
  1. Yrr

    Outflow b4

    A 3-point steel-like map themed on an industrial plant on the coast. Check out Outflow on the workshop!
  2. Aapelikaeki

    High And Low 2018 - Aapelikaeki Final

    Aapelikaeki's High and Low 2018 entry. A tall technological BLU base near the ocean with clean corridoors and messy construction sites and server rooms. Credits Freecity Texture Pack https://gamebanana.com/textures/download/3820 Construction Theme Pack...
  3. T

    Tug O' War A7

    The saga of Red and Blue fighting over meaningless things continues as they have a "tug of war" over which direction a "tug boat" circles. Pun extremely intended :p . Gameplay revolves around getting on and capturing a moving boat with a koth point on it. Capture the point and it circles...
  4. eighttailedfox

    Mein Mines a5

    Mein Mines is a TugOWar payload map. Set on a small island, once used as a supply base for the Mercs. It's become a hotspot of war. Red vs Blu. Winner takes the supplies. Gamemode Entity work provided by fubar Custom Models from the Frontline Pack.
  5. Clone5184

    Beach Walk A10

    I started work on this map at an ID Tech camp in 2016. After sitting on a flash drive for nearly a year, I decided to pick it up again, and try to finish it/add polish. This map takes place along the coastline of some city, somewhere. Red has a factory that's spewing chemicals into the Ocean...
  6. CassiePumpkins

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Luxury v1a

    My entry for the Winter 2017 72 Hour Jam. It's a Koth map taking place on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. It's a bit small, and not that great to play on in my opinion, and I guess I kinda knew that would happen going in, so I made sure the map was atleast nice to look at in some...
  7. Simulacron

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Cliffharbor b3_reuploaded

    This is my entry to the 72h summer jam of 2016. It's my first detail map ever, that uses the frontline assets and takes place on a military habor of the blu team. Rescources used: Frontline pack: here Abs mapping rescource pack: here
  8. Illius

    pl_sunsetbaytown A12_A

    [Name Pending] My first map, where BLU pushes a cart alongside and through a sea-side town, complete with Lighthouse and mid-town Clocktower. What is it? A 4 point, Single Stage Payload map traversing through this town. Point A: A quick bend around the road that follows the sea, just before a...
  9. Mathyaz

    wharfcrane a6b

    Welcome! Thanks for viewing my map! This my very first map, both in terms of creation and publication. I'd appreciate as much feedback as possible throughout this experience. I would like to put out thanks to hutty, TheDarkerSideofYourShadow, and the Bulletcrops Project for custom assets like...