WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!

Oct 6, 2008
There is no shame in just copy-pasting in a proper lighting setup that matches the skybox. Or follow the numbers listed on here https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Sky_List#team_fortress_2_materials.gcf for a base direction.

Hmmm - maybe I'm doing the copy paste wrong - the link you gave me is the one I used - I just checked it again - all the values from the page for plr_pipeline are in the env_sun - maybe I should use sky_nightfall_01 instead?

- brightness doesn't match the skybox texture
- the sun angle is completely off. Nothing is casting any shadows because the entire map is in shade, it makes it look very flat.

Yep, I agree - maybe once skybox is fixed that will also be fixed

- you are lighting the play areas with very strong pure white lights, it doesn't look real and props end up lit very strangely.

I'm using spots and they are giving me headaches - I'm either getting complete overkill on the light or zero - I can't seem to find a happy medium - any suggestions / links on how to use the spots correctly?

Maybe you don't think it's important to worry about the lighting early on, but I disagree, it's a very simple "fix" to improve the maps aesthetics drastically. A map that is pleasant to look at will naturally make people more interested.

I totally agree - I want get the light done right at the start - because it changes everything else in the map


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Hmmm - maybe I'm doing the copy paste wrong - the link you gave me is the one I used - I just checked it again - all the values from the page for plr_pipeline are in the env_sun - maybe I should use sky_nightfall_01 instead?

Yep, I agree - maybe once skybox is fixed that will also be fixed

I'm using spots and they are giving me headaches - I'm either getting complete overkill on the light or zero - I can't seem to find a happy medium - any suggestions / links on how to use the spots correctly?

I totally agree - I want get the light done right at the start - because it changes everything else in the map

There are 3 big environment entities that you want to mess with.

To light your map you want to work at the light_environment: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Light_environment
This entity dictates the light your skybox brushes emit. Think of the skybox texture as a brushbased light and the light_environment sets all the parameters for this massive "light". The strength, color, angle and pitch is all set here.

shadow_control https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Shadow_control
controls the way shadows from dynamic entities, meaning players, health+ammo pickups or dynamic models such as doors.

env_fog_controller https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Env_fog_controller is the entity that adds fog to your map

You mention env_sun but that entity is purely visual, it does not add any light to your map, all it does is add a big glowing sprite in your skybox.

If you feel like it use: http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=4872 the environment gallery. But generally I think you should spend some time and understand these entities instead of just blindly copy pasting them.

For light spots, look at the sdk maps that valve ships with hammer. Learn by watching how others have done it, then once you figure out how the various lights work (by a lot of experimenting!) you can go and experiment and try your own settings.

Furthermore, pipeline lighting is really tricky compared to others. plr_pipeline is heavily lit by spotlights while the environment is very dark. Good luck with it but you can easily end up with a very dark map if you're not vigilant.
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L3: Member
Nov 22, 2012
Maybe not so revelant, but I'm making a bar-desk for a SFM map.

All I need to do is get the propper (these engine updates keeps bitching the situation for me) working.
For those who want it detailed, the propper in the compile log just gives me a "Access Denied" error.
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