VIP (VScript Gamemode)

VIP (VScript Gamemode) [Mobster] March 14th

  • Decreased the scale of VIP (1.6 -> 1.2) (as big as Hale) (fits through shutter doors)
  • Added 50% medic healing rate penalty to VIP.
  • Fixed VIP not receiving headshots.
  • Made it easier to switch the buff target for VIP.
  • For BLU, added an annotation pointing at your VIP when you spawn.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed to overheal VIP to 750HP
Now Featuring: The Mobster.
  • 500hp (550 max overheal)
  • Tommy Gun
  • 41 damage high-precision one-shot Pistol.
  • A Cane
  • Buff Tokens from the previous VIP.

I'm too tired to fill the description further. Still an experiment though.

When updating, please delete the existing vip package from your tf/custom/ folder.​

Also, you now have to bother with maps/yourmap_particles.txt file.


  • Added a lock-in system for the VIP. I'll keep the details obscure so that you could test how intuitive it feels.
  • The first VIP of the round gets picked randomly;
  • Reduced VIP's health (200 -> 175)
  • Reduced VIP's self-healing (10 -> 3 hp/s)
  • Killing VIP no longer reduces the round timer, but grants the killer the buff VIP currently has selected;
  • Teammate Spies have their buffs inactive while Cloaked or Disguised to not break their act;
  • Added sounds cues for Boost-related actions;
  • Hopefully fixed VIP not having wallhack outline for his team;
  • Hopefully fixed VIP stuff (hats, etc) not getting cleaned off after death or round restart
  • Hopefully fixed inconsistent VIP keybind registration;


  • Teammates now can see VIP through walls;
  • Removed Buff Token pickups;
  • Reduced the Buff Token regen rate (5s -> 7,5s per token);
  • Added a cue sound for the VIP when a Buff Token recharges;
  • Fixed capture points not getting locked/unlocked correctly depending on the VIP's presence;
  • Fixed the cane pickup annotation appearing to RED;
  • Fixed the VIP dropping Pain Train when using the Resupply Locker;
  • Fixed the VIP conversion not deleting the MvM Canteen;
  • Fixed the Buff Tokens getting wasted during Setup;
  • Theoretical VIP Race support. Not tested, and not intended for the Summer but the foundation is there.
  • Boost tokens now regenerate. You start with 3 tokens max and every token pickup increases your max token pool by 1. The resupply cabinet restores all available tokens. Dying resets the max tokens back to 3.
  • The unpicked cane nags its team via tutorial annotations every 10 second.
  • Added a placeholder Medic! voice line for the VIP.
  • You can't give the same player the same boost until it expires, and the boost tracescan range is now 5500hu (practically infinite)

  • Fixed the round sometimes not ending when the time runs out. (if not, use !restart chat command)
  • Fixed the VIP being unable to use the normal (non-item) taunt.
  • Fixed VIP's hats, arms and weapons disappearing/appearing/not_appearing when they should/shouldn't.
  • Fixed VIP bugs related to the resupply cabinet or changing class.
    • Except using the demoshield charge when touching the cabinet, minor issue.
  • Fixed the resupply cabinet removing buffs given by the VIP.
  • Fixed the cane (both the pickup and the weapon) having the wrong skin.
  • Fixed the cane not receiving (mini-)crit glow.