-added upper defense area for red at B to make it easier to hold
-edited room in the building to the right of B to fit the new area
-minor detail changes
-raised overall skybox to help explosive classes not hit it
-clipping fixes
-added 3D skybox and all that entails
-adjusted some prop fades
-adjusted lighting at last
-adjusted open windows at last
-fixed wires at last clipping into walls n things
-clipping fixes
-detail changes
-some out of bounds detailing
-changed some glass textures to their green variant to make them more obvious
-clipping fixes
-removed some custom content to decrease file size
-some optimization improvements
-replace tall thin silo between A and B with a low roof players can jump on
-replace thin silo at C with a dead tree
-turned staircase between A and B to a dropdown to help stop red from using it as a flank route
-opened up window in window room at D to try and make it less akward
-replaced blu reactor particles with red ones made by Zeus3005
-edited displacements to fit the tracks better and remove gaps between them and the ground
-changed around respawn times when points are capped
-almost fully redesigned B to be less of a horrid and impassable choke
-detail changes
-clipping fixes
-turned upper pathway by stairs past left entrance to last to a grate in hopes of making the area under it easier to notice
-adjusted coffee pot reflections


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-removed some custom content to reduce file size
-changed some lightmaps to help reduce file size
-added some more highground for attackers at C
-made one way door more obvious it's one way
-blocked sniper sightline at last where snipers could stand near spawn and defend while blending into the wall
-removed non resupply locker from first trade spawn to help ease confusing it with a resupply locker
-fixed seam under the track between A and B
-removed some props causing pop in around A


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-moved around health and ammo packs to try and make them easier for players to find
-some clipping fixes
-removed some physics props to help improve optimization
-re-enabled lockers that where missing collision
-petted dog
-fixed crashing due to hitting the edict limit
-widened sentry window at B to make attacking a engie nest there easier
-tried to make blu shortcut to B more obvious
-closed stairs to catwalk above C to try and help defenders defend that point
-made ramp from same catwalk to the upper doorway make sense detail wise
-some detailing
-some lighting changes
-fixed clipping on tractor tires
-swapped forklifts to fgd5's recently released ones
-birds now explode when shot
-fixed crashing (I hope)
-remade midwest mills logo to try and make it look less amateurish and fit better with more textures as well as the games stock signs


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-blocked horrid sightline across C
-removed a C sign prop at C
-changed lighting
-replace hydro arrow for blue's shortcut that opens after the cap A to a rotating billboard