Feedback Time! Prepare Yourselves:
-this prop is fully black
-displacement seam
-none of the supports in these caves seem to have any clipping, add some to smooth em out
-the dirt on the ramp doesn't mesh with the grass around it
-ceiling is really low here
-with how low the water is/how high the platforms are, it's difficult to get out of this lil area behind the boat in spawn. Easy to get into it though with how little space there is to move around the nearby platforms
-the pots could use some kind of sound effect when they break and give a player an effect
-dunno what could be done about this but for some classes, like solider, only the weapons go invisable player side, no idea if this happens for other players looking at them
-lil seam here
-fire from these braziers doesn't hurt players, while the green fire from the big ones does. Bit inconsistant
-fire from these also doesn't light huntsmen arrows which it probably should
-that rock in the background is rather obviously in the 3d skybox. Could use some basic geometry in the main map to help it transition better
-could use some better sewing on these displacments to help the texture flow better
-this is a rather sizable prop to lack collision in play space I get why it doesn't have collision but it's way too big to not be noticed
-shouldn't the sign on the boat be blu as well?
-black prop in this bush
-no visualizer on this door
-the water needs a better transition to the skybox. It's very easy to see where one stops and the other starts
-with how low the top of these columns are, it looks like I can explosive jump onto them, but I can't. It's a bit awkward.
-remove collision or clip the ammo/health indicator props
-these rocks are used alot and without collision. They are easy places to hide stickies which could be problematic
-floatin rock
-kinda odd how this banner is fully solid and doesn't let players walk under it. I know you can't do the real life thing of it being pushed out of the way as someone goes under but it still feels strange. Maybe disable collision for it or have the bottom part that's in play space ripped off so it doesn't get in the way
-all of these things sticking out of the walls could use a good clipping. Easy to get caught on em
-I can stand on a tiny ledge here
-the skull water is super metal, and that's awesome
-I'm not sure how well this model for the intel fits the theme of the map. While it's a great looking model, it doesn't exactly say "greek" to me
-the area in front of the boat has some of the same issues as the areas behind it, but now with a hurt trigger. Easy to fall in, difficult to get out. I also managed to get stuck under the wooden platform where I wasn't fully in the water enough to drown, but far enough in that I couldn't get out without dying
-this route could use a way to get up it when someone has the intel. Just a lil board ramp or something since you can't jump while in the "scared mode" the intel puts you in. As it is, only the outer path past mid lets players get around while in that state
-With how large these windows are, they could use some higher quality cubemaps for reflections or even just replaced with a non reflective window texture. It doesn't look great as it is atm
-these columns could use some clipping
-odd how the hanging lights don't have collisions while the banners in here do
-would be nice to have a lil board across this gap for getting across while scared with the intel. This is the shortest route between both bases and what players will want to use to cap
-this portal thing is really freakin' cool
-I like the tourism angle of the spawn rooms (that sign is hilarious) but the shirts leave a lot to be desired. The basic font of the text gives off the vibe of something quickly made in MS paint and just doesn't feel very TF2
-push out the clip brush so I can't stand on the edge of the counter
-I can get up on top of the platform on these columns but not on any of the others in the map. It's a bit inconsistent due to their height compared to playable space height
Lastly, I'm not huge on the green/purple lighting. I get why it's there and isn't as bad in game as it is in screenshots but I feel like it could be toned down a bit and still give off that otherworldly feel
That's all for now. While I can't say how the map plays yet and not sure about the lack of a timer, visually, it's pretty flipping awesome. The team for this project did a great job and should be proud of what they accomplished