
CP caldera test1a


L5: Dapper Member
May 11, 2009
Btw, the spawn for stage 3 apparently only had one exit. That's weird, but it didn't stop BLU either way because the point was practically on their doorstep. I think E should be a little farther away, and the spawn should have 3 exits or so.

There were actually 3 exits, but 2 of them you had to get to via a staircase behind you and no one noticed these but me, apparently?

So, obviously you should fix this, because I never saw anyone else use those exits.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
yea,ive rotated spawnpoint to make that stair more obvious in a15b


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
July 17 Friday gd revealed some issues and some part that can be further tuned. so here is a second quick fix'n'tune release of alpha15: cp_caldera_a15b



-env_tonemapcontroller added
-furthere decreased filesize

PointA and bluspawn stage1:
-spawnpoints moved outside dam
-closed dam and wooden tunnel
-spawnroom entity extended

PointB and redspawn stage1:
-new route added from lower cave to upper to help attackers

-remived unnececery collision models
-improved perfomance in tunnels

PointC and bluespawn stage2:
-added new area for blu soldiers\demo\sniper that can use height advantage
-re-made inside part tower-building
-added brighter lights and some more details
-fixed too dark areas
-fixed wrong overlays
-removed unused building and side route

pointE and bluspawn stage3
-rotated spawnpoints to make upper passage more obvious
increased captime from 4.5 to 6 sec

pointF and redspawn stage3
-added big F sing
-removed overlit spawn light
decreased captime from 10 to 6 sec


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Mar 31, 2009
Ive played this map, a few times and I really love it, Haven't tried the last stage yet ingame however. But I took a flyby and I have to say I really love your lava texture and how you animated it over a displacement. I'm doing a lava theme and I never thought of mapping the texture onto a giant displacement, I have to borrow that idea ;P. I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing your lava texture with me, I really like it and I want to see how well it compares to the current lava I am using in pl_magma. Lastly would you mind sharing the color value and all that good stuff of the lighting you used around the lava? I would love to try that out too. I know im asking for a lot but it would be extremely helpful.


L1: Registered
Nov 28, 2008
Lol this is named after a city in Morrowind.

But yeah, this map does look very promising. I'll head in and see what can be done with gameplay-wise edits.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
Ive played this map, a few times and I really love it, Haven't tried the last stage yet ingame however. But I took a flyby and I have to say I really love your lava texture and how you animated it over a displacement. I'm doing a lava theme and I never thought of mapping the texture onto a giant displacement, I have to borrow that idea ;P. I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing your lava texture with me, I really like it and I want to see how well it compares to the current lava I am using in pl_magma. Lastly would you mind sharing the color value and all that good stuff of the lighting you used around the lava? I would love to try that out too. I know im asking for a lot but it would be extremely helpful.

lava is yours, check PM ::p:

Lol this is named after a city in Morrowind.

But yeah, this map does look very promising. I'll head in and see what can be done with gameplay-wise edits.

thx) this current version will be on Sunday,19 gameday as second map at 11.30 CDT or 17.30 UK summertime
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008

This was above your spawn exit. I'm sure you know your map better than the rest of us to be able to tell where it is.

Also in this same spawn room, people were getting kinda annoyed by the pit of death inside the spawn area where one would usually be led to assume they were safe from harm. It may look nice and provide an entertaining scenario to walk through, but it doesn't seem necassery inside one's spawn. I didn't fall in myself and the death signs were a helpfull, if not small, hint. But i can only imagine the annoyance of dying, spawning, then dying again inside ones own spawn no less.

This same stage had a couple balance issues with the last CP as you were made aware (i think). The distance to walk was fairly large and it wasn't until our team got an tele up to get to the front quicker we were able to make a dent in the defences (coupled with a couple lucky incursions). The success of any one attack seemed to depend on which entryway the Red team were currently checking on. The number of entrances seemed plenty and it wasn't necasserily a geometry issue. But i would say delay the Red respawn time by perhaps ~2 seconds. Blu's spawn time was adequite. Provided the Blu team was acting appropriately (working as a team (managed to get a tele or 2 up)) the map was pretty fun to play.

Also i would recommend clipping a lot of your detail work. I was constantly getting stuck on props.


This sign was an annoying culprit. It's pretty low and you can get caught behind it, under it or just on it.


I'm not sure what your intentions were here but at times people just seemed to be jumping into it.


And of course this in Blu spawn.

edit: Oh, and please atleast put some small ammo packs around the final point. The engineers seemed to get some equipment up effectively, but i personally was running out of ammo and having to run back to spawn to stock up. I heard several of the heavies reaching the end of their ammo *click click click* sounds as well.
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L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
about 2nd,3rd and 4th screen,we already fixed that in newer dev-version,but still thx)

about first one..we are now making some dramatic changes to entire stage2,moving C to be more defended (not defendable as it was,just red team never was on the point actually defending), this will also cause reducing travel-time and more linear layout. about D,we are planning smth,but it ist scetched up yet so i wont tell ya now

thx for the feedback!


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
one small screenshot part that makes a difference


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008

I got this updated but it got played on the older version before I had a chance.

thx))) btw,i recomend to remove a15b if it was not tested yet. a16 i somming soon and a15b was just a quick tune of a15a,so no reason,let it be a15a


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
first two screens from upcomming alpha16, which will feature new point C (stage2 cap1), lots of changes to stage2 and mb to stage3

Cinnamon Whirl

L1: Registered
May 9, 2008
played this at game day testing. Seemed to go down well. I had one pet peeve though:

Water Death Trap!

Your level is very complex (good for suicidal defence pyros like me), and that complexity means players want to explore, look for new ways round the map etc. Which is great! But then - Water Death Trap! - which does exactly the opposite - punishes explorers with instadeath and a 14 sec respawn.

Please change it. Fence it off, make it lava (obvious trap) anything!


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
well..we rly wanted it to be there..

but s we hear one or two players complaining about it on all testings im gonna nlock it out now,so it will be unavalible in a16


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
I didn't get a chance to remove a15b so it got tested anyway.

kk,thx anyway) i asked to remove it cuz we found annoying bluspawn "angled spawn" bug. sorry for this version-change. i hope you can still remain a15a for further testings


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
to all whos watching. after some discussion and arguing we decided to hold a16 release not to create alpha-spam and mostly to fix ALL of issues and not only some of em. so i guess a16 wont be on GD this week.

on bright side, we already blocked new point C and C-D passages. and sketched new E (thats true shaar ^^)

so just wait abit

EDIT: for those who ever played, here is the layout of new point C:

EDIT2: well guys,im leaving till july 31st. till then Shaar wil lcarry on developing map and i just want to show you one last screenshot of new point C i was working on lately,enjoy


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Looking good, still yet to play this map though :(
Anyway just a few visual nit-picks, as I said over steam i think the displacement roofs on the "C" buildings look a bit... oddd. Also I would add some more grass alpha to the ground:)