Why do you love steam convos?


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
Your state is set to Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.

6:55 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: good.
6:55 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: steam fucked up


Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
Eyce: How the fuck do you stay awake during Baseball?
Eyce: Seriously.
Eyce: It's like Curling with White people not being the majority.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
11:01 AM - Leminnes.ps: stick, what would you had done if they had not beaten the game yet?
11:01 AM - Frazer | 72 Hour Failure: ^^^
11:02 AM - E² StickZer♥: Laughed at their incontinence
11:02 AM - E² StickZer♥: no, wait
11:02 AM - Leminnes.ps: lol
11:02 AM - E² StickZer♥: incompetence
Jan 20, 2010
LeSwordfish #72hrmap: Guys, Leminnes is really great, you know.



&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
4:57 PM - ])72]v[: free to pee :D
4:57 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: free to wee
4:57 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: you are weezhing there
4:57 PM - ])72]v[: mee?
4:57 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: yee
4:57 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: you
4:58 PM - ])72]v[: oh gee
4:58 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: lol
4:58 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: oh lee
4:58 PM - ])72]v[: i see
4:58 PM - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: its a flee.
4:59 PM - CurrentlyFapping: This is why we can't have nice things
4:59 PM - ])72]v[: *nice thingees


L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
me getting carried awayee

TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: ok thats 72
TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: no more ee's
])72]v[: two and seven-tee
CurrentlyFapping: http://forums.tf2maps.net/showpost.php?p=235033&postcount=1472
])72]v[: cant stop mee saying ee no sirree
Aly: Bye!
CurrentlyFapping: later aly
])72]v[: BYEE!
Aly disconnected.
TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: lol
TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: cya alygeens
Zhan: does this all look about right to you guys: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18787920/72hrnotes.txt
TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2]: alykeens*
CurrentlyFapping: 404
Zhan: whoops
Zhan: give it a sec
])72]v[: an updatee is needeed to your past, CeeFee
])72]v[: *post
])72]v[: :p
RaVRaGe left chat.
CurrentlyFapping: I'll go insane I swear
])72]v[: oh reelee?


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
Never tell your password to anyone.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
7:38 PM - nine: fuck
7:38 PM - K♥nata: yes


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
8:35 PM - Leminnes.ps: pl_thunder_bluff
8:35 PM - Leminnes.ps: pl_lightning_bluff
8:36 PM - Leminnes.ps: pl_storm_bluff
8:36 PM - oak: thunder bluff
8:36 PM - Leminnes.ps: wait
8:36 PM - Leminnes.ps: that's WoW
8:36 PM - Leminnes.ps: isn't it?
8:36 PM - oak: I was hoping you wouldn't realize
8:36 PM - Leminnes.ps: yes
8:36 PM - Leminnes.ps: lol
8:36 PM - Leminnes.ps: close one
8:37 PM - Rexy: pl_thunder_butt
8:37 PM - Rexy: aka
8:37 PM - Rexy: I farted
8:37 PM - Grim Tuesday: I queffed
8:37 PM - Leminnes.ps: I can't decide a damn name :|, although thunder bluf is definately out
8:37 PM - Leminnes.ps: lol
8:38 PM - Rexy: pl_thunderroll
8:39 PM - Leminnes.ps: not sure if I want thunder in it, tbh
8:39 PM - Leminnes.ps: thunder mountain kind of has a monopoly on thunder
8:39 PM - Grim Tuesday: someone come up with a name for mine
8:39 PM - Rexy: pl_rolling_thunder
8:39 PM - Rexy: you have to have thunder now
8:39 PM - Rexy: you don't have achoice
8:39 PM - oak: pl_corcscrew_blow
8:41 PM - K♥nata: pl_thunderexy
8:41 PM - oak: pl_thunder_down_under
8:42 PM - K♥nata: pl_kachu_used_thunder
8:42 PM - Grim Tuesday: pl_thunderstuck
8:43 PM - oak: pl_fundurr
8:43 PM - Grim Tuesday: acutally il call mine pl_fractal
8:43 PM - Grim Tuesday: since I name every map that
8:43 PM - Grim Tuesday: but il actually release this oen
8:43 PM - oak: ctf_anthill
8:44 PM - AxiomaticFrood: pthunder_thunder
8:44 PM - oak: plunder_thunder?
8:44 PM - Leminnes.ps: pl_murmur_crag or pl_murmur_bluff ?
8:44 PM - AxiomaticFrood: pl_under_thunder

8:45 PM - Leminnes.ps: damn
8:45 PM - Leminnes.ps: just going to use crag


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
8:44 PM - Fr0z3n|The Mad Mapper: CP frozen up on US...
8:45 PM - oak: cp_frozen_assets?
8:45 PM - oak: That maps is terrible no thanks
oak left chat.

8:52 PM - ])72]v[: oak we werent talking bout frozenassets
8:53 PM - oak: frozen assets?
8:53 PM - oak: no thanks that map isn't very good
8:53 PM - Fr0z3n|The Mad Mapper: Equally as horrible.
8:54 PM - ])72]v[: better optimization
8:54 PM - oak: why'd he make a new version
8:54 PM - Fr0z3n|The Mad Mapper: (no optimization)
8:54 PM - oak: I thought it was final
8:54 PM - ])72]v[: :D
8:54 PM - Fr0z3n|The Mad Mapper: Can't tell if serious...
8:54 PM - ])72]v[: neither do i
8:54 PM - oak: me neither
Last edited:


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
9:04 PM - Grim Tuesday: [60 lines worth of a single url]
9:04 PM - Grim Tuesday: durp
9:04 PM - Grim Tuesday: sorry
9:04 PM - ƒѕ™TMP: WHA
9:04 PM - Prestige: lmao
9:04 PM - Erich: oh dear god what
9:04 PM - Grim Tuesday: didnt know it was that long
9:04 PM - K♥nata: what the fuck grim
9:04 PM - Tom Cruise: whoa
9:04 PM - Prestige: n1 grim
9:04 PM - K♥nata: !ban grim
9:04 PM - K♥nata: lol
9:04 PM - Tom Cruise: holy shite
9:04 PM - Prestige: is this a url
9:04 PM - Grim Tuesday: I just coppied and basted
9:04 PM - Grim Tuesday: *psted
9:04 PM - Grim Tuesday: a url
9:05 PM - oak: you are an awful person
9:05 PM - Grim Tuesday: I didnt know it was a mile long
9:05 PM - Prestige: you will never redeem yourself
9:05 PM - ƒѕ™TMP: The best part
9:05 PM - Fr0z3n|The Mad Mapper: I blame teams :/
9:05 PM - ƒѕ™TMP: is that I was just being bored
9:05 PM - ƒѕ™TMP: so I looked over
9:05 PM - ƒѕ™TMP: and boom

9:06 PM - Erich: TMP has spam vision
9:06 PM - Erich: he can make spam


Jun 9, 2009
23:52 - Littleedge: OH GOD IIKKA MADE NUCLEUS
23:52 - Littleedge: HE IS NOW MY FAVORITE
23:52 - Seba wants Made Man: how do you know
23:52 - Littleedge: http://i.imgur.com/MY146.png
23:52 - voidy: littleedge what the hell stop ejaculating over valve employees
23:52 - voidy: first driller now iikka
23:53 - voidy: you're worse than zpq
23:53 - Littleedge: I did not ejaculate on Driller
23:53 - voidy: and thats a difficult thing to be worse than
23:53 - Littleedge: I just hugged him lots and had Political say hi to him for me


L2: Junior Member
Jun 12, 2009
7:43 PM - Steff0o: does anyone know where the flat dev textures are? :D
Fubar is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
7:44 PM - Rexy: they're in the little girl's section, shopping for training bras
7:44 PM - Rexy: get it
7:44 PM - Rexy: get it
7:44 PM - Rexy: seewhatIdidthere
7:44 PM - RaVRaGe: oh yes oh yes
7:45 PM - Rexy: /roll on snare drum
7:45 PM - Rexy: I'll be here all weekend
7:46 PM - Rexy: goodnight ladies and gentlemen
Rexy disconnected.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
3:42 PM - Prestige: i got both shades
3:42 PM - Prestige: the sepks
3:42 PM - Prestige: and these
3:42 PM - Blob: you had a F2P noobs friend? :3
3:42 PM - Seba wants Made Man: prestige who the fuck thinks you're helpful


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
11:03 PM - Littleedge: CP just asked Robin a "Which class' question
11:03 PM - Littleedge: If you were on an island with only one TF2 class, which TF2 class would it be and why
11:04 PM - K♥nata: totally would be the scout
11:04 PM - K♥nata: can you imagine how long he could fuck for?
11:04 PM - Zhan: wat
11:04 PM - K♥nata: cuz heck if I was stuck on an island then I'd probably be dead eventually
11:04 PM - K♥nata: so party all nite
11:04 PM - K♥nata: erryday
11:04 PM - Littleedge: Robin's answer: The spy because he can change disguises and it would never get boring
11:04 PM - K♥nata: oh gawd
11:04 PM - K♥nata: robin gave a sex answer too
Last edited:
Jan 20, 2010
8:35 pm - leminnes.ps: Pl_thunder_bluff
8:35 pm - leminnes.ps: Pl_lightning_bluff
8:36 pm - leminnes.ps: Pl_storm_bluff
8:36 pm - oak: Thunder bluff
8:36 pm - leminnes.ps: Wait
8:36 pm - leminnes.ps: That's wow
8:36 pm - leminnes.ps: Isn't it?
8:36 pm - oak: I was hoping you wouldn't realize
8:36 pm - leminnes.ps: Yes
8:36 pm - leminnes.ps: Lol
8:36 pm - leminnes.ps: Close one
8:37 pm - rexy: Pl_thunder_butt
8:37 pm - rexy: Aka
8:37 pm - rexy: I farted
8:37 pm - grim tuesday: I queffed
8:37 pm - leminnes.ps: I can't decide a damn name :|, although thunder bluf is definately out
8:37 pm - leminnes.ps: Lol
8:38 pm - rexy: Pl_thunderroll
8:39 pm - leminnes.ps: Not sure if i want thunder in it, tbh
8:39 pm - leminnes.ps: Thunder mountain kind of has a monopoly on thunder
8:39 pm - grim tuesday: Someone come up with a name for mine
8:39 pm - rexy: Pl_rolling_thunder
8:39 pm - rexy: You have to have thunder now
8:39 pm - rexy: You don't have achoice
8:39 pm - oak: Pl_corcscrew_blow
8:41 pm - k♥nata: Pl_thunderexy
8:41 pm - oak: Pl_thunder_down_under
8:42 pm - k♥nata: Pl_kachu_used_thunder
8:42 pm - grim tuesday: Pl_thunderstuck
8:43 pm - oak: Pl_fundurr
8:43 pm - grim tuesday: Acutally il call mine pl_fractal
8:43 pm - grim tuesday: Since i name every map that
8:43 pm - grim tuesday: But il actually release this oen
8:43 pm - oak: Ctf_anthill
8:44 pm - axiomaticfrood: Pthunder_thunder
8:44 pm - oak: Plunder_thunder?
8:44 pm - leminnes.ps: Pl_murmur_crag or pl_murmur_bluff ?
8:44 pm - axiomaticfrood: Pl_under_thunder

8:45 pm - leminnes.ps: Damn
8:45 pm - leminnes.ps: Just going to use crag

trying so hard to be serious, rexy. So hard.


Jun 9, 2009
09:39 - TF2maps.net] Ricardo [AL2] sends tech and frozen to the shut up section


Jun 9, 2009
13:16 - Seba: I'm actually tempted to get MW2
13:16 - Seba: but....eh
13:17 - Erich: don't do it
13:17 - Grim Tuesday: dont do it
13:17 - Fubar: don't do that
13:17 - Howling Techie: noo
13:17 - oak: Don't do it

Only thing chat agrees on