Pick a side.

Where are your loyalties

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L10: Glamorous Member
Apr 12, 2008
See, I play both classes, though I heavily favor the soldier. However, without know which weapon each class would actually get, and therefore being unable to determine which class I would rather have the weapon for, I am forced to abstain from playing tf2 at the moment.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
But the demoman is on the red team. Red is the color of Hitler.

No, it's the color of Stalin. And Stalin was a dancer. Hitler never danced. If you vote for the Soldier you vote for no dancing. Ever. So vote for Stalin.


Dec 5, 2007
I give up. Valve did not think this through very well. Soldier will win purely by virtue of game mechanics, and not necessarily community support or skill. People are just going through the motions at this point.

I did ask Dario if there was some normalisation going on, but he didn't respond. I'll take this up with him again next time I see him.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
I give up. Valve did not think this through very well. Soldier will win purely by virtue of game mechanics, and not necessarily community support or skill. People are just going through the motions at this point.

It's true.

Next, they should do a Pyro vs Spy war.

uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
Soldier is the people's choice!

Besides, it's the only class you can't have too many of


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
In my honest opinion, Valve isn't REALLY counting kills. Every day it'll alternate, one team leading over the other by the slimmest of margins. On the 17th it'll miraculously be a tie, and both classes will get the weapon.

That being said, I hate the Soldier. He is hands down my least favorite class.


Feb 18, 2009
not necessarily community support

Nope, pretty sure the soldier's got that covered too!



Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
You know what. I think this is just a gimmick to get people to play this game instead of others.

After playing several hours since the "war" began i have realised that Valve have once again managed to make the game unplayable.

It's like the hats feasco all over again.

Instead of not healing halo people, it's healing their favoured assault class and not the other.

It's 5 soldier's running into an uber'd pyro in an attempt to get the demo behind them.

It's an uber'd soldier chasing down a demo over clearing the bulk of a defence.

All objectivity has flown out the window.

I'm taking a que from TDSoYS and taking a break until this blows over because i'm not enjoying this spam fest.

Here was me thinking i finished Uni early for Christmas, and able to enjoy a game i literally havn't touched in over 3 weeks. Then Valve pulls a fast one on me :(


Dec 5, 2007
Here was me thinking i finished Uni early for Christmas, and able to enjoy a game i literally havn't touched in over 3 weeks. Then Valve pulls a fast one on me :(

Our servers have a class limit of 3 per team.

Play there or find another with a class limit/sensible players (like playstuff probably has)
There are enough servers with limits on classes and sensible players that you don't need to worry about this at all. Just hunt down one of those servers!


L69: Deviant Member
Dec 9, 2009
The comic that Valve made to accompany this war could not have possibly been more fitting. Friends are beginning to loathe each other over class allegiances.

There will be blood.

(That said and done Soldier all the way lolololol)


L13: Stunning Member
Feb 20, 2008
yep...completely agree with grazr...though to be fair i predicted exactly this beforehand <_<

i haven't changed my play too significantly, only that i occasionally play demo now, and as medic if i see a demo on the other team shooting a soldier with low health, i may just look the other way <_<


L1: Registered
Dec 5, 2009
Soldier is definitely the easier class to play. Demo gets quick kills but its mostly an ambush class with little diversity.
I wanna see demo win for the sake of potentially getting a useful assault weapon.

That being said, the 4th weapon will most likely be some stupid gag that is completely useless. Probably a cool looking gun that when fired exposes a little flag that says "bang" like in the toons... might be worth a taunt kill if anything.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
Soldier is definitely the easier class to play.

I disagree and not just because i play soli. It is easy to do ok with solider but good soldiers (i am just ok compared to some people i no) are very much skill. Especially in comp its all about rocket jumping and the medic soli pocket. Their are plenty of terrible solis who can still get some kills, but i definitely wouldn't say he is the easiest class to play (good at least) but im not saying he is hard either.


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 26, 2009
I'm going for the sollie all the way, because the main gameplay element that they share is rocket/sticky jumping, and if the unlock involves that the soldier should get it and not the demoman, since it is more important to soldier gameplay.


L69: Deviant Member
Dec 9, 2009
I think Soldier has an unusual learning curve that prompts many to call him the easiest class. But anyone who's been on the wrong side of an expert soldier knows that it isn't exactly easy to get to the point where every rocket you fire kills someone. I'm a good soldier (not great or fantastic) but there are many challenges surrounding the class. For me, they are mostly speed and reload times, which are excruciating.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Our servers have a class limit of 3 per team.

Play there or find another with a class limit/sensible players (like playstuff probably has)
There are enough servers with limits on classes and sensible players that you don't need to worry about this at all. Just hunt down one of those servers!

Sure, a lot of servers don't operate a demo-soldier limit but this hasn't even been my problem.

It's the mere fact that people have made killing demo's and soldier's a rediculous priority in their game (and this will be true by and large for most public teams whilst this 'contest' continues). To the point where completing map objective's was a basic but challenging goal, but has gotten to the point where even the slightest team cooperation has flown out the window.

It's simple things like the fact that the demo is the most effective anti sentry nest class. You uber one, and he runs past 2 sentries to go after a soldier and gets the entire team killed.

Atleast with basic achievements they could be farmed, or at such a scale that one could never effectively farm it (2004 life time kills for example) but achieve it over time (and thus avoiding general gameplay abuse/breakage).

I mean sure, this is what Valve wanted to a certain extent. But at the end of the day it's gotten so rediculous that normal play is basically impossible.