How come only one capture point? Poor BLU.
Because other capture points aren't assigned yet.
The lighting preview window is utterly useless. Don't use it.
The reason why the fence is dark is because its origin is in the shade. Enable -staticproplighting (not recommended in alpha), assign another origin (your best bet if this bothers you so much), move the prop, or ignore it for now![]()
Hang about, did you make all six sides of your brushes into displacements?
As I said before, only 2 sides were made into displacements. It seems the wall of text hit you so hard that you forgot what you have read.<...> it's a displacement made of the front and top of a brush? <...>
Why here, when I ray trace in hammer, that thing is shaded so well, while in-game it's all in the shadow (same issue without cfg)? Maybe this problem is also related?
Yeah, me too. I never did a map. The way I work is by adding small parts of the map every day. The thing is, I don't want to make a balanced and fun to play map- I just want to make a map. Wait, WHAT? Well I want to finish a map so I would be familiar to all the tools. logic, compiler, etc. before trying to make a good map. As they say, pancakes are yummy, but nobody want them burnt. And when do pancakes burn? When The Pyro cooks them.I'm a bad example of a mapper, really. I never draw out a layout, instead choosing to work off a design in my head, and I never make "Alphas". I just start making them as if when I'm finished, it's ready to go to beta. This may be partially why I never end up FINISHING any of my maps, but mapping is mostly a hobby and a nice way to spend the afternoon while listening to music.
That being said, here's a WiP picture of what I'm currently called "cp_fortress". It's a kind of trench-based map, with the Red team assaulting a blue Fortification (backward to the standard CP style, I realize). Gameplay wise, it will be a linear, one-round, three-CP assault/defend map.
Also, please admire how well the tank barriers turned out. :cool1: - a small video of what I have. Sorry for the poor quality. It seems I've forgotten to increase the bit-rate of the video when rendering.
Why the hell are you showing all your cliping issues?
If you really want demons sitting above the spawn and camping the exits. good luck.
*cough* Badwater *cough*
Thats not an excuse, in Badwater someone was do lazy to do it right,
but it seems like you want this to happen.