

L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Hey everyone.

I'm stepping down. In the past year you might have noticed I've been less active in my role as Senior Staff here, and that's because I was preparing to step down "after the next Jam" (which kept getting delayed). I've not been involved in any major moderation decisions or event planning since 2023, with the exceptions being Stack the Deck (which I originally was not going to be involved in) and the 2024 72hr Jam.

I joined the team as a Server Mod in 2017, became Staff in 2018, and became Senior Staff in 2020. In that time, I graduated both high school and college, met my current partner through TF2M, and helped raise over $66,000 for charity through the Jams. I've had a great time helping run TF2maps; I'll miss being able to torture you all with Microcontests and running the 72hr Jams! It's been an amazing experience, but the stress has finally gotten to me and running this place takes up too much of my time and effort, so I need to move on.

I'll still be around in the community, don't worry! Most of my recent work has been for Team Fortress 2 Classic as a developer, and I highly recommend you go check it out! I co-designed their new VIP Race gamemode and worked on all five maps in their most recent major update, and will be continuing my work there.

As is custom for Senior Staff stepping down, I'll be running a gameday with some of my favorite maps I've made in the near future. I currently have the fourth highest number of downloads on TF2maps, so it might be a bit before I figure out which I want to play!

It's been a pleasure serving you, TF2maps community. Thank you.

Your friend,
Eric "14bit" Crawford


Dec 9, 2023
Good luck and thanks for dealing with us for this long


Feb 15, 2015
Speaking as someone who's been around on-and-off in TF2Maps since 2015, I can say I really do appreciate all you've done for the community over the years. Microcontests led to me to create my first map I felt "happy" with (Astarte), and I don't know where my mapping would be without them. Best of luck in future :)