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cp_waterworks A4

Waterworks is a competitively oriented 5cp map.

As my first map-project I present to you cp_waterworks_a4! It's a competitively oriented 5cp map with the intent of being viable for 6v6 gameplay.
It’s supposed have a sort of factory-ish theme, but I am still learning how to decorate.
I am a competitive player who has 3.6k hours on the game and player in high tier 6v6(ETF2L)

I appreciate any constructive criticism and I am in DIRE NEED of any. I will consider all (sane) suggestions. Also do keep in mind that this is my first project. I will very likely use this map to learn and improve over time.

My overall feeling is:
Midpoint is OK
Last point is OK
Second is wierd and uninteresting
Transitions between all control points are wierd

The previous versions of the map can be found in the comments of the etf2l thread. http://etf2l.org/forum/maps/topic-32162

Mid Point

Second/Fourth Point

Last Point

Video of me flying around the map:
View: https://youtu.be/0_ALJau4raU

To do list:
– Learn how to do areaportals and hints
– Learn how to decorate
– Fix textures not alligning
– Fix bug that lets you see through roofs if there is a skybox blocking the roof.
– Bigger skybox
– Work on redesigning som areas
– Make second point more interesting and perhaps smaller

– Props fading after a certain distance
– Shutter doors

My first attempt (a1-a2) went poorly, so I took the parts and ideas of the map I liked and recycled them. My second attempt (a3) went a lot better, but it was still heavily flawed. After I tried to fix it, I just broke down and started over. I used some new ideas from a3 and kept them (last point for instance) and remade the entire map another time.
First release
Last update
Symmetrical CP

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