VIP (VScript Gamemode)

VIP (VScript Gamemode) [Mobster] March 14th

Fixed vscript trying to include a missing script
Fixed vscript trying to include a missing script
  • Now using the new models for the Lead Pipe and the Typewriter.
  • I honestly lost track.
  • Code improvements and optimisations.
  • No changes to your vmfs required.
  • Removed Julius' anti-headshot protection.
  • Fixed the crash present in v6_julius.
  • I honestly lost track.
  • Code improvements and optimisations.
  • No changes to your vmfs required.
An up-to-date version of the gamemode for Julius (the Civilian VIP).
The Mobster can still be found in History (direct download)
Fixed vip's tommygun not having fully reserve ammo.
  • Fixed VIP not getting spawned after Scramble (hopefully this time for real).
  • Fixed the Money Bag sometimes being unavailable even when fully charged.
  • Slightly reduced the Tommy Gun damage.
  • Reverted the Mobster's HP back from 600/700 to 500/550.
  • Money Bag Rework: it now gives 15% dmg resistance, 15% dmg boost and 15% hp/sec.
    - Since it's no longer Banner buffs, you're now again subject to damage fall-off, incoming crits and sentry bullets.
  • Increased the Money Bag recharge time (20 -> 30)
  • Reduced the Money Bag Effect linger duration (from 3 to 1).
  • The Money Bag no longer get deployed upon colliding with a wall.
  • The Money Bag buff now grants the Mobster assists.
  • Reduced the amount of money particles.
  • Fixed Spies getting revealed by the money particles.
  • Fixed the Mobster's outline not working sometime.
  • Replaced Buff Tokens with the Money Bag. It's a throwable weapon that creates a temporary fountain of money that provides health, mini-crits and speed boost.
  • Added a 30-second Overtime that ends if the Mobster dies.
  • Increased Mobster's health from 500/550 to 600/700.
  • Increased damage of the Tommy Gun both directly and indirectly.
  • Added 60% Airblast resistance to the Mobster.
  • Fixed "Last Weapon" not working on the Mobster.
  • Fixed the softlock when the Mobster gets scrambled/autobalanced.
  • Fixed the bug when changing team as VIP bricked the gamemode.
  • If API var snap_to_pickup if set to true (false by default) the player will teleport to the cane's position when becoming VIP.
  • Doubled the reload time for the Tommy Gun.
  • The One-Bullet-Clip Pistol now fires tracer bullets which deal 83 damage (increased from 41).
  • Received healing penalty reduced from 50% to 20%.
  • Fixed a bug when a disguised Spy doesn't lose his disguise when becoming VIP.