Deodorant is right. The "big chunk of terrain with stuff on it" approach would work in a game like Battlefield, but TF2 maps are very small, narrow, and directed compared to those kinds of maps. Think of the map as a series of big rooms, or areas, connected by routes. grazr did an excellent tutorial about this, read it here.
Also, please calm down. Nobody is insulting you by telling you how to improve.
Ooh, you mean that texture on top of a door? Didn't notice that. Will fix in next build.
No, the fact that you have completely black ceilings.
why are you spawning healthkits and ammo packs and crates(???) like that?
They're not properly... lit yet. I don't know how to fix that.
if you buil enough stuff on sai chunk, it can easily become a regular tf2 map. this approach can work just as well as builing room by room
if you buil enough stuff on sai chunk, it can easily become a regular tf2 map. this approach can work just as well as builing room by room
After 30 minutes (of alone livestreaming)
If you build enough stuff (In an informed and well thought-out way) on said junk, it can easily become a regular TF2 map with large areas of pointlessly rendered displacement hidden underneath the floors, and where the design limitations given by the already made environment give you more work than building new ground displacements for the separate areas would have. Yay?
nay. the preexisting isplacements will guie the map evelopment in a way planning woulnt have, efining areas an height ifferences for you resulting in an emergent map layout as oppose to a preplanne one an the "junk" will have serve its purpose as being the floor of the map much alike usually its just a single brush use for sai purpose. thats yay.
eit: plus if you hie the isplacements uner the floors, they will not be renere anyway.
eit 2: fuck my d key.