Version a3:
-Map name has been decided, I've chosen the name "Metropolis".
-Changed the medium health packs at the point to small ones to make it harder for teams to defend.
-Nerfed a potential sniper sightline from right side to point.
-Lowered the fence on the left side to make it easier to rocket jump over.
-Moved the wall of the Sniper balcony backward and widened the windows in order to make Sniper slightly more powerful on offense.
-Changed the small ammo pack in the flank balcony to a medium one to help spies with cloak regenerate cloak.
-Added 2 small fences at the ramps leading to the point to serve as cover for teams approaching the point.
-Separated ammo and health packs a bit more to avoid players accidentally taking ammo or health when they didn't want to.
-Replaced some of the crate props with brushes to improve gameplay.
-Decorated Team spawns to look like subway stations.
-Added some props on top of the boxes near the bridge on the right side to avoid a potential Sniper sightline.
-Changed skybox texture.
-Added Areaportal entities tied to the spawn doors.
-Added non-playable areas for decoration.
-Changed the boxes on the left side to a more conventional wall.
-Lowered the doorway from the right route from spawn to the right side to avoid a potential Sniper sightline.
-Added some props for a bit more decoration.
-Fixed an issue with brush faces not drawing when approaching the crates near the flank balcony.
Mostly changes that make my life easier, some gameplay changes, some optimization, and some decoration.

Version a2b:
-Added more nodraw textures on faces that aren't visible.
-Added more props for decoration.
-Tidied up some sloppy brushes.
-Replaced dev textures to proper ones in areas that are for decoration.
-Tidied up the Skybox.
-Removed Sniper sightline from the shutter doors at mid to the left route from spawn.
-Lowered the arch above the point.
-Removed the angled walls near the point.
-Extended Sniper Balcony forward to be in line with the fence on the left and to provide teams with a bit more room under Balcony.
-Altered the left route from spawn to remove a Sniper Sightline as well as make the left route take slightly longer.
-Altered the entrance to the main room to remove a Sniper Sightline and make the route through mid slightly faster.
-Closed up the Skybox around the Spawn area for better performance and faster compile times
-Added some nodraw textures on faces that aren't visible.
-Removed unnecessary clip brushes.
-Fixed some overlays not appearing.
-Fixed some incorrect clip brushes.
-Fixed some incorrect Hint/Skip Brushes.
-Fixed an issue regarding stickies being able to be placed at the doors and having them stay in place in midair.