
  1. BiedroN

    Heavy Remake 2020-09-07

    I've brought some HEAVY stuff right here. Last year pyro got his own refreshment, to be schematic I started working on our probably the most iconic class in the game. Remember that kind of war between pyro and heavy couple of years ago?... you know, about who will receive next big update. Pyro...
  2. The_Gl!tch.exe

    How to create physics collisions for props

    If you have a prop in TF2 where players can walk straight through it even though the "Collisions" parameter is set on "Use VPhysics", it's missing a phy-file which defines the collisions of your prop. In case, here's a guide I've made showing you how to create one...
  3. BiedroN

    [Model] Pyro remake (playermodel) 2019-08-05

    I've decided to remake one of the mercenaries from the game, again. Today is pyro turn. Model has been remeshed and retextured from scratch, giving him a brand-new high detailed look. Model is even playable in the game. You only have to put content to your custom folder. Model have also BLU...
  4. The Bran Man

    just a small little tiny minuscule pyro 2019-08-02

    This is just a quick little model of a pyro I made in Blender. Isn't he cute? I'm gonna be busy the next couple days, and dont have the time to rig and port to SFM, however I am making this model open source! So if you wanna model some fun little hats onto it, port it, or whatever, you can! You...
  5. Yoshark

    How to setup a propper gernerated model for light mapping.

    Models generated by propper from brush work don't support light mapping via prop statics by default. Here is how to use blender (2.79) to fix that. I won't bother covering creating props using propper as that has already been covered. All I care about is that you have a smd created by propper...
  6. BiedroN

    Soldier refreshment. 2018-07-30

    I decided to remake one of the mercenaries from the game. The model has been remeshed and also retextured from zero giving a brand new high detailed looking. Model can be even given to the game and actually playable, but I don't have time to writing some .qc files and stuff! I will not...
  7. Redd

    Low Poly Sniper Rifle 2018-07-30

    Here is my submission for the TF2 Summer Jam! I was nearly out of time to make it, but I was just able to get there.
  8. C

    1866 Yellowboy Rifle V1

    This is an 1866 Yellowboy Winchester lever action rifle. I created it for the 72hr Jam as an intended primary weapon for the engineer, though it could possibly be available to all shotgun wielding classes. I'm currently texturing it, but with only 14 hours left on the clock I find it unlikely...
  9. The Siphon

    Jimi Jam Cereal Set 2018-07-28

    "Wish to have the taste of your favorite Jam in the morning? Introducing the new and limited JimiJam cereals! Delivering 120% of your daily sugar needs!" Made cereal boxes of JimiJam cereals. The models were made in Blender and ported to Source. They have 2 skins available (red & blue) and 2...
  10. The Siphon

    Textures refuse to work when porting from Blender to Source

    This is the second model that I've tried to port to Source, but not sure why, but the textures refuse to work. I followed this tutorial: Though despite saying "Gmod", porting them to Source Filmmaker should work the same way. Here are all of the files, including the blender stuff, model...
  11. Luther

    LEGO Saxton Hale VS Scout 2018-07-20

    My entry for the The TF2 Summer Jam 2018 Brick models and material(shaders) from: Custom decals/decoration vectors by me, using Inkscape. Which I have uploaded as bitmaps here: Rendered with the Cycles rendering-engine in blender.
  12. B!scuit

    Import .bsp props into Blender

    The update thread for the python script I made for how to import whole .vmf into blender? for now refer to the link for a more in detail release post. | bsp_import_props.blend (layer 3 is Mercenary Park props) | pl_upward.blend | bsp_import_props.vmf & bsp (test map)...
  13. Bingham

    Help creating 2d skybox texture from scratch

    I've been trying to make a skybox for the Frontline pack, but am having trouble converting the original image I drew in Photoshop into the separate VTF files for each side. (not the final thing) A tutorial I found here...
  14. EArkham

    Generic Scale Reference for Modelers Unversioned - Link Update

    This is something I made ages ago and have used for a long time. It occured to me just now that it might be useful for other modelers. It's a set of simple geometry outlines of common TF2 measurements. 64, 128, 256, stuff like that. Since the grid in various modeling programs can be hard to...
  15. Mikroscopic

    How to Make A 2D Skybox Texture from Scratch

    Today I’m going to teach you one of the methods I used to make a custom skybox from scratch, without just changing the brightness or saturation of an existing skybox texture. In order to do this, you’ll need to know a bit of the basics about using a 3d modeling program. I use Blender, but the...
  16. Fr0stBite

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Doctail Re-Upload

    My submission for the 72 hour summer TF2 Jam. 3D modeled / rigged in Blender Textured in Krita, GIMP, and VTFEdit Compiled with Crowbar Scripting done through Notepad++ Critiques are welcome!
  17. MaccyF

    [TUTORIAL] Blender and the Source Engine

    Introduction After numerous requests and questions posed in the group chat (not specifically directed to me), it seems high time that someone took a hold of the situation and created a fully fledged tutorial for modelling for the source engine using Blender. Please note that this tutorial...
  18. Werewolf

    What is the 'best' overall 3D modelling program?

    Right off the bat, I know this is a not-so-simple question with a not-so-simple answer. Basically I want to know, of all the various 3D modelling programs there are out there, which is the best for making props to use in the Source engine. For me the single most important factor for picking a...