
CTF Haarp rc

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L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
Map testing today went great, everyone seemed to enjoy it. One thing on 3-2 their are steal doors that open outward like the ones on steel, that are just decor but you should make a side passage possibly using those doors or near that area to get into the point. That long hallway is way to easy for red.

Otherwise, love how its progressing.


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Played pretty well, major problem for me was the point 3-2 being too narrow and spammy, classes like scout and spy have no chance there, and the area in stage 2 between the cap points (2-2ish) was too hard for blue to stage.

I also think it may be a valid idea to put a forward spawn for red in each stage for the first cap point. Blue always seems to steam roll point 1, as red has to walk a long way with high spawn times.

Anyway a few things:

^I reckon a one way door for blue would be very useful in this section. That way blue engies can build a forward base and red will ahev a harder time flanking blue.


^this spawn for blue in stage 2 is too dark, lighten it up.


^This section seems to be too long range class friendly, and is difficult for blue to assualt from. Not sure what to change here though.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
I'm changing up the part between CP 2-1 and 2-2 next. It's been by far the worst part of the map. Thanks for the suggestions on it.

I'm still not sure what I'll do about stage 3 though. I've got some ideas but they may or may not make it to the next build.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
Sounds good, i would focus on 2-2 as of now since alot of time we dont even get to stage 3. This way you can test more of the map and get the earlier stages balanced to further test the later stages.

Overall the first stage is fantastic. Love the detail and layout.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
Aww i dont no how i am gonna manage. The happy face helps though.


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
Don't see Harry Potter, see Brüno, much better. :p

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
HAH I managed to do both. So tomorrow (or rather, today) you will see a10.

edit: the movie was good, well worth it.

Gameplay Changes:
-Red's spawn time is a tiny bit longer in stage 3.

Layout changes:
-More detailing. Please note that some new props are lacking skins for the moment.
-Changed one of the paths between CP 2-1 and 2-2. It should now be more difficult for Red to push Blue back.
-Widened the main path toward CP 2-2.
-Changed the upper path for blue into the grand hallway of CP 3-2. This modified path should be less spammy, and help Blue get a better vantage point on Red.


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
Great map as always, Dr. Spud. One of my favorite, if not my favorite, A/D CTF for the contest.

As always, here's some things in screenshot form for you!

I know you already know about this...

Outside 1-1 (I think), that window on the right is very dark. Dunno if that's a shadow or what.

I think you know about the rocks as well.

Outside 1-1 to the right.

This is 1-2, I had rocket jumped up on top of a light to run away from humiliation, and a demo sticky blasted me up even farther up. I think I was actually IN the ceiling or something (I thought I was dead, and my camera was just there, but I then got flared and died).

1-1, I am on top of the TVs on the point. Don't know if this is intentional, and it's not that useful of a spot, but thought I'd show ya anyway.

This is...somewhere (probably stage 1, in between the two points). The top pipes seem either in a shadow or skinned differently.

You can still build in that spawn. I have a teleporter on the right (incase you didn't see it).

This fence, on the left side of 2-1 isn't solid.

Only problem I got with it is that 2-2 still seems too RED friendly. On the last stretch of hallway that leads to the point, on the bottom, level with the point, maybe you could have a room embedded into it (maybe halfway through the hall). There could be a path that Blu could use to get down there that has a one-way door. Maybe that way Blu has a way of bypassing a sentry up top, but since it's right in the heart of enemy territory, red would no doubt defend that exit, so it still wouldn't be a breeze for Blu (but it might help them).


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
I'd like to add to the point about 2-2 where when given the time, engineers (we had 4 or 5) can totally block out blu by building multiple sentries.

There's only two paths for blu to enter, and the cap point is located at the back of the room with only one path entering (the main one) entering the point. Perhaps the area needs to be more open, or either moving the point forward to somewhere blu's two routes merges.

uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
First stage played really well, as good as any a/d ctf map I've played. Good detail work, too. Only bad note: spawn camp, ya know

2nd stage, even though the teams might have been a little lopsided, I think needs some work. 4 sentries up, and the only way to get at them is through the middle lane, but doing so opens you up for easy flanks from above. But we didn't even get that far, because that lane was always full of defenders (the spawn was very close)

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Thanks for all the info. As you know the map was super buggy this morning, so I'm going to fix all the exploits and try and run it again tonight.

We didn't get a good crack at 2-2 because most of our team was being teleported under the level. I'm going to see how these paths work for now, maybe make a tiny change for tonight.

The first stage was too hard though. I'm leaving it as is for the moment to see how it pans out with an extra minute added to the clock.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
I'm going to try and arrange a test for this later in the day.

Gameplay Changes:
-Blue now gets 5 minutes for capturing the first CP in a section (as opposed to only 4). Note that the timer maxes at 8 minutes.

Layout changes:
-The nasty bugs and exploits are fixed.
-Changed some health/ammo here and there. Notably, there is now a full health kit outside of CP 1-2, to encourage Blue to be more offensive.


L2: Junior Member
Jun 3, 2009
Wow, it has changed a lot since Alpha 1!

I must say this map is going on the right path to the victory. That is a real contest now, I can't wait to see it in the final battle with Premuda and Vector!

It is really awesome, keep up the good work!


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Alpha 11 already? Hahah I was playing 9 only a week ago :p can't wait to try it


L420: High Member
Aug 10, 2008
First stage is insanely difficult. Lessen the effectiveness of sentries in the first point by offering the offense some sort of advantage - the intel room is in a very cramped room so I believe that some kind of ventilation system similar to Turbine could provide an alternate route that could let Blu kill some sentries.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
Slight minor bug with a11's 2-1:

The gates from BLU's spawn don't open once setup ends. :eek:hmy: