
PL Corrode RC2

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Jan 20, 2010
Yeah, is it visible from anywhere else? If not I'd say just nuke it. No one will see it.

It's not, but I added the spinning fan and it's easier to see now.

Honestly, I tested to see how much of a difference performance-wise it makes and it adds like 1 fps (if that, I barely noticed any difference at all) if it was removed. I like little (or big in this case, I guess XD) details like this that you only notice by looking for them. I'll probably have quite a few of them in corrode. :)


Nov 1, 2009
Hey I was playing on the Sunday Gameday and I somehow spawned this spawn room but was locked in, i hope from the screenshots you can tell where I am:

Also while I was in there I noticed this weird effect the shallow water had, if you crouched in it the view of the water spilt and showed two different angles, i not doing great at explaining it so have another screenshot:

I had real trouble with fps on first outdoor section in this version(_a7) it was pretty unplayable.
Jan 20, 2010
I'm not sure how else to optimize the outside. It's a rather large open area, so it's not really that open to options. I'll see what I can do.

Also, the spawn room door still should've had a trigger to open. I tested A8 not too long ago and it worked fine for me. Did you try to go through the door?

As for the water effect, I think that's just TF2's water being TF2's water.


Nov 1, 2009
Yep, tried both doors twice and nothing, the doors didnt open and there was the noentry sprites. Had to use the explode command to get out, I also couldn't change class which I tried in case it respawned me in the current respawn room if that helps.
Jan 20, 2010
Yep, tried both doors twice and nothing, the doors didnt open and there was the noentry sprites. Had to use the explode command to get out, I also couldn't change class which I tried in case it respawned me in the current respawn room if that helps.

Was this after CP 1 was taken? As far as I know, it should only get super locked after CP 2 is taken. :p I'll check the entities to make sure.
Jan 20, 2010

Version: A8a

Corrode Screenshots - Does not include A8 screens
Corrode Changelog

Link to Map Download (BZ2)

Changes (Sorry, no images today :p) :

Added a rock by CP 1.
Fixed a HUGE sight-line by CP 3/4.
Made fan inside vent rotating.
Added some health and ammo around CP 3.
Added a small room by CP 3 for engies.
Made the set-up door to the left of CP 3 one way for blue after CP 3 is taken. (This is an experiment. Not sure if it will stay.)
Added a window to see outside red's second spawn by CP 4.
Jan 20, 2010
I finally managed to get into your map. Had to set dxlevel to 90 for the TF2 not to freeze though. dxlevel 81 - map no work.

No idea why that is. Really sorry about that. I'll ask around and see why that would happen.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
perhaps one of the custom models is missing some info/data for dx8 compatibility?


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 9, 2009
similar problems happened with moonshine due to swamp water. Fallback textures for water, methinks
Jan 20, 2010

Version: A9b

Corrode Screenshots - Does not include A9b screens
Corrode Changelog

Link to Map Download (BZ2)

Changes (Click Images for bigger sizes):

Removed another rock by CP 1.
Moved the broken Silo by CP 1.

Detailed a room by CP 2.

Fixed the doors by CP 3 so they open at the correct time.

Clipped stairs by CP 4.

Added signs around CP 4 to help navigation.

Made another hole in the cylinder around CP 4.