-blocked sightline between blu last spawn building and the low entrance of D
-changed around some detailing between Blu first spawn and A to hide optimization techniques
-changed interior ramp between A and B to wrap around stairs
-changed around props by the cement blocks at B to be less repetitive and allow players or more classes to jump on top of them
-even more optimization :D
-I honestly forgot what all has changed since I fixed this map up weeks ago but just didn't upload it :/
-moved around geometry to widen up some areas and make them feel less claustrophobic
-redid a lot of C to try and make it more defendable while addressing sightline issues
-addressed sightline issues at A
-removed some redundant feeling health and ammo pickups
-moved around blu's dropdown at A to make A more defendable
-changed around paths by B to try and make B more defendable
-changed around doorways so red doesn't have to break their legs near their first spawn
-consolidated some routes in an attempt to make the map less Swiss cheesy
-moved around stuff at C
-remade blu's entrances into D so it's not all dropdowns and hopefully sucks less
-actually remembered to pack the particles for the reactor at last


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-raised underpass area between A and B
-moved around the cover by the fence for the dropdown at A
-redid that wonky dropdown by B to make it not wonky
-added opening and closing doors to far building between B and C so red can't use it to flank blu as they attack C
-changed around D to try and make it less sentry friendly. Pushed back red spawn, widened the whole area up, widened open area bast the big door indo D and other things to try and make it suck so much less
-changed prop fence outside of D building to a brush based one and hid an occluder in it for optimization purposes
-added upper path above ramp hill area between B and C to try and help blu counter snipers there
-redid most of A
-redid B
-redid area between A and B
-did nothing to C or D


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-removed shortest path around the curve between A and B and closed it off
-blocked sightlines around the map
-expanded pathways around C
-expanded pathways around D
-other things around C
-added new route to A to make it less of a grinder for blu
-changed left exit of blu spawn for new A route
-widened old A route
-added hydro sigh for blu A shortcut cause even with lighting it up people still don't seem to notice it's there
-changed around track before B to give blu more space for attacking
-changed around back path of the curve to block sightlines and try to help blu with attacking
-added a plank ramp route at C
-removed all vents at last and replace it with a railed off dropdown and doorways
-attempted to fix over 20 second respawn time that happened sometimes
-rethought my life choices
-reworked last to try and make less bad
-lightened up blu shortcut after A
-minor detailing
-changed around blu first spawn a tad
-changed around stuff by C and removed that high up area with the vent from the last version
-observer cams now unlock as the map progresses instead of all of them always being enabled
-changed around the path behind the fence from A to B


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-changed some routes by B to give blu less high-ground there
-changed blu shortcut door direction so it doesn't go through the wire above it
-changed around C to try and give blu less op sniping spots and red more defendable areas
-changed D quite a bit to try and get blu to group up more and have more options for dealing with sentries, while stopping red from being able to easily flank a blu push
-added stairs down from the balcony by red's last spawn
-D's changes also shortened the track from C to D a bit which should help blu push
-pushed B slightly forward and gave red a bit more cover near it