon_particle_cannon
CPasstimeGun - tf_weapon_passtime_gun
CTFWeaponPDA_Engineer_Build - tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build
CTFWeaponPDA_Engineer_Destroy - tf_weapon_pda_engineer_destroy
CTFWeaponPDA_Spy - tf_weapon_pda_spy
CTFPEPBrawlerBlaster - tf_weapon_pep_brawler_blaster
CTFPipebombLauncher - tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher
CTFPistol - tf_weapon_pistol
CTFPistol_Scout - tf_weapon_pistol_scout
CTFRaygun - tf_weapon_raygun
CTFRevolver - tf_weapon_revolver
CTFRobotArm - tf_weapon_robot_arm
CTFRocketLauncher - tf_weapon_rocketlauncher
CTFRocketLauncher_AirStrike - tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_airstrike
CTFRocketLauncher_DirectHit - tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_directhit
CTFWeaponFlameBall - tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_fireball
CTFRocketPack - tf_weapon_rocketpack
CTFWeaponSapper - tf_weapon_sapper
CTFScatterGun - tf_weapon_scattergun
CTFShotgun_Revenge - tf_weapon_sentry_revenge
CTFShotgunBuildingRescue - tf_weapon_shotgun_building_rescue
CTFShotgun_HWG - tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg
CTFShotgun - tf_weapon_shotgun_primary
CTFShotgun_Pyro - tf_weapon_shotgun_pyro
CTFShotgun_Soldier - tf_weapon_shotgun_soldier
CTFShovel - tf_weapon_shovel
CTFSlap - tf_weapon_slap
CTFSMG - tf_weapon_smg
CTFSniperRifle - tf_weapon_sniperrifle
CTFSniperRifleClassic - tf_weapon_sniperrifle_classic
CTFSniperRifleDecap - tf_weapon_sniperrifle_decap
CTFSodaPopper - tf_weapon_soda_popper
CTFSpellBook - tf_weapon_spellbook
CTFStickBomb - tf_weapon_stickbomb
CTFSword - tf_weapon_sword
CTFSyringeGun - tf_weapon_syringegun_medic
CTFWrench - tf_weapon_wrench
CTFWeaponBaseGrenadeProj - tf_weaponbase_grenade_proj
CTFWeaponBaseMelee - tf_weaponbase_melee
CTFWeaponBaseMerasmusGrenade - tf_weaponbase_merasmus_grenade
CTFWearable - tf_wearable
CTFWearableCampaignItem - tf_wearable_campaign_item
CTFWearableDemoShield - tf_wearable_demoshield
CTFWearableLevelableItem - tf_wearable_levelable_item
CTFWearableRazorback - tf_wearable_razorback
CTFWearableRobotArm - tf_wearable_robot_arm
CTFWearableVM - tf_wearable_vm
CZombie - tf_zombie
CBaseEntity - tf_zombie_spawner
CBaseEntity - training_annotation
CDynamicProp - training_prop_dynamic
CBaseEntity - trigger
CBaseEntity - trigger_add_or_remove_tf_player_attributes
CBaseEntity - trigger_add_tf_player_condition
CBaseEntity - trigger_apply_impulse
CBaseEntity - trigger_autosave
CBaseEntity - trigger_bot_tag
CBaseEntity - trigger_brush
CBaseEntity - trigger_capture_area
CBaseEntity - trigger_catapult
CBaseEntity - trigger_cdaudio
CBaseEntity - trigger_changelevel
CBaseEntity - trigger_gravity
CBaseEntity - trigger_hurt
CBaseEntity - trigger_ignite
CBaseEntity - trigger_ignite_arrows
CBaseEntity - trigger_impact
CBaseEntity - trigger_look
CBaseEntity - trigger_multiple
CBaseEntity - trigger_once
CBaseEntity - trigger_particle
CBaseEntity - trigger_passtime_ball
CBaseEntity - trigger_player_respawn_override
CBaseEntity - trigger_playermovement
CBaseEntity - trigger_proximity
CBaseEntity - trigger_push
CBaseEntity - trigger_rd_vault_trigger
CBaseEntity - trigger_remove
CBaseEntity - trigger_remove_tf_player_condition
CBaseEntity - trigger_serverragdoll
CBaseEntity - trigger_soundscape
CBaseEntity - trigger_stun
CBaseEntity - trigger_teleport
CBaseEntity - trigger_teleport_relative
CBaseEntity - trigger_timer_door
CBaseEntity - trigger_togglesave
CBaseEntity - trigger_transition
CBaseEntity - trigger_vphysics_motion
CBaseEntity - trigger_wind
CVGuiScreen - vgui_screen
CVGuiScreen - vgui_screen_team
CSlideshowDisplay - vgui_slideshow_display
CBaseViewModel - viewmodel
CVoteController - vote_controller
CWaterLODControl - water_lod_control
CWaterBullet - waterbullet
CWeaponIFMBase - weapon_ifm_base
CWeaponIFMBaseCamera - weapon_ifm_base_camera
CWeaponIFMSteadyCam - weapon_ifm_steadycam
CEconWearable - wearable_item
CBaseAnimating - wheel_of_doom
CBaseAnimating - wheel_of_doom_spiral
CBaseAnimating - window_pane
CBaseAnimating - world_items
CWorld - worldspawn

here's come the weird english
i actually used powerlord's datamaps.txt to search for some entities
and i will only added entity that won't crashes game or doesn't work in hammer editor
so don't expect meem to add all of them

usually all i do is going into a random server with sv_cheats, use ent_info to see if it exist and ent_create something like
ent_create tf_projectile_lightningorb basevelocity "0 0 1000" teamnum 2


May 12, 2013
Friendly reminder: Don't include the sound/sound.cache file in your VPKs. It doesn't break anything but it doesn't do anything either.