VIP (VScript Gamemode)

VIP (VScript Gamemode) [Mobster] March 14th

  • Updated Mobster assets and animations.
  • Restored an annotation nag for the VIP when there's BLU players on the point.
  • Added an open money bag model used while deployed.
  • Improved the Typewriter's firing sound.
  • Added Mobster gibs.
  • Mobster ragdoll now works again.
[COLOR=var(--darkreader-text-ffffff, #e8e6e3)]- Updated the Typewriter's animations
  • Updated some other animations
  • Fixed Mobster not getting overhealed (Health with Overheal: 550 HP)
Micro fix: fixed CompilePal not including Mercs' "contact" voice lines
Major script rewrite as we're preparing for the release. Actually, it's 3 updates stacked on top of each other.

Update 1:​

  • Overall code rewrite.
  • Updated the assets.
  • Added the HUD compass pointing to the VIP (visible to both teams).
  • VIP's wallhack outline now reflects the VIP's health like the flag carriers do.
  • Tommy Gun rebalance: each shot deals more damage, but at a slower rate.
  • Added the damage stages for The Lead Pipe - clean, mildly bloody and very bloody. To get it dirty, hit or kill an enemy.
  • RED Mercs will yell "he's over there" when they see the VIP (lifted from VSH)
  • Fixed various bugs seen during recent goldrush testing.

Update 2:​

Experimental features:
  • Gave the Mobster a health bar visible to both teamsabove his head. (screenshot below)
    • The wallhack outline is for BLU only. RED will see only the health bar, and without wallhacks.
  • Upscaled the Mobster's size from x1.15 to x1.2.
  • Typewriter's reload speed is now 33% slower.
Bugfixes and improvements:
  • Fixed the resupply cabinet resetting Banners, Revenge Crits, etc.
  • Fixed the Typewriter not emitting sounds for other players.
  • Mobster's underlying class is now scout.
  • Fixed his weapons being invisible.
  • Added viewpunch to the weapons.

Update 3:​

  • Added Mobster's voice lines.
  • Added Mobster's Uber texture.
  • CompilePal's PACK stage now auto-detects all associated resources. No need to do manual -includedir anymore.
  • "Contact" voice lines can no longer be heard by the BLU.
  • Random Crits are no longer auto-enabled.
  • Experimental: The Mobster will auto-play the "Spy!" voice line if there's an enemy spy nearby.
Fixed repeated reapply of the vignette while under the Healing Coin buff.
Forgot to undo player upscaling for the Mobster, as the model itself is already big.
Added the Mobster model (animations are work-in-progress) and added/updated the weapon models.

I lost track of changes, but it was quite a lot since the last tf2m release of the gamemode.
The Mobster is no longer backstab-resistant.
(Not critical) Fixed Julius starting with overheal when converting from a character with more than 125hp.