
  1. Heili

    NoderNaeta's mapping lessons

    I want to share what I've learned with you all. Every lesson will teach anyone step by step how to build something otherwise complicated. I'm not going to introduce specific entities as a lesson, I'd like to focus on exercising Hammer skills to provide for teaching people. I guess below is all I...
  2. Tango

    How to Make Good Screenshots on Crappy Computers!

    Hey all, This is a technique I use and suggest for screenshots for people with underpowerd hardware that cant handle high Settings. . Ill be brief, its a single command that everybody should know: host_timescale If you set host_timescale lower than 1 your performance will increase drastically...
  3. teamwork.tf

    [Tutorial] How to get notifications when there are people playing on a specified TF2 gamemap?

    I hear many stories about the fact that people like to play on custom/old TF2 maps, but they can't ever find a populated community server to play on. Usually time is of the essence here, as we all live in different timezones and not everyone wants to play on custom maps these days. In this...
  4. teamwork.tf

    I've done nothing but generate map screenshots in the last month [map screenshots dataset]

    Hi all, I've done nothing but generate map screenshots for this game called "Team Fortress 2" in the last month. The result is a dataset of screenshots of the spectator cameras and level overviews from 11.029 gamemaps. To be more specific; it contains screenshots of every spectator camera in...
  5. Mikroscopic

    Quick Tip: EZ Crops for War Paint previews

    Here's a neat trick I learned for getting transparent-background shots of weapon models for custom war paints using the ingame weapon preview. What we need to do is use layer blending modes in an image editor such as Photoshop or GIMP to create an alpha mask that can cancel out the background...
  6. Ruthacury

    How to Add a Custom Skybox to Your TF2 Map

    Step 1: Create 6 images for each surface of your skybox. The dimensions of each image should be powers of 2, common values and 512 x 512, however use 1024 x 1024 for a higher quality skybox. Step 2: Go here (http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?c=178) and download VTFEdit, once...
  7. Ruthacury

    How to Add a Custom Skybox to Your TF2 Map

    Step 1: Create 6 images for each surface of your skybox. The dimensions of each image should be powers of 2, common values and 512 x 512, however use 1024 x 1024 for a higher quality skybox. Step 2: Go here (http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?c=178) and download VTFEdit, once...
  8. 14bit

    Setting Up the 72 Hour Stream Countdown Clock

    How to Use the 72 Clock in Your OBS Studio Stream Have you ever wanted to use that fancy countdown clock made by @Geit that All The Cool Streamers™ are using these days? Of course you do! This handy guide will help you set up and customize your very own stream countdown in OBS Studio. THE 2024...
  9. Kryonimus

    Where can I find a well-defined tutorial on setting up 5cp game logic?

    The title says it all.
  10. AlexCookie

    [Video] How to pack custom content with VIDE

    could be better
  11. MrHatlf

    MvM Popfile Syntax w/ Notepad++

    Based off the forum post located here, and thanks to Turbo Lover for finding the original thread. All credit goes to Deanykong. So the thread above is a little bit dated, and I didn't feel like necroing that thread while the OP had false information. Here is how to have highlighted syntax in...
  12. medli20

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Big pack o' art (plus an art prompt)

    Yeah so I actually did a lot of small things during the 72 hour Jam instead of one big thing. First, I started (what will be) a weekly drawing prompt on /r/tf2 that will be designed to teach others how to improve their artwork. Then I drew a doofy-looking Saxton Hale: after that I drew a...
  13. BigfootBeto

    [Tutorial] How to Make a Brick/Rubble Pile

    After searching for a tutorial such as this one to no avail, and after finally figuring it out, I have to decided to make the tutorial myself to help anyone that wants to make a pile of bricks/rubble. The following tutorial will go over how to make rubble piles with bricks such as the ones...
  14. Dr. Orange

    Halloween Boss Tutorial

    I originally wrote this tutorial for the Valve Developer Community, but considering it's very much so TF2 related, I thought it may be worth it to post it here as well. The tutorial on the VDC can be found here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Team_Fortress_2_Halloween_Bosses Team...
  15. Benoist3012

    How to use Monoculus's vortex in your map.

    Hello today I'm going to introduce you to teleport_vortex entity and hightower_teleport_vortex. Part 1: teleport_vortex (CTeleportVortex) But what is teleport_vortex ? It's an entity dispatched by Monoculus upon teleporting away around the map, (the purple vortex attracting you in it), upon...
  16. Mikroscopic

    How to Make A 2D Skybox Texture from Scratch

    Today I’m going to teach you one of the methods I used to make a custom skybox from scratch, without just changing the brightness or saturation of an existing skybox texture. In order to do this, you’ll need to know a bit of the basics about using a 3d modeling program. I use Blender, but the...
  17. Corvatile

    [GUIDE] How To Make Dirt Roads

    Hiya. This is a pretty simple technique but it wasn't obvious to me at all when I was starting out mapping and I couldn't find tutorials on it anywhere else so I thought I might as well make one. You know those neat wiggly roads you see on a lot of official maps? Roads like this: Here's how...
  18. Erk

    Hey, this title is really generic.

    Hi, my name's Erk, and I've been addicted to making maps in Hammer. I've been doing this for around a month now, and I've made approximately zero maps I am proud of. I think I've got the basics down. I don't get leaks as much, I know how to skip (mostly), and I can utilize props correctly...
  19. nickybakes

    How To Map Like A Badass

    I present to you the tutorial you have always wanted and needed, even if you didn't know you needed it. By watching this tutorial, you will gain the expertise on the action of creating maps for Team Fortress 2 like a cool kid. I put a lot of time and effort into this, I hope you learn something...
  20. MaccyF

    [TUTORIAL] Blender and the Source Engine

    Introduction After numerous requests and questions posed in the group chat (not specifically directed to me), it seems high time that someone took a hold of the situation and created a fully fledged tutorial for modelling for the source engine using Blender. Please note that this tutorial...