-Changed map name from Terrace to Hamlet
-Fixed some issues with asymmetry
-Added collision to signs in fountain room
-Fixed a broken floor brush on mid
-Lowered tree on last to obscure a sightline more
Forgot something in A2 so I'm adding it now: indicators of map boundaries in cloister/fountain area.
-Added ramps on last to ease movement from lower entrance to high ground
-Narrowed doorway from lower entrance into last
-Changed medium healthpacks in lower entrance into last to small health packs
-Added medium healthpack near choke
-Removed collision with some roofs near choke as well as roofs on mid
-Increased the size of mid
-Decreased rollout distance
-Fixed some displacements not lining up properly with brushes
-Changed the clipping on fountain props so that they are easier to stand on
-Forward spawn doors now move downward
-Added no entry signs to forward spawns to prevent confusion
-Added cover over point, blocking a broken sightline from second to second
-Narrowed a doorway to alley
-Added a ramp in alley
-Fixed bugged spawn times
-Added a platform in the middle of second
-Added temporary view blockers to prevent seeing through the map
-Made adjustments to block sightlines into lobby on last
-Added a shutter door to the upper right doorway on last
-Added some trees to last and mid
-Added fences to mid near rollout
-Added ladder to help climb shack on mid
-Added a raised platform by main on last
-Replaced a small ammo pack on second with a medium one


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