This is one of my first maps I've created in hammer. The map is not near being finished, this is just an early version of it (I plan on expanding the map with some new areas, or redoing some parts of it and also add much more detail). If anyone decides to test it out I'd appreciate feedback and...
My first attempt to make a deathrun map.
- buckets
- merasmus
Hipster_Duck - jumppad trap prefab
Mayann Team - mayann textures
other people - other stuff that i have no idea if they are custom or not (silly me)
Any feedback would be very much appreciated!
Reference: V V V
download link: V V V
-current state: vsh map-
I started this project a few years ago but I cannot really call myself a mapper. When it comes to detailing, it doesn't take long for me to get bored.
There are no mechanics set up in the...
I need to create launch pads for my VSH (versus saxton hale) map. So far I've only got trigger push brushes, but those only work reliably when going straight up. I need a launch pad that can send players far, and fast, towards a direction.
I want ones like the single one in vsh_spaaaaace, if...
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