
  1. hurtcules

    Koth_RocketIsland A1

    Very early playable build of Koth_RocketIsland Core Design features - Symmetrical map design - Spawn room windows, facing each other - Water surrounding level - Multiple spawn room path flows Players fight for control on an island rocket base disguised as a lighthouse marine bay. Red and blue...
  2. Flipy

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Moonblast_bonus A1_reupload

    A koth/pass hybrid of my original koth_moonblast submission Link to the original koth version vvvvvv Which team will get to get credit for blowing up the moon and become world famous? Neither, as blowing up the moon will unleleash a...
  3. Flipy

    Moonblast A6

    Which team will get to get credit for blowing up the moon and become world famous? Neither, as blowing up the moon will unleleash a horrible chain of events that dooms humanity, but what else are they going to do with this missile? Both red and blu teams battle it out on this asteroid base that...
  4. nickybakes

    Meme Machine RC 4

    The winner of the April Fools 2016 Mini Contest, I present to you Pd Meme Machine, a mirrored, symmetrical player destruction map! Kill enemies, collect fuel units, and deploy them at the fuel station to launch the rocket! Once a team finishes capping all of the fuel units, they must capture the...
  5. R

    Manngrove rc

    Manngrove Marsh (PL) (Release Candidate) by Reid "R!ghteous" Hansen Email: Currently: Release Candidate 5 Overview: As the payload plods its course through Manngrove Marsh you can rest assured it's going to be a bumpy ride. The focus of this map is to provide...
  6. EArkham

    Skyward b2

    Reservifying the name. for the STAR_ contest! According to googlefu, there's a quake map by the same name, but I'm not worried about it since that's a different game. Version B2 -- Corrected various issues based on feedback. Now on the TF2 Map Workshop: KOTH SKYWARD B2
  7. MangyCarface

    Wildfire rc

    CTF Wildfire: now even more likely to BLOW YOU AWAY Theme is dark northwestern; a forest fire crackles in the distance. Wildfire is a rather simple CTF map focusing on strong combat arenas broken up by arches to prevent unfair sticky escapes. The game mode is simpler than atrophy's: Flags on...