
  1. GPLHG1572

    koth Sky BattleField v1

    just first my creation of the koth map And this is a wip
  2. The Default Guy

    york v2_1

    Made a few CS:GO maps but never a TF2 map. Very WIP for now. Will decide on the name once I decide the aesthetic or theme of the map.
  3. potatoesepic

    Avenue a1

    THIS MAP IS A WORK IN PROGRESS Avenue is a CTF mixed with attack / defend where there is only one flag both teams are trying to get. To score, one team must take the intelligence from the middle of the map and bring it to the enemy base. When one team scores 3 points, they win. Why is it...
  4. Sympathetic

    cp_toplar a4_2

    My first attempt at making a proper 5cp map, and an exploration of the farm theme. The look of the theme will be inspired more by architecture and environment in my own homeland. Gameplay-wise I'm going more towards classic tf2 maps, but with open areas to spare. Current version: alpha2
  5. AuraBraixen_4412

    ctf_storehouses a2

    My first actual map that I've made. Made out of the desire to make a mostly indoor map that...well, didn't suck? Well, I'm not sure if it does suck or not. But either way, I hope you guys enjoy my attempt at map making. (See Updates Tab)
  6. Drages Nolya

    cp_brigiecity_a1 a1

    wip Attack Defense Map with a city theme
  7. TheFluffycart

    CTF_Drainage a2

    The work in progress version of Drainage. The map is coming along somewhat, but I still need to add a few things. To be added: Spawn rooms Testing and Feedback
  8. Azuroles

    koth_smallroom A4

    Soon gonna make this better! :engieyay:
  9. TheFluffycart

    WIP KoTH Stationed b1

    Have fun in a King of The Hill map based on a subway station. As of right now, it is in early beta, and ready to be textured. If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear them and see what I can do!
  10. TheFluffycart

    CP Flood a2

    Originally a water treatment plant, (Map name here) was brought down to the minor title of a battlefield. This map is still VERY early in development, and as such, still has a lot of work needed to be done. Updates to come: -Add health kits, ammo, and limit sentry camping points with nobuild...
  11. Conga Dispenser

    cp_Radiant A3

    2 of 3-4 control points I plan on making
  12. Frantic

    cliffhanger a1

    This is my first map. I have no clue what I'm doing. Hopefully it plays well. Try it out I guess... Maybe I'll finish it at some point.
  13. TheFluffycart

    KoTH Mine a2

    Have you ever wanted to play a map so bad and unfair, that's it's funny? Then here is this dumpster fire for your enjoyment. This is a WIP map, and for ghits and shiggles, I slapped a point in, and released this. The main point is to see the theme, and get opinions
  14. RevolutionTeam

    [Payload] Desert Dazzle A2

    PL_DESERT_DAZZLE A map inspired by Badwater. BLU discovered RED's three part plan to mind-control Saxton Hale into promoting RED's new video game company; RED (Reliable Entertainment and Design)... because why not? Now BLU has to destroy RED's radio array before the plan goes into action... by...
  15. Tango

    Tango's Thrift 'n' Value Store™ is now [OPEN]

    PUBLIC NOTICE: STORE CLOSING; ALL ITEMS IN STORE ARE NOW FREE Unfortunately due to alleged health and safety violations Tango's Thrift 'n' Value Store™ will be closing and all items on the store shelves are yours for the taking...
  16. Red Hen

    koth_steelground a6

    This map is in it's first stage, pretty much only dev textures, so it's stripped down to only gameplay, and that is because I want to first get the gameplay right and then the asthetics. After it gets playtested I will definitely keep updating it.
  17. Yoshark

    Multi Stage cp_nuzzles s3_a1

    Development name, not finalized. A multi-staged A/D map with only one layout section developed. Going for a dustbowl style of map, but less chokey and more fun. Yes I know its a bit over detailed for an alpha, I initially started work on this as primary a detailing project rather than gameplay.
  18. not ded

    koth_shippen_a1 2018-11-27

    This is an abandoned submarine military base set in the Antarctica,deep in the ground,ice and partially in the ocean.Our nine mercenaries will have fight the other team to get the EPIC VICTORY ROYALE and regain control of the base This is my first map,sorry for my brushwork and lighting,but...
  19. freedom

    cp_tangerine a3FIX

    5cp TANGERINE Welcome to Tangerine! As you may have guessed, this map resembles orange. But only by name and gamemode. I wanted to imitate what made Orange good but eventually just made a map nothing like it! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Walkthrough
  20. B

    koth_gamingtime A1

    A king of the hill map where two teams fight over the 2nd most important resource in the world... developer textures. This is my first completed map. Feedback is appreciated.