-clip fixes
-detailing and detailing fixes


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-on the suggestion of some people, I've changed the ground texture to something that'll make the buildings "pop" a bit more. Not 100% sure about it but we'll see how people like it
-lighting changes to fit new ground texture
-detailing around the map and 3d skybox
-fixed z-fighting issues
-clipping fixes


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-changed light bulb props on walls on red side
-moved capture point sight at mid to try and create some more cover in that area
-lengthened ramp on pipe at upper mid area


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-lighting overpass to try and make things less grey
-changed grates at mid point
-other stuff I don't remember but changed.


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-changed upper area by point to stop a wicked nasty sightline
-added occluders to try and optimize the map
-changed right path out of first transitional building to try to make it more useful
-attempts at optimization (though probably didn't work cause I have no idea what I'm doing
-fixed explosions going through grate at mid, checked it too so it's good
-moved health and ammo by 1st transitional building
-changed sun angle and brighten the inside of some buildings to make things easier to see
-it's a small world after all


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-attempted to make the point a stronger area
-shortened stairs to lower room in order to give the point more visability
-changed jump path to upper areas by point to remove heavy head glitch area
-added grates at point so players can see into the underground tunnels
-moved around walls and doors on side paths at mid to lessen how powerful it is while blocking cheeky sightlines
-removed barrel clusters on the side of the 2nd transitional building to make that area feel less cluttered
-fixed the bug causing a stupidly large file size


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-removed some barrels from mid to try and up it's fps
-edited skybox to remove uneven areas around mid and 2nd transitional buildings
-other optimization
-editing some detailing and sharpened shadows around the map to make it look all nice n pretty n stuff
-changed respawn times for capping mid. The team who is defending mid now has a 10 sec respawn while attackers have a 4 sec respawn. This will hopefully lead to some better back and forth with the point.
-fixed clipping issues throughout the map
-fixed windows to sniper roof on the 2nd traditional buildings not being mirrored correctly
-Big thanks to Beater for hosting a competitive test for the last version
-Fixed long windows on 2nd transitional building on red side being clipped when they where supposed to be open (also thought about combining the windows together but didn't like the result)
-changed mid to not be so cramped
-moved around stairs to lower mid flank
-changed side buildings by point in an attempt to change attacker and defender dynamic
-reopened room by mid in 2nd transitional building
-compiled with clip brushes TURN ON FOR REAL THIS TIME!
-added cover to mid
-changed inside of mid side buildings
-optimization attempts
-the dev brushes are on purpose cause idk if I'll keep that area in the 2nd transitional building closed. Will only know with testing