-removed cart speed modifiers accidentally left on the cart path where the rollback zone by last used to be
-moved one way door near B to now be used for Blu's shortcut after A, this should stop red team from using it
-fully removed shortcut door at B area
-filled in room that previously had one way door and added an exterior path around it
-changed tunnel under B to connect to the building where the B shortcut door used to be
-Tried to connect buildings before B better
-Blu now shares it's final spawn with Red's 2nd forward spawn
-reoriented building with said spawn area in it to be more straightforward and less like a maze
-changed around areas by C to try and give engies more sentry options while also opening up some high ground routes
-removed a staircase in a room by C
-moved stairs leading to red's shortcut from last spawn to the upper area by C to be more obvious and less round-a-bout
-changed upper area by red shortcut door by last to change how blu uses it
-added some possibly useless high ground on the curve between B and C to see what players do with it, if anything
-removed shutter door between A and B and reverted it to just an open door frame so players don't think it leads to B
-fixed visible nodraw textures and whatever the crap was going on with that one lower staircase between C and last
-updated localization files


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-moved blu shortcut that opens after A
-changed up area by where the cart goes down after A
-Swapped Blu Final spawn room and red B spawn room
-Added door to close after B is capped (may not matter now with spawn room change
-opened up last
-added more upper area for Blu at last
-probably other things idk
-removed first rollback zone by last


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-changed area before B and between C and D to block sight lines
-blocked sight lines
-blocked more sight lines
-did I mention the sight lines I blocked
-blocked a few sight lines
-sight lines are now blocked
-you see that sight line, that one right there? NO! NO YOU DON'T CAUSE IT'S BLOCKED!!
-blocked sight lines


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-Changed A to try and get red to hold a tad bit farther back
-changed shortcut between blu spawn and B to be less out of the way and more useful
-Moved path to upper balcony path from D to C so that it's more obvious and has a door that closes after D is capped, stopping red from having easy access to that area
-moved lower left doorway from outside C to inside D to still give blu a flank into D while making it less of an all around flank for red pushing out


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-removed flank to a added in a5 as it only made things worse
-closed in building flank between A and B by silos
-added one way dropdown as well as sniper windows to the long building between blue spawn and B
-made the open space before A smaller and moved around the geometry to try to create more cover
-fixed odd clipping on extendo ramp between B and C
-closed up some areas a D to make it less swiss cheesy
-removed stairs to lower flank behind the pit at D and made it a one way drop down vent. Should make it good for attackers opposed to defenders
-added higher area before the first roll back zone at D that leads to vent mentioned above
-created a new spawn room for blu in the back of the building red has their 2nd spawn in that opens after C is capped to lessen blu's walk time from spawn to D
-added a prop jump to that concrete slab on the right of the long building in-front of blu spawn
-moved around some health n ammo packs
-widened ramp on rock by B
-fixed visual glitch on red's right exit at their final spawn room


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-Changed skybox to haze_01 from the swamp pack
-changed lighting to fit skybox better
-Added one way path for blu to get to A in an attempt
-fixed door not opening when B is capped
-moved around health and ammo packs throughout map to try and have them in better locations
-changed height dynamic in loading dock building by C
-blocked ridiculous sniper sightlines from C to blu spawn
-small amounts of detailing throughout map
-added stairs to red drop down path at C
-added new lower flank in and out of D
-removed jump path to route from D to the upper area between D and C in hopes of stopping red from holding that area once C is capped
-edited respawn time changes as points are capped throughout the map
-changed stairway from lower C area to upper B area to be a dynamic ramp that lowers after B is captured to try and stop red from getting behind blu's frontline
-moved around silos between A and B
-too much detailing for an alpha map
-fixed the cart being way too slow after B is capped
-added new building for blu to use while attacking C
-enlarged indoor routes around the map
-gave the stairs up to the conveyor at C more space to breath
-changed stairs to battlements between D and C to a jump route to try and slow down red getting to that area after C is capped
-locked off door by the trade spawn (spawn that starts red then turns blu) so blu can't use it to get as far behind red while attacking B
-other things I don't remember


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-fixed spawns AGAIN
-did a good bit of testing to make sure they work and are ready for players
-fixed spawns
-remade pretty much everything from B onward
-pushed back B
-changed landmark teleports to just normal teleports for moving players in spawn rooms around as they change
-messed around with respawn times as points are capped
-added info_observer points
-fixed sound glitch (I hope)