
  1. goem

    koths_sittin a4

    A small-ish map that's wider than it is long. Three points, 6:00 timer. More points = faster clock. Previously rd_resource. Barn point gives advantage to defenders on the control point, as it is the highest ground and is hard to attack. Bridge point is neutral and open, not favoring either...
  2. vanSulli

    Hybrid Payload Logic Prefab

    This is a prefab for hybrid cp/payload maps, as used in @tyler 's Fountain. It plays like an Overwatch hybrid map: Capture the first point, and then push the payload to its destination. To fit with TF2's theme and HUD, the cart is on an elevator that raises up as the first point is capped.
  3. HeroWolfMod

    Friendly Fire Logic 2019-08-05

    Engineer saves Soldier from a enemy Spy by applying our beloved game's logic with collisions.
  4. Maid

    Maid's Payload Circuit Prefab v3

    The logic used for the gamemode in plr_snowthistle. Both carts are on a single circular track, and a team wins by catching up to and ramming their cart into the enemy team's cart, resulting in a wonderful explosion and some silly physics. This is a modification of 14bit's original PLR Circuit...
  5. pasqually

    Moving KOTH Control Point Help

    Hello, all. I'm very new to Hammer and mapping in general (and I know that trying to run before I can crawl is not the best idea) but I'm trying to do some testing on an idea that I had- a Control Point that raises while you cap it and drops back to a base position when you don't. (Once it...
  6. TheBluScout #frontline!

    Map Event Timers?

    I'm currently working on a CTF map where every 3 minutes a event will happen and then it ends after 3 minutes (and then it repeats), How do i do? Do i use logic_timers or is there better methods?
  7. Jack5

    Arena Boxing Ring v2

    Description Arena Boxing Ring is a map that pits players against each-other in successive 1v1 20-second matches. It originally debuted on Zombie Survival, but has since been adapted to work with the Arena gamemode. The map also plays 16 different music tracks on its own, and has interactive...
  8. FloofCollie

    Any way to control CP capture progress?

    So I'm thinking of making a Territorial Control map, and one of my ideas was that the Control Points should take longer to capture, but their capture progress is frozen if attackers don't quite get it, meaning that it becomes increasingly vulnerable if concentrated more. I was thinking maybe...
  9. ZungryWare

    A compilation of misc. questions I have.

    I neglected to post on the forums to answer some questions, but I decided now to give up and ask. 1) Could someone point me to a guide on how to make and install props into hammer? I know how to 3D model in Blender, but since it was for 3D-printing, I never learned texturing. 2) Is it okay to...
  10. G.bo

    Map Weapon Ban list?

    For a long time, I assumed there was nothing I could alter Medieval Mode's weapon ban list in order to add weapons like Jarate and the Gas Passer. However, in a previous April Fools map, somebody made a map dedicated to soldier zatochi battles and it banned use of weapons that were not the...
  11. Musaic

    Measuring time passed between button press?

    Hey guys I can't seem to figure out a good way to measure the seconds between a button pressed once then pressed again. Failing that, using a seperate start and stop button. I wish to output the value to another entity. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
  12. OctoBlitz

    Need help with oven mechanic

    Hi everyone, I am currently working on the oven mechanic for my 72hr map in order to save me some time on figuring it out during the jam. In my map, there is an oven that will open when the point is capped containing health for the player to use, if the player stays in the oven too long, they...
  13. Hosomi

    Make a prop rotate to face the player?

    First off, is it even possible? I considered using a point_anglesensor to acquire angles to set on the prop, but this requires a specified entity name, I don't even know if the player has an entity name. I want to achieve an effect similar to the npc_security_camera in Portal and Portal 2
  14. pennsyrail

    Train Error.

    Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for your help! I have been working on a warehouse map that has a train (as all good maps do) running through it. I followed the train making tutorial by spammish, with a logic_timer and it starts and runs fine. The problem is that it won't reset and start...
  15. Simulacron

    copy half of the map without the team logic

    So this is is one of the questions I always had problems with, but never got around to actually post it. When making a symetrical map you need to copy half of the map. The first time it's very easy, because theres no logic on the map most of the time, but after that it always gets tricky for me...