
CTF Haarp rc

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Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
Some thoughts:

1. Love this map. Plays well, well detailed.
2. Seemed a bit RED-engy-campy
3. Outside the one-way gate for BLU on stage 1, you have metal beams that look like wooden beams... choose one or the other, no one supports a building with metal beams like that


Jul 14, 2009
1. You can stand on both sides of the window in the Red spawn, should be playerclipped imo (Screenie)
2. This door really looks usable. While not many players seemed to have noticed it, those who did almost always ran right into it. (Screenie)
3. This doorway on the other hand was hard to see (for me), I would never have noticed it if Blu players hadn't come out of it. (Screenie)
Aug 19, 2008
I really love how this is shaping out :)

In general i´d say it could be more straight forward, there are tons of corners, nooks, turns that overcomplicate the layout, but its tolerable
although i like the idea of the dispensing point, it seems to easy to get stuff build up and get the defenders back to full health
maybe use a reverse trigger-hurt, so you can control the dispensed health better and play with ordinary ammopacks and its respawntime

the route beneath the window is suicidal and hardly used, too easy for red to spam down

the turn on the top level to the cp is a clusterfuck, too many players on a too narrow bottleneck, double the width of the path maybe

no problem getting that point for blu, it´s too easy to encircle it and destroy all defenses

very spammy point, i think thats because red spawn and the cp are that close to each other

only played once, so can´t say much
the two wide paths leading up are long, you´d need to defend both sides with sentries, and those are easy to take out because the paths up aren´t cover by the sentries distance

stage 3 needs definately mor light, had a hard time to figure out what´s happening

good job so far


L1: Registered
Jul 13, 2009
i played on it last night a little bit, its a very good map so far i really like it, but one thing i noticed is that on the second stage going to the second point, when defense (sorry forgot the team... not good with stuff like that haha) comes out of spawn there is only one way to exit and it's pretty easy to be killed when leaving if there is a heavy-medic or soldier-medic pair across from it coming out of that little connector-room thing


Jan 6, 2008
You should probably mark the points with a control point plate or, preferrably, an intel stand. It was a little hard to see where the point was, regardless of the hazard strips. Speaking of this, the "dispensers" weren't very obvious, not to mention I don't really understand why they're there. All they do is make it more inviting to stay next to the point, which doesn't really sound good.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
You should probably mark the points with a control point plate or, preferrably, an intel stand. It was a little hard to see where the point was, regardless of the hazard strips. Speaking of this, the "dispensers" weren't very obvious, not to mention I don't really understand why they're there. All they do is make it more inviting to stay next to the point, which doesn't really sound good.

The models around the control points are completely temporary right now. I'm going to have custom computer terminals eventually. They will also make the dispensers more obvious. You won't see these models till the first beta probably.

The dispensers are there because I want to invite Red to stay on the points. It helps beat it into their heads that they can block captures.:)

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Double-post-update time! You want same-day delivery? I've GOT same-day delivery!

Based on today's gameday test (and stuff I've been thinking of over time), here's an update to improve balancing:

Gameplay Changes:
-Red's spawn time is now roughly 18 seconds for stages 1 and 2, and roughly 14 for stage 3.
-Blue's respawn time is now roughly 2 seconds for stages 1 and 2, and roughly 4 for stage 3.

Layout changes:
-modified the right hallway leading to CP 1-1 so that Red sentries don't see straight down it.
-added small health/ammo behind the fence near CP 1-2.
-widened the catwalk path to the right of CP 1-2.
-changed the area outside of Red's spawn in stage 2. It should now make it easier for them to get to the point, and harder for Blue to spawn camp.
-added a new room across the long hall from CP 2-2 which should give Blue a better angle on sentries.
-brightened up stage 3 a bit.
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L1: Registered
Jul 16, 2009
Definitely getting my vote too :)

This map, despite alpha status, is on the same level as Orange_x3, Balloon Race and Dustbowl (my other favourite maps :p)

Also I've found this map to be most fun with 3 or less players on each team, making it a perfect server filler. If you could do anything to scale down RED's respawn time when there aren't many players that would be awesome :D
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Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
This map, despite alpha status, is on the same level as Orange_x3


Ok, here's a hint: Don't ever compare a map to Orange_x3 here unless you're saying IT SUCKS. The majority of us hate... hate... HATE... that map. It is a disgrace to maps everywhere, how something that completely disregards class balance can be played by so many and overshadow the maps that have WORK put into them!

Sorry. Rant over. Haven't played A9, but I might suggest this to a server I play on, mostly because of the fact it doesn't get 4 new alphas a day and it has pretty good gameplay.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Sorry. Rant over. Haven't played A9, but I might suggest this to a server I play on, mostly because of the fact it doesn't get 4 new alphas a day and it has pretty good gameplay.

Unless that server is used to testing stuff I'd rather not get an alpha out into public use. It's low quality and all that.

I should - should - get a beta out within a few weeks.


L1: Registered
Jul 16, 2009

Ok, here's a hint: Don't ever compare a map to Orange_x3 here unless you're saying IT SUCKS. The majority of us hate... hate... HATE... that map. It is a disgrace to maps everywhere, how something that completely disregards class balance can be played by so many and overshadow the maps that have WORK put into them!

I know all that, but it is actually quite fun for the classes that are actually playable on it :p


L5: Dapper Member
May 11, 2009
You know, Darkimmortal brings up an interesting point. I think that the CTF maps work well with any number of people. I've had a few small playtest things with people, and somehow my map has held interested for a few rounds. (well, it depends on the number of SCOUT. I HATE THEM SO MUCH)

I haven't actually tried HAARP with less than a full server, so I'd be interested to see how it plays at half capacity.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
ive played it on cpt.angry's Cc server,and one thing i can say is extend block zones. esp on 2nd poitnts each stage.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
ive played it on cpt.angry's Cc server,and one thing i can say is extend block zones. esp on 2nd poitnts each stage.

The block zones are already much larger than the capture zones. Red can block anywhere within the hazard tape. If people stood within the hazard tape and it didn't block though, let me know what points that happened on. I haven't seen any bugs like that, but it's possible.


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
Played great, I really love how the map is coming along. My only complaint is BLU's inability to stage properly for CP2-2.