Theoretical VIP Race support. Not tested, and not intended for the Summer but the foundation is there.
Boost tokens now regenerate. You start with 3 tokens max and every token pickup increases your max token pool by 1. The resupply cabinet restores all available tokens. Dying resets the max tokens back to 3.
The unpicked cane nags its team via tutorial annotations every 10 second.
Added a placeholder Medic! voice line for the VIP.
You can't give the same player the same boost until it expires, and the boost tracescan range is now 5500hu (practically infinite)
Fixed the round sometimes not ending when the time runs out. (if not, use !restart chat command)
Fixed the VIP being unable to use the normal (non-item) taunt.
Fixed VIP's hats, arms and weapons disappearing/appearing/not_appearing when they should/shouldn't.
Fixed VIP bugs related to the resupply cabinet or changing class.
Except using the demoshield charge when touching the cabinet, minor issue.
Fixed the resupply cabinet removing buffs given by the VIP.
Fixed the cane (both the pickup and the weapon) having the wrong skin.
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble