Version a9c:
-Increased round time from 60s back to 180s (that was NOT the value I wanted to lower)
-Decreased cap time from 12s to 10s (this was the value I wanted to lower)
-Removed the gray fences near the bridge to cow room.
-Shortened the cover on the point to make it less claustrophobic and changed the profile to be slanted to avoid players jumping onto them from left side and for aesthetics.
-Lowered the trigger brush on the point to prevent being able to capture the point while standing on top of the cover.
-Added a straight elevated section to the ramp on left side that leads to the point to see how it plays.
-Completely removed all of the remnants of the old flank.
Version a9b:
-Removed the gray fences left side since it would provide too much cover.
-Lowered the cap time from 180s to 60s. (Idk how I didn't lower it before)
-Changed the gray fence on middle to be a see through wall to make it harder for enemies to move onto left side.
-Added temporary cover on the point to see how it plays with it.
-Walled up the bridge leading from right side to cow room to avoid a sniper sightline.
-Fixed some props fading earlier than they should.
-Func_detailed some fences so that they wouldn't split vis leaves
-Added a bit more cover right outside of the middle shutter door to prevent possible sightlines from left side to right side.
-Removed the slanted portion of the red/blue fences on left sides since every class could jump on top of them.
-Fixed some incorrect textures.
-Added some arches for decoration.
-Added some more lights for better visibility.
-Lowered the fence near the bridge from right side to cow room.
-Started removing the old flank route.(kinda lazy to complete remove it rn)
Version a9a:
-Removed access to flank route temporarily to test out gameplay without it.
-Added func_nobuilds inside both spawns to avoid engineers building teleporter to let in spies.
-Added a stairway and bridge connecting the main route directly to the 2nd floor of the middle building.
-Extended a brush in the left exit of each spawn room since it was possible for engineers to build on it.
-Added a wall in the middle building on the 2nd floor for additional cover and to avoid potential sniper sightlines.
-Added a doorway to connect right side directly to the middle building to make it easier to move around the map.
-Fixed accidental asymmetry.
-Added a small ramp on left route from spawn to make it faster for people to leave spawn than it is to go into spawn. This was to avoid potential spawn camping and a sniper sightline.
-Shortened the wooden fences on left side to make it easier for soldier to jump over and demoman to spam point.
-Added small brushes to the bit that sticks out onto the point on left side to make it harder for scouts to jump to and be annoying.
-Added a fence to the route that connects from the exit to the idle shutter door to left side to make it harder for enemies to enter left side from the point.
-Moved the ammo and health packs as well as changed the small health pack on left side to a medium to see if it promotes players to play more around that area.
-Moved a prop around on right side to make it possible to jump on it to reach the elevated area.
-Changed the medium packs in the first floor of the middle building into small packs to make it harder for enemies sneaking behind to stay for long.
Version a9:
-Removed the two medium ammo packs on the point so that engineers have to move around to get metal.
-Moved the shutter door to the left so that it's closer to the point.
-Added clear glass to the shutter doors in the middle so that the point and any players can be visible.
-Removed the window for Sniper nest as it was too powerful of a sightline.
-Tweaked the layout for right side to make it closer to the point.
-Widened the routes from spawn to make rollouts easier and straight-forward and to hopefully have a clearer "Main Route" to the point.
-Added some barrels left side to block potential sniper sightline.
-Removed the arches that overlooked the point from left sides and made the width shorter to free up the area and nerf sniper sightlines.
-Shortened the dev wall on left side; it looked a bit too high.
-Nerfed the exit of flank to enemy's right side so that only mobile classes can access it through right side.
-Fixed a weird areaportal.
-Fixed some props fading earlier than they should.
-Added railing to the bridge in right side leading to sniper nest.
-Increased the size of the trigger brush for the shutter doors in mid so that baby face blaster scouts can pass through without getting stopped.
-Added a cow to sniper nest so now I can refer to it as "Cow Room".
Version a8a:
-Improved lighting in a dark corner flank.
-Added a perpendicular wall to left side to avoid a potential sniper angle and to make it easier for scouts to climb onto the wall to get into sniper nest.
-Added a small bridge from right side leading to sniper nest to make it easier for players to move around.
-Retextured Flank to a lighter color for better visibility.
-Added vertical brushes to the glass in flank that over looks left side to make it clear that its a glass wall.
-Dome decorative brushes into func_entities.
-Fixed some props fading earlier than they should.
-Added and modified signs pointing to where the control point and battlements are for clarity.
-Added func_nobuild triggers to the room in flank to avoid engineers setting up sneaky teleporters and sentries overlooking right side.
-Added some overlays for decoration.
Version a8:
-Fixed some props fading closer than they should.
-Removed the ramp on right side that lead to the flank on enemy's left side since it was causing that the team that had the point would effectively control both sides.
-Made all of the railings Non-solid and added player clip brushes so that projectiles and bullets can pass through.
-Added a slope from the point to the left side high ground.
-Modified right side flank so that only scouts and soldiers can access it and connected the right side flank to the enemy's left side.
-Moved Sniper nest window to the center to avoid snipers sniping through the window while on the stairs.
-Removed props decorating the tops of buildings to place skybox brushes to seal off the map for better optimization and to make it easier to make any changes.
-Added brushes to the 3D Skybox to replace some brushes that would be viewable in the playable area with skybox for better optimization.
-Added nodraw to faces that weren't visible.
-Expanded flank to be a small room where fights could take place in.
Version a7c:

-Fixed a misplaced nodraw texture on Red right side.
-Made the wooden fences taller on left side to avoid sniper jumping on top of them from the ledge in the window on sniper nest.
-Lowered the ground underneath sniper nest to also avoid sniper being able to headshot across the point from that area.
-Added a slope on the short wall on left slide to allow soldiers to rocket jump over the wooden fence more easily.
Version a7a:

-Added barrels to cover up some potentially problematic sniper sightlines.
-Fixed some texture mistakes.
-Lowered the ground right before the point so that the angled slops on the point aren't so high compared to the surrounding grounds. (Did this to avoid sniper sightlines)
-Made right side brighter for better visibility.
-Added mot Hint brushes and area portals for optimization.
-Fixed some props fading out before they should.
-Added more lighting to left side for better visibility.
-Improved the cover on right side by removing the 2Fort fence and replacing with a ramp and wall that covers players passing by from snipers.
-Connected left side to middle below the sniper nest and removed the health and ammo pack that was there.
-Moved up the wooden fence left side to provide a bit more safety when crossing.
-Added some missing env_cubemaps.
-Removed some health and ammo packs that were out of bounds.
-Remade the arches of right sight leading t the point cause it was driving me insane.
-Added a Decorative arch to left side high ground and to make it harder to spam from left side into the enemy's right side via the flank route.
-Added more spectator cameras. (Mostly to make my life easier taking screenshots)
-Added and edited Hint brushes for optimization.
-Added some crate and player clip brushes on left side to fill in the space behind the 2fort fence.
-Refined the lower ground before reaching the point so that it aligns with other slopes.
-Removed decoration from left side and simplified the skybox to make it easier to edit that area.
-Removed the decoration in the bridge above the point to make it easier to modify and to properly cut up the map for optimization.
Version a7:

Weird update cause I picked up the map after several years.

-Removed unnecessary details and props to make changes way easier.
-Reworked right side and added a one way flank route that leads to the enemy's left side.
-Reworked left side so that it has a area that overlooks the point.
-Lowered the point to make it fairer for the team that doesn't have the point to attack
-Added area portals in the 2 left paths after spawn for optimization.
Version a6:
-Moved both spawns back to create more space outside of spawn.
-Moved both sides so that there is more space on mid.
-Added medium ammo and small health pack on the second floor of the main buildings.
-Removed the flank route from the left side to point.
-Changed the layout of the left side so that it has the same height as the point, making it easier for teams to push from that side.
-Changed some Hint/Skip brushes.
-Removed the health packs at the point; now it's just ammo packs.
-Increased the capture area of the point.
-Changed batts so that it's more enclosed and so that the arch faces to the left.