Alpha 9 Changelog:

-Removed balcony door on A from BLU side
-Removed some cover on A balcony
-Added highground for BLU on C
-Removed instant respawn for BLU on last
-Reworked area between point B and Connector
-Reworked entrance to B from RED side
-Blocked off some routes
-Removed excess cover on C
-Barrels on C have been replaced with cylinders because scaled prop_dynamic can't have it's collision enabled
-Removed pillars on B
-Reworked point B
-Relocated a Cliff on A to better assist RED team
-An attempth to fix FPS issues on C
-Removed barbwire that wasn't supposed to be visible
-Ice texture replaced
-Added a plank to crates near BLU spawn lower exit
-Reworked a doorframe on one of the B entrances
-Fixed door zfighting on RED spawn
-Removed hacky spawn protection for now
-Removed shutter door on B
-Some adjustments to the barn on A
-Hazard strips on B are reworked to use decals
-Reworked BLU spawn points
-Removed railing on B
-Blocked off excess areas
-Ceiling near B has ben raised
-They/them pussy
-Added a deathpit near RED spawn because Huwareyou asked for it
-Remove shadows for low poly tree props
-BLU respawntime gets set to 1 after capping A and B
-Reworked a barricade on B to be more intuitive
-Nerfed a healthpack in a room near B
-Removed pipes near BLU spawn
-Ressurected a player who died in the previous playtest
-A player from the previous playtest is now immortal and sees every control point
-Reworked RED spawn
Avatar Spokojnyj left feedback:32 minutes ago
watch the demo
-Reworked rafters on B
-Shutter door on a side entrance has been removed because it sucked and it was cringe piece of shit door fucking useless to gameplay I don't remember why I added it in the first place probably wanted to have an entrance like on Dustbowl or something idk
-Desusified a certain building
-A noticeable decrease in skeletal activity
-Some visual changes to point B
-Fixe signs being too big and using standin prop textures sometimes
-Reworked setup doors on BLU spawn
-Reworked BLU spawn
-Major decrease in skeletal activity
Alpha 7 Changelog:

-Relocated red spawn to be in equal proximity to A and B
-Old RED spawn made inaccesible
-Removed skulls because very scary
-Added a new entrance to B from red side
-Raise the fence on point B backyard
-Reworked point C
-Removed force fields because they don't work properly and fucking suck
-Added a new path between B entrances so BLU can rotate faster
-Blocked off some routes to make attacking team more focused
-Raised the clipping ceiling on the map
-Added more signs
-Added more signs to help navigation
-Fixed point B having a red skin after being capped by BLU
-Capture point at B reworked
-Added hud icons showing point letters
-Replaced transparent fence texture on point A balcony railing with solid one
-Minor visual/sightline adjustments
Alpha 6 Changelog:

-Ponts B and C have been swapped and will be refered to their new names further.
-Added forcefields separating RED controlled area from BLU.
-BLU spawn is now smaller.
-Sightline adjustments to the area near BLU spawn.
-Number of RED spawns reduced to just one
-Red spawn has been extended.
-Apartement buildings near BLU spawn and RED spawn got replaced with other structures.
-Map now uses gravelpit logic
-Added more space at point C lower area.
-Added a tall barbwired wall separating C from everything else.
-Added a roof vent prop at the roof near point C to visualize it being unreachable.
-Planted more pines.
-Minor visual changes.
-Blocked off some areas that weren't supposed to be accesible
-Blocked-off excess entrances.
-Removed snow pile near point A.
Alpha 5 Changelog:

-Added some cover on point A battlements for gameplay variety.
-Added a door at BLU spawn that opens when point A is capped to block off BLU team from using new spawn door added in alpha 4.
-Removed a displacement near BLU spawn (leftover from a previous map theme).
-Increased cap times by 1 second.
-A fence inside side building separating BLU spawn and control point A is reworked into wooden.
-Fixed engineers being able to build between certain shutter doors.
-Enlarged activation triggers on shutter doors.
-Increased speed for certain doors.
-Created more space in a stair room near B.
-Caged pipes on B now have orange texture so it looks walkable.
-Fence on the side of point A building has been replaced with a wooden wall with holes in it.
-Fixed players being able to use teleports from spawn after they are disabled.
-Added sign pointing towards point B from A.
-Fixed some clipping issues in areas players weren't supposed to reach.
-Connector room between A and B is now taller so it's more intuitive that you can't jump over it.
-Clipped area behind cargo container near entrance to C so people don't fall there and get softlocked.
-Blocked off a route to C that follows red spawn.
-Removed a ramp over the wall near RED spawn on C.
-Removed a path between two sides of upper area on C.
-The wall near RED spawn on C is now taller.
-Fixed geometry on stairs on point C entrance.
-Added terrain near point A.
-Minor cosmetic changes.
Alpha 4 Changelog:

-BLU spawn has been extended.
-Added func_nobuild on capture points.
-Added more health and ammo around the map.
-Relocated a clusted of BLU spawn point into a new area.
-RED spawn on B has been moved to a different location farther from control point.
-There is now a wall separating point B from RED spawn yard.
-Previously RED spawn area on B, C is now a transitional area between spawn and control point.
-Stairs from RED spawn to point B changed to angular.
-RED spawn on B, C has been moved farther back
-Expanded entrances leading to point B.
-Expanded entrances to point C from BLU side.
-Reworked area below control point B.
-Upper and lower areas of control point B are now connected.
-Removed path leading to side building near B.
-Aded new path to control point B.
-Added some pines near RED B spawn.
-Fixed resupply lockers triggering wrong models.
Alpha 3 Changelog:

-Increased RD respawnwavetime.
-Cap time changed to 5, 10, 15 for A, B, C respectively.
-Some textures applied to add variety to colour palette.
-Added pipes that connect control points together.
-Added skulls on control points.
-Reworked healthkits and ammopacks around the map.
-Made a doorway on BLU spawn wider.
-Unused RED spawn doors lock on BLU cap.
-Added blockbullets on BLU spawn doors/windows to prevent projectiles and explosive damage to go through.
-Added blockbullets on upper balcony door on A.
-Added more health and ammo around point A.
-Added new entrance to A.
-Clipped some places on point A to avoid players getting stuck.
-Upper balcony door on A is now bigger.
-Made large ammo pack on A more visible.
-Made flank roof on point B building flatter.
-Removed fence on point B that faced BLU side entrance, this will hopefully ease th life of engineers.
-Added a backway to upper area of RED spawn on B.
-Added alternative routes to B.
-Clipped stairs on B.
-Changed side route to B.
-A/B entrance from BLU has been enlarged.
-Doors leading to B from A had their speed increased from 40 to 100.
-Door leading to B from A/B room had it's speed increased from 20 to 100.
-Door leading to B/C from BLU spawn area had their speed increased from 20 to 100.
-Added new path to C from B/C area.
-Unclipped area below balconies of an apartment building between B and C.
-Doors leading to C had their speed increased from 20 to 100.
-Changed glass texture on C spawn exit.
-Point C is now two-leveled so BLU team can reach capture zone easier.
-Expanded the entrance to point C to improve pushing ability of BLU.
-Garage entrance to C now doesn't have a wall separating it from the C stairs.
-C stairs now have a door connecting it to C main entrance.
-Removed bridge with large healthkit over point C.
Alpha 2 Changelog:

-Fixed HDR lighting bugs.
-Changed respawn wave times for both teams.
-Changed point cap times to 5, 12, 20.
-Added teleport triggers from irrelevant spawns.
-Added signs that poin towards objectives to help with navigation.
-Lights are not green now.
-Broken up the shed near RED first spawn.
-Reworked glass doors to avoid confusion with windows.
-Doors on point A are no longer one-way.
-Doors no longer Z-fight with floors.
-Fixed door RED spawn B not playing open animation.
-Fixed missing detail on B flank.
-Clipped off the roof on point A entrance to remove broken sniper spot.
-Added more health and ammo packs around the map.
-Expanded window on second point.
-Replaced double no entry entities with one.
-Additional resupply cabinet on the last RED spawn.
-Reworked area that connects underpass from BLU spawn and point C.
-Added second door on last RED spawn to temporarily fix the sightline issue.
-Expanded entrance to point C.
-Extended point C.
-Added new entrance to point C.
-Removed collision from funny skeleton on RED last spawn.
-Skeleton is arguably funnier now.

The lights were green because I am colourblind and not because it displays radiation.
Blooming was caused by bad compile settings, I didn't check them since I didn't map for a couple of years.
This is not a troll map. I like to engage in a little bit of tomfoolery and I did make troll maps before, but this is not the case, trust me.