Exit spawn, turn right...


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jan 4, 2008
It amazes me how players are on auto pilot. I have been play testing my map, when red spawns from their firstt spawn, they need to go left. So, I put various signs indicating that. Including a huge red flashing sign (like Hydro's). Still, people run out, go right, then say "WTF I went the wrong way?!" :rolleyes:

Why is it that it's a natural tendency to exit spawn and turn right?


L10: Glamorous Member
Apr 12, 2008
Reminds me of zoolander, they can't turn to the left. However, there are obviously maps where you do that (hydro, 2fort, etc). So idk, people just need to learn things a bit better.


L3: Member
Nov 6, 2007
I always turn left when I come out of a blu spawn except for badlands.
Red I think I go right (dustbowl 1st and 2nd, goldrush 1-4 spawn)

Big Lou

L3: Member
Mar 17, 2008
Yes, people go right upon exiting a door. This goes back to two things: Human nature and survival and the theory of Gestalt.

It's actually really interesting stuff, and there's a lot of research in it. Humans tend to prefer paths leading to the right. Also, when someone steps through a doorway, they will immediately look from right-bottom to top-left. This is almost always true. Also, there have been studies with theme parks where when the gates open, most people go right, and thus the rides leading from left of the gates will have the shortest lines.

Nonetheless, I assume this transfers to the digital regard as well. I assume the best thing you can do is make it as obvious as possible, which it seems you have. Unfortunately, human nature is a beast to break.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
On official maps, as red, to get to your objective upon leaving the spawn:

Turn right:
  • Dustbowl stage 1, 2 and 3's shortcut exit.
  • Gravelpit heading to B (many people feel B is the only one worth defending, so leave here more)
  • Badlands when holding four points.
  • Well when holding four points.
  • Goldrush stage 1 (most people will go right because it's shorter than the tunnel to the left), stage 3's shortcut and primary spawn.
  • Steel defending B, D and E after D is lost.

Turn left:
  • Steel defending A and C.
  • Hydro when attacking blue's home point.
  • Granary when holding four points (left is shorter)

Negligible choice (left or right, straight, exit into large area, depends on role):
  • Hydro in all areas except the above.
  • Badlands when holding one, two or three points.
  • Granary when holding one, two or three points.
  • Well when holding one, two or three points.
  • Fastlane
  • Gravelpit heading to A or C.
  • Goldrush stage 2.
  • All three CTF maps.

So... when you have to go one way or the other (faced with a wall), it's usually right. Of the cases when it is left, Hydro and Granary account for a small fraction of the time one will play on the map as they are both the final point spawns that end the round pretty fast, and Steel as a whole has an even split between left and right.
Oct 6, 2008
LOL - I know what you mean!!!

On my map it's turn right if you want the shortcut to the pit of death - turn left if you want to live. 50 Blue players, time after time ran like lemmings into the pit repeatedly - ha ha
They would contiue even when I told them to go left on the microphone. Red players do no better they go out the right door even though there's three other exits.

Perhps I could offer another reason for this occurance - it's easier to move you mouse to the right with your wrist if you're right handed!!! LOL

Or maybe you can do it this way - have a spawn with a door on the right and the left then make the spawn points face each other those that go out the right door will be going right and those that go right out the left door will actually be going left. - hope that made sense :)

or you could put in a teleport - anyone who goes right ends up going left
Last edited:


L10: Glamorous Member
Feb 13, 2008
I still see people on Badlands Red ho goes to the wrong direction. Lol


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Also, when someone steps through a doorway, they will immediately look from right-bottom to top-left

That's because that's the way you open a door, you have no choice but to do that, if i'm not opening your typical rotating door then i usually look from left to right. How one reads a book even, i notice.

I've not really noticed this, though. Though it is interesting.


L420: High Member
Feb 3, 2008
Heh, I've noticed that I go left all the time in tributary if I'm not paying attention, and apparently, everyone else does as well. I'm thinking it has to do with the spawn layout because of this. I also find it akward to rotate my wrist right, but very natural to turn it left, perhaps I'm just weird that way :laugh:


L9: Fashionable Member
Sep 20, 2008
When going to battle people usually go to interesting area's like wide areas or places where you can see a big part of the map (what they think is the map).

When they look for shelter/protection they go to narrow areas and hug walls. (and when people go there they will search for health, so place them here).


You should walk through the valve maps and keep these things in mind and look how they made those things,

Captain Planet

L2: Junior Member
Oct 13, 2008
I really never tend to go mostly right or mostly left, i always know wich way i exit the spawn, and if i spawn on the left of the spawn, i mostly go out of it left, and if i spawn right, i mostly go out right.


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
On official maps, as red, to get to your objective upon leaving the spawn:
Turn right:

[*]Gravelpit heading to B (many people feel B is the only one worth defending, so leave here more)

B is to the left of the red spawn in gravelpit <_<, the left exit is faster and the way to B is left...in fact...while red i have never used the right spawn exit...


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
meh, for the most part the thread was about why people choose to go right when they have an option...that part isn't really an option...its more so "go right or run into a wall" though if this was an example of the conditioning people receive that causes them to go right in other situations i suppose it makes sense...but still

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
though if this was an example of the conditioning people receive that causes them to go right in other situations i suppose it makes sense...but still
That was the entire point of my post. Giving examples where you are forced (either through geometry or strategy) to go a given direction, thus conditioning people. ;)