attack and defense

  1. MacRipley

    Red Bounty (Attack/Defense) RC2

    Converted and updated my old 2018 or whenever map to single stage Attack/Defend mode. Based on reception from servers since I released the PL version for the contest, I think this layout is better suited for this mode. So coming back to it, I did some very small layout updates, and a lot more...
  2. Agent Braise - SWG

    Uptrend a9

    My first serious try at an A/D map, and I thought I should finally upload another map here to have it tested. The map height trends upwards from point A to point C. Single stage map. 3 points.
  3. Will Alfred

    adctf_Holtzmann A9

    A Map made for the ADCTF contest back in 2021. MrModez / Setup Track for Team Fortress 2 Classic TF2C Team | Team Fortress 2 Classic's Dev Textures
  4. moo

    Monopod A11

    Monopod is a Control Point map set on an oil rig in Alaska. This map was made by Deloras in a forum post, so go give them the love and support they deserve. This is a repost so that way people can reliably download this map.
  5. Aapelikaeki

    cp_applecakey_mc16 A1

    Take a stroll trough a nice river town and end up in a secret base. Made for the 16th Microcontest with the challenge of exclusion zones. The map was constructed around pillars where there could be no gameplay space. Also fills the punch of having gameplay around 3 pillars. Uses a skybox from...
  6. ThatGreenSpyGuy

    cp_pleasedontsucklikemyothermaps a2

    Spoiler alert: it sucks like my other maps. Smallish CP A/D with 3 points. A map I've been working on for a long time, design is alright imo but we'll have to see what the playtesters think. I'll try my best to update and such.
  7. TheGhostThatWas

    Multi Stage High Plains A3_1

    Building from stage 3 outward. Currently this is only stage 3. Features: Wider routes Courtyards for combat along route (Stage 3 in particular) Layout tweaks New flank for attackers on point 6 New alternative routes between points 5 and 6 Defenders last spawn is farther back from the control...
  8. renton

    cp_booblol a2a

    This is my first A/D map so hopefully its not too underwhelming. I tried to balance spawn times with distance to control points however I will change it if it turns out to be unbalanced.
  9. HighFire

    SmithRush v1

    my first tf2 map, as short, simple capture points map, not very detailed.
  10. uwil

    undone a13a

    It's a 2CP A/D with a pool party, formerly 3CP... While also originally being 2CP...
  11. ThatGreenSpyGuy

    cp_under A2

    A small Control Points map taking place under Viaduct. The map is pretty simple at the moment, but the outcome of the match HEAVILY depends on how you Attack/Defend. A can be captured by Blu pretty easily, unless Red finds a good strategy. Opposite for B. Blu needs to push in as a team to cap...
  12. ThatGreenSpyGuy

    cp_barnyard A1

    An A+B=C cp map that has dynamic routes as you cap. Specifically, capturing A will close off a path for Red and open a new path for Blu. Capturing B will close off another path for red. This is meant to make it easier for Blu to push after they capture one of the points. (Red has a little of an...
  13. Plecostomus Bread

    Yakutat A4

    This is my second map and I'm looking for feedback
  14. I Darkstar X

    cp_beckoned_visitor A1

    --- It's another one of my I/O bosses. BIG thanks to Pdan for helping me on the mapper discord to figure out how to get the boss to move like it does. Some innovations compared to my other I/O bosses are as follows: -ITS ALIVE!! ALIIIIIVE!!! (It moves.) -Becomes invincible when no players are...
  15. I Darkstar X

    cp_perfectly_normal A4

    This map's theme is an incursion into a large and mysterious facility. While there, BLU will make things explode a lot as they try to trash the place, while RED tries to prevent all that from happening, of course. Indeed, I want to add a great deal of cinematic value to the map. (If I could...
  16. AlrexX [she/they]

    Sandstone B3

    An attack/defend map set in a fortified town somewhere in a desert. In this map I mostly focused on the visuals, trying to combine medieval and egypt textures.
  17. Dr.TwentyTwo

    How to make a attack/defend map

    So I want to make a 3 cp attack/defend map but I don't know where to start with setting up the gamerules and what the logic entity for it is. also I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find a thread covering this
  18. silverSketch

    Attack/Defend multiple spawns problem

    I've just gotten back into mapping(I've made some basic maps in the past) and I'm wondering how you set up multiple spawn rooms. For example, when you capture the first point, I want to change Blu's spawn room. When I have the second spawn room's info_player_teamspawn things for Blu disabled on...
  19. Stiffy360

    Multi Stage CP_Hopper a5

    A Multistage Attack and Defense map. Currently only has the first stage, but will eventually have 3 stages. Capture points are close and rounds are meant to be fairly short. Set in a granary theme.
  20. Capp

    Stormy hill A5B

    Mercenaries fight for a hidden base recently hit by a storm. 3 points.