The layout is not really confusing, but as i said, it is swiss cheese, there is a lot of routes, some of them do nothing, some of them take your right behind the enemy lines, all the fights become messy and there is no real flow. Ever since a1 map had problem where you pretty much could be attacked from anywhere, cp2 and last cp are great examples of this, where there is easy to use route with a lot of cover taking your right behind the enemy and then spreading even more routes for you to use, it is not fun, it is annoying and can easily fuck weaker classes over.
CP1 is also easy to defend, the spawn is really close and red gets a lot of height difference over blue once they reach the area, this is the only part of the map where there is no any routes to successfully flank enemy and it is only area that really could use something like this. This problem gets worse once blue manages to cap first point, then red has a lot of height difference and there is a lot of routes all around the map, most leading behind the enemy and begin really easy to use, resulting the fight just becomes a one big mess, there is no real focus, it just is messy, leading to the problem from start of this post.
Why are you trying to always shoot down negative feedback coming from here? No offense, but you don't even bother to join any of the tests on the map and we are repeating same issues from version to version, i think it is time to just step back and think this again, the layout needs a lot of work and testing and you need to stop detailing the map, because it is not really ready for beta, not at this state.
(Sorry if this seems too much a rant)
CP1 is also easy to defend, the spawn is really close and red gets a lot of height difference over blue once they reach the area, this is the only part of the map where there is no any routes to successfully flank enemy and it is only area that really could use something like this. This problem gets worse once blue manages to cap first point, then red has a lot of height difference and there is a lot of routes all around the map, most leading behind the enemy and begin really easy to use, resulting the fight just becomes a one big mess, there is no real focus, it just is messy, leading to the problem from start of this post.
Why are you trying to always shoot down negative feedback coming from here? No offense, but you don't even bother to join any of the tests on the map and we are repeating same issues from version to version, i think it is time to just step back and think this again, the layout needs a lot of work and testing and you need to stop detailing the map, because it is not really ready for beta, not at this state.
(Sorry if this seems too much a rant)
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