PL WhiteJack [Deleted]

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015


Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Looks overscaled, too dark outside, and too bright in others, cart shouldn't also snap to a full 90 degree rotation...


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
Looks overscaled, too dark outside, and too bright in others, cart shouldn't also snap to a full 90 degree rotation...
I just want to make sure sollys and demos have good hight to jump. How high should the skybox be?

Edit: because on my old maps the skybox was always to short. I just want to make sure sollys and demos have good room and hight to jump.

Edit 2: I am not trying to argue with you. I am just wondering how tall I should make it. I am not dismissing your feedback. I am just trying to get a better view on the changes that I need to make.
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Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
640 unit height difference? Nope that is not going to work in any ways
I think it can. I just have to lower the skybox and the walls in the front. And keep the back the same in some spots.


Yet another Techie for the net...
Jun 19, 2015
You can have a high skybox without having extreme height differences throughout the map. Just use skybox walls from the tops of buildings up. Have a look at upward - the play areas don't have extreme changes in height, however the skybox is really high. Too much height can also make damage falloff really noticeable.


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added new forward spawn for blue once blue team capture the third control point
- Added a new wall to the back of the map to prevent snipers sniping right into the new forward spawn
- Added new signs
- Updated the walls to be shorter but kept the height of the skybox for the jumping classes
- Updated the cart pathway to not have the cart turn at a 90% angle
- Updated the cart pathway to not float while going threw the top level door
- Updated a wall to not have a hole near the doors
- Updated the outside doors to not trigger when underneathe them, while on a lower level
- Updated blue spawn to have the players spawn on ether side to prevent dieing when you spawn from spam
- Updated the red spawn to be father back to ease up on the red control of the last 3 control points

Thank you Octoblitz ( ) and theatreTECHIE ( ) for the feedback and helping this map to be better then it once was.

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Rework the payload track and the Control Points
- Updated signs
- Updated red spawn to be push back to help blue team
- Hopefully fixed the forward spawn not working
- Forgot to make sure peole cant leave there spawn during set up time, going to fix that later.

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Fixed the doors not shutting during setup time for blue team
- Added new health kits to in front of blue spawn under a bridge
- Added new bridge to not have the in front spawn so open
- Added a fence to keep players from going to once the third capture point is captured
- Updated many of the pillars to be fit with the new bridge

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added new building across from second point
- Added kill trigger behind the fence
- Added new one way doors for blue team
- Updated the red spawn to be closer due to the new blue doors
- Updated the setup time to be longer for red team to be able to set up in time
- Updated textures
- Updated signs
- Updated the ramp right after the third control point to be able to get onto from lower ramp easier
- Remove two track peaces from in front of second control point
- Fixed the cart getting suck right after the second control point

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added water
- Added water falls
- Added new cover all around the map from snipers
- Added some geometry to prevent demomans jump from one side of the map to the other
- Added new lights
- Added fences to the blue spawn to help reduce camping
- Updated the track layout to go around the new cover from snipers
- Updated the lower side of blue spawn to be flipped so you dont come right in front of the spawn doors
- Updated some signs
- Updated the red spawn to be further up so red does not have to walk to far to get to the Frontline.
- Updated some walls to help people feel bigger

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Fixed the payload getting stuck
- Updated the front to have more open space
- Updated all of the halls to be more open
- Updated the track to go into the water

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added new more up front spawn for red
- Added a turn table
- Reworked the entire first blue spawn
- Update the wood planks to be mettle fence due to the wood planks having no collation
- Update health packs
- Update the map to be more open
- Update the control point names
- Updated the last control point to have the bomb fall of the edge
- Updated the twin doors in front of the second blue spawn to be open when the second control is capture for blue team
- Update some textures that were underground due to new pathway from the rework of the first blue spawn

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added a Rollfront right after the second control point has been captured to simulate the motion of the cart falling
- The map has gone threw a art past
- Fixed the bomb blowing up to soon before the finial control point

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added no build to all the ramps so engineers can not telly trap players
- Updated a health pack from small to medium
- Updated some textures
- Updated the set up timer to be shorter

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added two new exits for red first spawn
- Added some geometry to block players looking outside the map
- Added a new building on the other side of the other building by second control point
- Updated both buildings to be entered and exited
- Updated some geometry to block a massive sniper sight line from the new red spawn exit
- Updated some health and ammo kits
- Updated the last control point
- Updated signs around the map
- Updated textures around the map

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added many new props around the map
- Added new rollback to the track
- Added new pillars to the walkway to last control point
- Updated the map to make out were the rollbacks are
- Fixed small things

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War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
- Added new building across from second point
- Added kill trigger behind the fence
- Added new one way doors for blue team
- Updated the red spawn to be closer due to the new blue doors
- Updated the setup time to be longer for red team to be able to set up in time
- Updated textures
- Updated signs
- Updated the ramp right after the third control point to be able to get onto from lower ramp easier
- Remove two track peaces from in front of second control point
- Fixed the cart getting suck right after the second control point

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Hello everyone,

What do you guys and gals think about the map so far?

The map is on the severs however when i get onto tf2 there is almost nobody on there. Its all bad timeing. Also when i do get the chance to test out the map. I get reked by other people and that no fun. That is why i map, to have fun in tf without getting beaten in tf2 by better players. And i cant be in spectator mode because people dont like that. So i am in a bad spot. So if you guys just want to give your feedback here. That would be awesome.

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017
Hello everyone,

What do you guys and gals think about the map so far?

The map is on the severs however when i get onto tf2 there is almost nobody on there. Its all bad timeing. Also when i do get the chance to test out the map. I get reked by other people and that no fun. That is why i map, to have fun in tf without getting beaten in tf2 by better players. And i cant be in spectator mode because people dont like that. So i am in a bad spot. So if you guys just want to give your feedback here. That would be awesome.
I'll download it and give some feedback. I downloaded a previous version and thought of some things to say, but I never got around to writing the post. As per getting it played on, I highly recommend you submit it for a gameday. I feel like watching players play on your map will help you a lot in improving the gameplay of your map- something you could use. Just wait for the next gameday to be announced, or ask in the steam chat when the next gameday is scheduled. Don't worry about being a spectator to watch your map be played during the gameday, if that's what you wanna do then go ahead. Others will also go spectator during gamedays so they can fly around and leave feedback without being shot at, so you don't have to feel alone. In fact, using spectator to give/receive feedback on your map is highly encouraged on the TF2Maps servers. If you're low on skill but still want to get a good feel of how your map plays firsthand (which is something I recommend), then here are a few ideas:
  • Medic doesn't do much fighting, but he still gets close to the action. He's great for watching others play on your map. He allows you to get a good idea of how fights play out as you'll be watching your allies fighting instead of fighting yourself, while still being part of the game yourself, contributing to a team, and being able to get a good idea of the scale of your map. Medic is great because he demands that you pay close attention to your team to keep them healed, so you'll get a good view of the fight. Just don't overextend, or pocket a single player. If you see a lone teammate walking away from the group, stick with the group. And don't just pocket the heavy, heal a variety of teammates. A large group of teammates have a better chance of keeping you alive than a single one. As per your medigun, quick-fix requires the least amount of skill to maximize its potential, and the uber is great for saving your life or your heal target's life in a bad situation.
  • If aiming is the problem, Heavy doesn't need too much aim. Just stick close to your teammates and even closer to your medic, as you'll be absorbing damage like a sponge. Oh, and here's the unspoken rule of all heavy mains: Every time you die, blame it on your team. Your team sucks, and you're perfect at the game, so if you die, it's obviously your team's fault. (Those last 3 sentences were sarcasm, don't actually be that player pls.)
If you're looking to further improve your skills, I recommend looking up guides on Steam. Although the most popular guides are just shitposts, you can find some really good guides by searching for a specific class. There are a lot of mechanics and individual skill required in becoming good at TF2, and although experience is a great teacher, just playing the game isn't enough to actually learn everything. (I should know, my first 750 hours were mostly spent turtling my sentry on an instant respawn 24/7 Dustbowl server. No joke.) Additionally, practice your aim. Aim is very important, and it's something that even I'm bad at. You don't have to be an aimbot (and pls don't install an actual aimbot), but just being able to land your shots semi-consistently can be very helpful.

Anyway, this post is far longer than I intended it to be. Good luck with your map, and I'm going to see if I can get you some feedback.
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