12:20 PM - AyesDyef: 1tb of anime, 1tb of random stuff, and 1tb of games + projects.
12:20 PM - AyesDyef: the other 500 is my C:
Blob is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
12:20 PM - AyesDyef: And that has installations and other stuff.
12:20 PM - Kiwi: random stuff fills a TB?
12:20 PM - Behind You!!!: by "anime"
12:20 PM - Behind You!!!: you mean
12:20 PM - Behind You!!!: "porn"
12:20 PM - Behind You!!!: yes?
12:20 PM - AyesDyef: By anime, I actually mean anime

12:20 PM - Littleedge: Why does Minecraft run out of memory so much
12:20 PM - Behind You!!!: lies
12:20 PM - AyesDyef: porn goes on C:
12:20 PM - AyesDyef:

12:21 PM - AyesDyef: And yes, I have 1tb of random stuff.
12:21 PM - AyesDyef: This includes my torrent folder.
12:21 PM - Behind You!!!: i take pride in the fact that you can search my pc and you won't find porn on it
12:21 PM - AyesDyef: The bulk of it is music and images.
12:21 PM - Kiwi: Thats the beauty of the internet
12:21 PM - Littleedge: Behind You
12:21 PM - Behind You!!!: yes
12:21 PM - Littleedge: ^
12:21 PM - AyesDyef: lol BY
12:21 PM - Littleedge: For porn, you have a bunch of options.
12:21 PM - Behind You!!!: i know
12:22 PM - AyesDyef: That's cos you're young BY...
12:22 PM - Littleedge: redtube, spankwire, youporn, megaporn...
12:22 PM - Behind You!!!: i'm 20 as of the 9th, ayes
12:22 PM - Behind You!!!: and little
12:22 PM - AyesDyef: I'm 22 already

12:22 PM - Behind You!!!: I KNOW
12:22 PM - Littleedge: No need to save anything on your computer
12:22 PM - Littleedge: You simply CCleaner afterwards
12:22 PM - Behind You!!!: le
12:22 PM - Behind You!!!: listen
12:22 PM - Behind You!!!: I KNOW
12:22 PM - Kiwi: Or incognito on Chrome
12:22 PM - AyesDyef: I save the stuff you can't stream.
Godslayer57 llGHll disconnected.
12:24 PM - AyesDyef: Yeah but then what if I wanted to find something again Kiwi?

12:24 PM - Kiwi: You remeber it?
12:24 PM - Behind You!!!: why would you watch the same porno twice
12:24 PM - Kiwi: ^That
12:25 PM - E² StickZer♥: lol
12:25 PM - AyesDyef: Oh there are somethings that have to be watched more than once.
12:25 PM - AyesDyef: For the lols
12:25 PM - AyesDyef: Not for fapping, for the lols
12:25 PM - TechTF: Awesome lol
12:25 PM - Behind You!!!: like what, ayes
12:25 PM - TechTF: Hooorssse ppppoorrr
12:26 PM - E² StickZer♥: for the loli?
12:26 PM - Behind You!!!: o loli
12:26 PM - AyesDyef: lol
12:26 PM - TechTF: loli
12:26 PM - AyesDyef: Hmmm... lets see.
12:26 PM - AyesDyef: Concrete Cube I guess?
12:26 PM - AyesDyef: Or Face Invaders.
12:26 PM - Behind You!!!: ....
12:26 PM - AyesDyef: They're just funny

12:26 PM - Behind You!!! google bth of those
12:27 PM - Sebad: TF2Porn chat
12:27 PM - Behind You!!! googles both*
12:27 PM - AyesDyef: Not everyone watches porn to fap

12:27 PM - Behind You!!!: you're right
12:27 PM - Behind You!!!: but those who don't are weirdos
12:27 PM - TechTF: someone watches porn to map
12:27 PM - AyesDyef: I've got a bunch of trap ones that I love to trick my friends with

Godslayer57 llGHll entered chat.
12:27 PM - TechTF: like 2 girls and 1 cup lol?
12:27 PM - E² StickZer♥: "Girl gets cemented into a cube and fucked"
12:28 PM - AyesDyef: My friend'll be like "Oh wow, she's hot, AWWW FUCK SHE HAS A PENIS"
12:28 PM - E² StickZer♥: line trap much?
12:28 PM - Behind You!!!: ayes
12:28 PM - AyesDyef: lolololol
12:28 PM - E² StickZer♥: she's hawt
12:28 PM - AyesDyef: What...
12:28 PM - Behind You!!!: you're one weird guy
12:28 PM - Behind You!!!: but i like that
12:28 PM - AyesDyef: lol
12:28 PM - Godslayer57 llGHll: What am I doing......I can't read...
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Fr0z3n is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
12:29 PM - AyesDyef: lol
12:29 PM - AyesDyef: I guess I've just grown past that stage in life.
12:30 PM - AyesDyef: Where it's like FAP FAP FAP.
12:30 PM - E² StickZer♥: you sick bastard
12:30 PM - Sebad: but that's every stage