Urban TF2 environments have to get a bit creative since most of the game's art direction is rural. I've done urban maps in the past and one lacking feature would be a variety of clean and enthusiastic textures to use. Eclectic bricks being made from the ground up for a city environment makes me excited to use them. Before I could be wishy-washy using a texture I didn't really want to, but had no closer option.

The best part of Eclectic bricks for me would be the high quality variety, they're not just hue-shifts which becomes very obvious on a larger scale, but stand out boldly as their own. Sometimes I'm fooled thinking it's a stock TF2 texture while working, and I compare two brick textures, and I'm impressed twice.

The bumpmaps can look great in the light, and not so much in low light shade which looks super glossy in my experience (though it is technically correct). Seeing them in my latest map, I am proud to be using them and Commingle deserves a lot more praise for them.
Excellent textures for use in urban areas in europe!