It makes me sad when someone quotes terrible displacements and says "how do you make such nice looking displacements."
It makes me sad when someone labels my work in progress terrible.
True, they're still not finished but even so it seems a little harsh to describe them as terrible based off that one hammer screenshot. Besides, they're not nearly as uniform as that screenshot suggests, every face has been hand sculpted. Unfortunately, the big one on the right which is the most uniform of the lot is the one most clearly visible. I didn't really spend any time on that one as it's the backside of an out of bounds area. Either way I'm still going to work on them, this is just the first displacement pass going in.
Nonetheless, thanks for taking the time to feedback, your criticisms and advice have been dully noted.
I can't really offer a great deal of advice on displacements Raffi, the best tip I can give is don't stick to orthogonal brushes, venturing away from right angles (and even 45 degree angles) helps with both efficient construction and natural shapes. Oh and don't use subdivide, it sucks.