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koth_crossway a3

Semi-diagonal koth map set on a hill fake makeshift factories

Koth crossway is a map with a layout designed to be fast paced and dynamic. The spaces where imagined to favor a circular motion and allow for fun interactions (at least that's what I'm hopping for)

The map is set between two fake factories created by each team to serve as a cover story while they secretly build rails under the others base. Little did they know they both had the same plan.

Now whit the cat out of the bag they have no other choice but to fight over the hill where the roads where supposed to be connected.

Hope you people like it :)

Micky Smouse
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. Moving to alpha 3

    So, this is going well...i think. Changes: Reduced point capture time from 24 seconds to 12. Altered the tunnel route in each base to favor defenders. Closed doors in shacks to impede flanking. Introduced additional cover to the point. Applied...
  2. Little changes

    Koth crossway is a map with a layout designed to be fast paced and dynamic. The spaces where imagined to favor a circular motion and allow for fun interactions (at least that's what I'm hopping for) The map is set between two fake factories...