void: Oh hey guys
void: totally wasnt just in super's house
void: Nope
void: Not at all
Detective Moosε: wat
supersandvich: void is living in my haus because he got kicked out of his
void: Nice vase your mother has, Super. Too bad its broken. At least it'll be blamed on your sister.
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: cool starry bra
Detective Moosε: what
Detective Moosε: huh
Detective Moosε: void what time is it
supersandvich: yea he got caught with his crack cocaine
void: Your front door squeaks too much
Detective Moosε: lol
void: Fix it
supersandvich: void you do not cure a crackcocaine addiction by only taking cocaine
void: It's 10:34 down here in Texas, Moose
void: 10:35 now
Detective Moosε: super your window is too hard to open
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: (the same time it is in minnesota)
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: fyi
LAGS Absurdist of the Mobius: 8:35 here is SF

Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: 11:36 here in THE D
void: Moose I'll be over at your place tomorrow. Super's house smells too much like fish. Probably because Super gets all the pussy.
supersandvich: why would i do such a thing
Detective Moosε: okay
void: Oh, then it was your sister?
void: Woops
supersandvich: oh you were talking about my cats
supersandvich: yes they smell like fish
void: Oh
supersandvich: my cats dont like you
void: They sure do like you, though
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: your sister smells like cats?
supersandvich: they are thinking about various ways to murder you in extreme detail while they stare at you
Detective Moosε: super is calling his cats
void: Well, off to see your mother!
Detective Moosε: he will attack you
supersandvich: i am the cat master
supersandvich: behold my army of cats
Detective Moosε: with his army of kitties
Detective Moosε: yes
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: when does void come visit me?
Detective Moosε: mew
void: I'll visit you on wednesday, Graham
Detective Moosε:
http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=16689 jonah and grazr made this thread worthwhile
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: i have an exam wednesday
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: make it thursday?
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: we can get drunk
Cyked | tf2heatmaps.net: i dont have class on fridays
supersandvich: moose i posted a creative
supersandvich: *an creative
Detective Moosε: rofl
Icarus entered chat.
void: Sure think, Mr. Mackie
void: When am I visiting you, Mr. Wong?
void: Mr. Wong?
Icarus: what
void: When shall I arrive?
Icarus left chat.
void: I can't do Tuesday or Thursday
void: Oh, sad day
Detective Moosε: rofl
Detective Moosε: you freaked icky out
void: I'll freak you inside out
void: Tomorrow though
Detective Moosε: okay what
Eyce needs a new mouse- halp is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
void: I'm going to sleep on Super's roof tonight
Detective Moosε: watch out it is made of straw
supersandvich: i do not have a roof
supersandvich: for i am the moon
Detective Moosε: but
Detective Moosε: I am the sun
void: Oh dear, I must be at the neighbor's house
supersandvich: i am the moon
Aly: I didn't even understand goldengirls post
supersandvich: we will unite forces
Detective Moosε: :u
void walks back to Super's house
supersandvich: and crash into the earth
supersandvich: woosh
void rings door
void: open the door
void: get on the floor
void: everybody walk the dinosaur