Did the bots tell you that you have fullbright on yet
Looks cool, Paulmega! Interested in seeing how this turns out.
One note, though- in the second screenshot, that ground looks awfully flat going out into the distance. Just make sure to add some turn/cover/height variation there going forward (which from the looks of it, you're planning on doing).
Now the inside area is finaly an inside. Still needs some work to make it look a bit more interesting. but its a start.
So yea... I'm quite new to the mapping scene. But so far I'm loving it! I was dicking around with random stuff I had no idea how it worked and eventually it shaped into (hopefully) my first map. So far, I've only done a spawn room and a last point on a 5cp map. No idea what else to do. Here's some screens: http://imgur.com/a/tElAr
Any advise?
Welcome to the forums, it's always a pleasure to have new people here. Just a forewarning you're overscaling the map by several hundred units it looks like, possible even a thousand or so. Might want to shrink things down or compile and walk around in game and think about how open and wide all of it is. This is a common mistake but a very fixable one. If you want tutorials or any sort of help just feel free to ask or look around.
Rule of thumb the walls of my buildings range from 192 ~ 256 in height and 8~32 in thickness. You can go taller with wall height of course, depends on the situation.
I know its a bit thick. i took the fog distance that was the same as in cp_egypt but in this case its clearly too much.But I would say that the fog is just a bit too thick. I don't think the bot models have the same definition as the normal player models, so clarity is a must.
Also, especialy for beginners its well advised to take a look in the decompiled maps. They can give a much better indication of scale than numbers can.Rule of thumb the walls of my buildings range from 192 ~ 256 in height and 8~32 in thickness. You can go taller with wall height of course, depends on the situation.