17:42 - Wilson: YM, You got to save the kitten!
17:42 - Littleedge: Is that not understandable, Frozen?
17:43 - YM does not understand
17:43 - Fr0z3n: Idk, if you don't know anything/much about religion, I feel like your missing something
17:43 - Fr0z3n: You should at least know what religions are out there.
17:43 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Why do i feel like i am surrounded by idiots
17:43 - Fr0z3n: because you are
17:43 - Littleedge: I know a couple. And I know the most basic of basic knowledge for them
17:44 - Littleedge: But I learned it from passing
17:44 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Damn I knew it