
  1. Gravidea

    Game crashes/freezes while running map

    So I'm coming close to completing my map, but I've run into a problem that I'm hoping won't take too long to fix so I can share my map. When I compile my map, it seems to work just fine, but when I go into my game to test it the client will freeze and pull out of fullscreen, only leaving a small...
  2. Inspektor Januška

    Game crash while loading my map

    Hello my map is crashing when I am loading my map. Compile log: ** Executing... ** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vbsp.exe" ** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "C:\Program Files...
  3. XEnderFaceX

    Hammer doesnt work anymore... :(

    Hi, So, today i reinstalled A Boojam Snarks Mapping Pack, aswell as Puddys Small Mapping Ressource Pack. I reinstalled them because somethings werent working anymore for some reason. I Opened Hammer and i got this message, Entitys like path_tracks, func_doors etc. are now replaced with...
  4. Mozz_Gaming

    TF2 program chashes when 'waiting for players'

    the map renders fine as but when i spawn in the timer for 'waiting for players' comes up and stars from 28 seconds which i know is normal. however, the game crashes when that timer hits 1 or 2 seconds left. i checked to see if it does it on any other map (such as ctf_2fort) but they all work...
  5. S T A R S ☰ T

    Game crashes with compiled map

    Hello, this is my first post on this forum, so tell me if I did something wrong. I'm developing a PASS Time map called pass_deathball. I've created the barebones version with nothing too advanced, compiled it, and when I run it, TF2 crashes. I'm fairly new to mapping, but I know there's no...
  6. Kunny

    Hammer Crashes

    Whenever I compile a map and I minimize hammer so I can do something else while it's compiling, it crashes. What can I do?
  7. Simulacron

    MvM-Map is crashing when tank spawns

    I'm working on a mvm-map lately, but I have a problem. When my tank spawns the game always crashes and gives the error: "Out of memory or address space. texture quality settings may be too high." However, I've run Tf2 for probably 3 years now, without any crash due to memory lack. I found this...
  8. Mazata

    Map crashes on launch

    Hello there! I'm working on a map reskin and when I try to launch the map the compile is going great but when I get into tf2 it crashes and this image below coes up
  9. zigg1zagg1

    opening hammer causes pc to crash

    whenever i open hammer i get a message asking me if i want to open the last loaded map, not entirely sure what it says because hammer quickly freezes and then my computer gets a blue screen and shuts down. The error that comes up is something like kernel_security_check_failure or something...
  10. Kunny

    MY map keeps crashing my game

    I finally finished the first version ofmy map and everything was going great but then when I did the final compile and loaded up the game. The map crashed my game and I got an error message saying their were too many "indices"
  11. Sonitrok

    [Question] About pointfile pointing where there is no leak.

    I'm working on my map, the log says there's a leak, so i go to the coordinates he gives me and load the pointfile, but it points to a place where there is absolutly no leak, not even around. My map still crashes when i load it so i guess there is still leaks, but the pointfile shows me absolutly...
  12. Yabayabayaba

    Tf2 crashing upon map load, Help!! {fixed}

    Here is the long story of how I got very confused. I downloaded compile pal in an attempt to pack my map, and it looks awesome, yet ever since loading my map crashes tf2. If I load it via the console or via another compile (hammer or compile pal) makes no difference, tf2 still crashed midway...
  13. The Siphon

    TF2 crashing after CompilePal compile?

    I made an airstrip map designed for SFM. Now I finished everything so I had to pack all content etc. I used CompilePal, since most people recommend it. When I finished the compile the game kept crashing every single time I tried to load the map. I tried to do 5 compiles with CompilePal and it...
  14. Kunny

    Umm... My map is crashing my game

    I am trying to test out a map I made, but the game crashes everytime I try to start it. Here is the compile log ** Executing... ** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vbsp.exe" ** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team...
  15. Billo

    out of memory loading solid crash

    what is this? when i open my map i get this and boom hammer crashes
  16. Pocket

    sv_pure 2 is crashing TF2

    Is this happening to anyone else? It's really annoying because I don't know how else to test packing.
  17. Moonfixer

    Random hammer crashes.

    Hammer has been randomly crashing every few minutes with my new pc build. It has crashed while I have been manipulating brushes, rotating the view, zooming out, etc. I have opened the hammer bat file first and everything, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. My operating...
  18. Data Boil

    TF2 crashes when trying to load custom map through hammer.

    Whenever I try to compile my map and run it, it seems to compile fine and the game runs fine. Then when it loads the map, it shows the motd with a black screen behind, and tf2 crashes. It's getting pretty annoying, and I've tried deleting and remaking different parts of the map, but nothing...
  19. Smyther

    TF2 crashes hard when my map exits overtime.

    I'm trying to get a new gamemode working. It was going well until I let overtime expire rather than finishing the cap during testing. Intended behaviour: - Red owns 4 control points, Blue must capture these in succession (similar to a/d)...
  20. Phidio

    Map won't compile need help

    Hey guys, I just made my first map, I worked on it for 2 weeks now. I ran the map for tests while I made it, and I set RAD and VIS to "Fast" while I was doing these test runs. Now if I set them to normal, hammer freezes. I read that I should just wait it out. I waited 1 and a half our but the...