Why do you map?

Why do you map?

  • Practice

    Votes: 57 42.9%
  • A Portfolio

    Votes: 35 26.3%
  • The art

    Votes: 63 47.4%
  • Respect/recognition

    Votes: 42 31.6%
  • Money

    Votes: 9 6.8%
  • To release it

    Votes: 32 24.1%
  • Players want more maps of similar theme and gameplay

    Votes: 12 9.0%
  • Players want a map with unique gameplay and theme

    Votes: 25 18.8%
  • The perfect map has yet to be made, and will be excellent

    Votes: 17 12.8%
  • I don't map

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • It's a past-time

    Votes: 59 44.4%
  • I make mario-kart maps/remake maps and hate mankind

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • To create something

    Votes: 75 56.4%
  • Oh god, why do I do it? MY ENTIRE BODY OF WORK IS MEANINGLESSS!!!!

    Votes: 21 15.8%
  • Other (Please specify)

    Votes: 18 13.5%

  • Total voters


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
Pefect map has yet to be made.

Failing that, I make maps that are horrible torturous gimmicks.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I've been building with anything that came out of a box marked "LEGO" for as long as I can remember, and this just feels like the logical extension of that passion.
This. There's something just plain cool about creating little fake worlds, whatever the tool. Before Lego, it was train sets, but I never had the patience to build realistic environments for those.

Because it's addicting.
Also this.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
I do it because, its fun to make ANYTHING you want, but, I havent realised anything yet because im learning how to make em not look "noobish" (Like adding light, cubemaps...)...


L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
I get bored, randomly start a map, have like 3 things left to do, give up.
Failing that, I make horrible maps that I never show anyone, but release on FPSB because I get bored.


L1: Registered
Aug 22, 2010
I love to map, It's fun, and I love to create the world around me (Virtually of course)

Bermuda Cake

L9: Fashionable Member
Feb 20, 2009
I always enjoy making the map more than playing it... I'm always so nervous during tests.

Maybe that's because none of my maps so far have been very good


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 26, 2009
Well, it looks like my survey served its purpose. It seems most people who voted map purely for the thrill of the act itself. I guess breaking down exactly why you're doing it destroys the entire point. So those who are reading this, let this be a lesson to guide you: Do something because you love to do it, not for the results.

It's the journey, not the destination.
Apr 13, 2009
Because I can ! :O

Yeah, it's more like a creative hobby to me, I don't expect to ever make a living out of it, and I'm not even sure that's desirable. :p


L1: Registered
Jul 28, 2010
I've been building with anything that came out of a box marked "LEGO" for as long as I can remember, and this just feels like the logical extension of that passion.

Also, having other people see your work is (mostly) reward in and of itself.


10 Gallon Tote box x2 Full of legos crew signing in. I'll be passing those down to my kids.


Mar 1, 2010
I love creating environments and worlds for people in interact with. I did it with legos and hot wheels tracks when I was young. I doodled cross sections of "stunt tracks," sort of like pen and paper line rider. I get really into any map editor a game comes with (usually the simple ones.) I do it with D&D with my friends, creating a realistic world for them to play in.

Plus I was always an artistic kid in high school, mostly drawing. It just sort of transfered to mapping once I got over the initial learning curve. I love creating stuff.


to be fair the best free way to start is to develop an indie game like me and a few of my friends are doing :)
Jan 8, 2011
It's just sort of a hobby for me, like some people do art.

Mr. Calhoun

L1: Registered
Aug 21, 2009
# There's a great joy simply in putting ideas from my mind into the more persistent virtual world.

# Curiosity, trying to answer questions like...
...how can changes in the map design alter the behavior of the players.
...how can my map entertain players.
...can the players figure out easteregg X or hidden function Y?

# Storytelling, creating a landscape which sort of inherits a soul. So when I map I sometimes sort fantasize about what has been the past of this place, and what kind of stories took place.

The Asylum

Because I can.

That's usually reason enough for almost everything I do. Doing weird things and seeing how people react is fun too.


L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2013
Have a look at "Homesteading the Noosphere" by Eric S. Raymond. It explores the dynamics of open source software, and, more pertinant to the topic at hand, why people create open source content. Although not quite the same as mapping, the concepts are very similar, and he puts forth some interesting propositions.
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