
KotH Synthetic rc6a

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
I could make a joke about where the map is located at.


Aug 6, 2014
Hey, yo, you can just jump over this

EDIT: Okay yeah you just straight up compiled with clipping turned off. I'm running around I can get over everything, and even walked through a fence


50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
Ooh, this one came out really good.
The only problem I can find is this the clipping on this red building, which is a bit off

Otherwise Its pretty cool.

edit: nevermind, I found another small problem, once again on the red side(no biggie):
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L1: Registered
Nov 25, 2017

A couple of things going on here:
1. I don't think I'm supposed to be able to stand on this roof
2. I can't see the outline of where the point can be capped on my config, which is annoying
3. Those pipes near the middle have absolutely horrible clipping, especially up high, which fucks with rocket jumping

These "shutter doors" serve no purpose other than hiding sticky traps

This door is very tight which makes it extremely easy to spam and sticky trap, which I thought was an issue

It doesn't look like you can stand on this ledge. I'd make the ledge more pronounced so that people can easily tell that they can stand on it.

A lot of people were saying that the map was very long, so maybe move the spawn area forward a little bit to make the transit to middle shorter.
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L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
Congrats on 2nd place, my man! I can't wait for the unlikely halloween version, Sinthetic.

And before anybody says "You can't have two sin maps" or "You're just copying sunshine":
  • "Badlands" vs "Badwater"
  • "Hellstone" vs "Brimstone"
  • "Nightfall" vs "Landfall"
  • "Mannhattan" vs "Mannworks"
  • "Lumberyard" vs "Brickyard"
  • "Metalworks" vs "Mannworks"
  • "Badwater" vs "Snakewater" vs "Swiftwater"
So don't...don't even with me, 'kay?
Don't even step to me, mczombie2005.
You know who you are.
You know what you did.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-added a sun so it's like the real world.....wooooooooooow man
-changed railing on stairs in the side buildings by the point so they block a dumb sightline n such
-skybox detailing
-moved stuff outta da skybox and into da main map to stop odd shadow bugs. Then detailed those areas to look nice n pretty
-removed concrete platform in front of spawn rooms to shorten the map overall by a bit. Maybe it's not so long now?
-uh.....what else did I do
-OH, I removed the color correction and messed around with the lighting a bit
-other things I have forgotten as I've worked on this map off and on and off

Read the rest of this update entry...


L1: Registered
Nov 25, 2017
I just play-tested the latest version (b8) in a doublemix, and people were generally very happy with the map, giving it high praises!

I was happy to see that the clipping on the pipes on middle had been improved, the middle roof had been made unreachable (well, almost) and a lot of doorways had been optimized. Great job dude!

Initially people commented that the map seemed very long for a koth map, but after we played the map some people actually thought the map might be too short. The conclusion is that comp players are stupid and everything we say should be taken with a grain of salt.. I liked the length of the map, for what it's worth.

In general most people agreed that it's a very good soldier map due to the important tunnels and corridors, wealth of health packs you can pick up when jumping behind, and the many blind-spots that enable him to get the jump on people. This is very different from viaduct.
Sniper is also weak compared to viaduct (where it's admittedly super strong) since the sight lines are pretty narrow and it takes a while to rotate from spot to spot. This is a good thing.
Medic is quite stressful since it always feel like people can come at you either through a tunnel, jumping over a nearby building or you can get picked off by a sniper.
Forward holding does not seem viable since all three exits from the spawn lobby are connected, allowing the attacking team to rotate around really easily.
Silves requests a single yellow sunflower somewhere on the map

None of the above is meant as criticism, it's just my overall feel for how the map plays and helps put some of the following suggestions and feedback into context
This medkit is a little too conveniently placed. You usually end up picking it up naturally as you're moving through the area. By moving the kit to the other side you make people take a small detour to pick up the kit, and it could potentially open them up to a small sniper sight line as well.
The clipping is pretty bad in this corner. it's way too easy to get stuck on the corner where it looks like you should be able to walk across.
I still really hate how small this edge is. People can't intuitively tell that they're able to stand on it, and it's easy to get knocked off of it in an active fight where you're constantly being pushed around. Just make it slightly thicker.
This edge is annoying since you need to jump to get over it. People constantly run into this when they backpedal during a fight. These kind if jagged edges are also really likely to cause rocket bugs.
This glass wall is pretty annoying. I don't think there needs to be a wall here at all.
there's too much health near middle. reducing this medkit to a bottle would go a long way towards solving this issue.
I see eternity
These awnings have no clipping. You want the visuals to be consistent with the clipping, so you need to either make the awnings solid or remove them all-together. I think removing them would be the best move. Awnings are great for scouts to jump off of and soldiers to hide above, so the overall effect of having the solid awnings would be to make scout more powerful and enable some hiding spots.
Unlike the other awnings this one should definitely be solid in our opinion. Scouts are pretty limited on the mid-fight, and they especially struggle to get proper vision. Making this awning solid would alleviate both of those issues. I don't think a sniper standing on it would be a problem, but it's worth being aware of.
The beam separating the two windows here is also annoying and limits movement too much imo.

I don't have a screenshot of it, but you can still stand on a tiny little edge of the green roof on middle

This feedback is the condensed version of all the players who played in the doublemix's thoughts. We also talked about the tunnels and whether or not they're good or bad for the map, or if the tunnels could somehow be made better. We didn't really reach any consensus or come up with any ways to improve the current layout.

I believe if you continue to work on this map it will almost certainly be added to the ETF2L map pool next season, so keep up the good work!


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-split first transitional building into 2 areas instead of one long connected area to try and stop enemies for using that area as well as they sometimes do
-solidified all awnings in the map
-added awnings to blu spawn
-added awnings to mid
-removed arrow signs on upper area at mid
-edited clipping around silos so it now fits the shape of the silo instead of being a square
-added things by those silos so the area makes sense
-raised bottom floor of 2nd transitional building
-edited ceiling to fit the previous change
-expanded concrete area at 2nd transitional building with the ladder on it
-edited displacements at that same area and added clips to smooth it out
-moved outside health and ammo by 2nd transitional building to the other side of the path so it's now by a fence
-removed glass railings in side buildings by mid
-updated localization files

Read the rest of this update entry...


50 crashes and counting!
Jul 10, 2017
This map Kinda reminds me of glassworks.
Good job.


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
I really enjoy the crisp color palette.

But the roof is still too thick.
Also pipes are using origin point lighting. Maybe you should remove its normal map or something