Here I come with alot of graphical bugs screenshots

There are some weird looking crates that if you are far away from them, they look like black, and if you're close, they look normal.
In one area of a spawn, you can build buildings but in the rest of spawnroom you can't.
I was jumping around and found that there's some ceiling prop that isn't solid.
There's a spawn where you can't change classes without dying
There's a place where there are 2 dirt overlays on eachother, not sure if it's supposed or bug.
Where there's lava in some glass box, it looks kinda weird.
You have put some lights too close to the walls, move them a bit away from the wall, otherwise it looks a bit weird.
In one spawn you could jump up here, don't think you're supposed to.
Some guy got under the map, Not sure how though
Those windows are a bit weird, They look like you can shoot through them, but you actually can't
There's a texture behind you in one spawn that looks very stretched and weird.
Some wood things look very thin.
The water looks like it coming out from the bottom of it instead of from the holes.
There's some weird thing sticking out in one vent.
In one spawn, the resupply area have very bright lights.
This window doesn't open after setup is done.
I think you used the wrong metal texture on one metal door
That's all graphical bugs I found, otherwise it looks nice.