joke map

  1. Charlie 2

    Spinningsaxton a3

  2. wonkasnout2

    BackRooms 2019-07-06

    If you’re not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you’ll end up in the backrooms, where it’s nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million...
  3. Mikroscopic

    Midway a3

    Step right up and show off your skills! Anyone can be a winner! ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ This map features a selection of three different carnival themed mini-games, each one presenting an opportunity to take home an amazing prize! Take a break from the fighting for a while and...
  4. Suna

    Moonjump A2

    I made this in literally a day cause I was bored. I'll probably update this a bit more in future, but for now, enjoy! (recommend 6v6 trolldier)
  5. seal_zebra

    KOTH Explonga b1 2019-01-21

    ((CURRENTLY IN BETA)) Explodable congaing heavies run around this tight king of the hill map! Beware their combustible touch... VERSION: Beta 1.0 Things working on: -Texturing the map entirely -Creating a 3D skybox -Optimization -Advanced Lighting -Little details and props
  6. Mathtriqueur

    Factlock but it's smaller A2

    Joke map
  7. Scouter Egg

    CP 2fort V1

    If it can be a plr map then why not a 5CP map? THE POSSIBILITY'S ARE ENDLESS.
  8. Jack5

    KOTH Tools a6

    Preface This map is a Work In Progress, having existed as a submission of mine on GameBanana since April the 12th, 2018. GameBanana will continue to be the prime source of downloads and information regarding the map. Description KOTH Tools (koth_tools_a6) is a gigantic Hammer Editor joke...
  9. Bunker Junker

    koth_box 4/6/2018

    Story: I wanted to make a competitively viable koth map, so I looked to the advice of some top TF2 players like B4nny, 2pac, Usain Bolt, etc, and so after working on this map for a while, (10 minutes) I believe it's ready to be play tested by you guys. :) Terrible jokes aside, I know you guys...
  10. A Piece of Shit.

    April Fools: Deepfall a3a

    So, April is near and it was time for some good old joke maps. Deepfall is a ctf map that is made in the style of the old western/coalmine. The unique part is that you fight each other in two small villages. And not in one giant complex. It also has a little 2-fort style mid section, which is...
  11. Minimus Ambus

    Invisible 2017-08-11

    Hey look an invisible map! I originally made this as a joke but I figured I would publish it. So what is this map? Simple, it's a KOTH map where (almost) all the floors are invisible. It's a joke/ gag map like TrainsawLaser, except way worse and way less fun. One last thing, don't fall. If...
  12. kufte

    pl_upwared 2017-04-12

    A stupid joke that is a bit broken and took 4 days to make.
  13. goem

    plr_byetower (Belated April Fools map) final

    The hightower has suffered a recent incident involving propane and propane accessories. Now there's just the base left, as well as a few extra barriers that have been put up by the opposing teams. The much more open space near the beginning of the payload track leads to some interesting and...
  14. Whomobile

    ctf_2fooooooooooooooooort rc3

    If a joke is funny once you might as well run it into the ground! ctf_2fooooooooooooooooort (that's 17 o's, doesn't mean anything this time, it's about 25 times longer but 25 o's was too much) is a continuation of the "stretched out versions of overplayed maps" series. 2fooooooooooooooooort is...
  15. Mikroscopic

    Multi Stage Rock Paper Glitter b3_fix

    "THIS IS THE BEST MAP IN EXISTENCE" - Magneticfudge3 ====================================================== Presenting the bastard child of koth_wubwubwub and pd_meme_machine, nearly half a year in the making, this is bot_rockpaperglitter. The unique best of three game mode takes you on a...
  16. The_Evil_Pickle

    [April Fools] ctf_dust_storm a1

    A joke map originally made for last year that never ended up getting submitted. Now it rises from the grave to take part in this year's game day! How it works: Each team has a base containing the enemy flag. Deliver it to the enemy base to capture it. Then it explodes. Current weather: Dust...
  17. 9_Loves

    clutter A1

    a clutter of props, bombs, and packs in a ctf map, not too crazy currently, but it may become more crazy in the future ;)
  18. BigfootBeto

    The Frontline Experience S1A5

    STAGE ONE OF THREE! Only this first stage is done. Will become a 3 stage A/D map like Dustbowl. First Stage: D-Day recreation Second Stage: Trench warefare Third Stage: ??? =Featuring= An opening cinematic! Functioning turret spots! And of course, your daily dose of mines More pics...
  19. E

    Past 72hr Jam Entry cp_bodywash 2017-02-13

    so yeah, i didn't hear about this going on until the last sixteen hours or so, then i wracked my brain for a while figuring out what to do for it, i eventually remembered this reddit comment I...
  20. Elia

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Dubbel Trubbel Harvest 2017-02-12

    Dubbel Trubbel Harvest So what is this? Well, this is a joke gamemode that i was talking about to a friend of mine. The intention of this map is to create more teamwork in the teams. How am i wanting to do that? Well 2 objectives will work. not? So you still have the middle point that you can...