What We're Up To


L13: Stunning Member
Jun 16, 2010

First off, a reminder that the Gun Mettle campaign is ending (the last new contracts drop September 30th), so if you want to complete those contracts you'd better get to work. Speaking of getting to work, the TF2 team is busy putting together the next major update, which should be out by the end of the year. It'll feature new maps, cosmetics, and a new campaign with contracts and weapon collections. We’re also working on things like competitive matchmaking, perf, balance improvements and moving Mannpower Mode out of beta with a new map.

Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that there’s something missing from that list: Halloween. The reality is, if we produce a holiday-specific event map this year, it means we'll have to stop working on everything else. So: We’ve decided to turn Halloween mostly over to you. This year’s Halloween Update will be a showcase of all the best Halloween-themed community content (items, maps, taunts and unusuals) you guys can come up with. We’ll also be activating every one of our past six Halloween Updates, so there'll still be plenty of spooky holiday-themed game modes to play.

Over the next month we’ll be looking through the Workshop for anything tagged “Halloween”, so if you’ve been working on an item you think would be perfect, make sure you get it submitted and tagged before October 18th, 2015.

Plus, if you didn’t already have enough incentive to submit to the Workshop, we’re changing our restrictions on Halloween items this year. Normally they’re only visible to players on Halloween and full moons. This year, all newly selected Halloween-themed items will have NO restrictions put on them, and may be viewed year round. (So don't get too gross or out-there with your submissions.)

Well, back to work! We’ve been incorporating plenty of great community feedback from our last update, so the next one should be even better.

Read on the TF2 Blog...


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
How interesting. I'm glad that the people who complain Valve abandoned Mann Power mode have some evidence that shows otherwise.

I suppose it needs to be full steam ahead for anyone who hopes to get a Workshop map in the next campaign, or indeed in Hallowe'en!


MUSty Complainer
Nov 2, 2009
related news to updates, however let's not derail this too hard into Invasion stuff, just seems fitting to mention it in here as well. an update from ronin about invasion

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the project. We are happy to see the excitement that you all are showing for the project, its really a moving experience for everyone in the team.

A lot of fans loved the Gun Mettle Update. In light of this, Valve decided to wait until the Gun Mettle Update to finish before releasing Invasion. We feel that this gives everyone the chance to support the people behind the Gun Mettle to its fullest.

We are all excited to finally bring you this project soon.


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
Bet u wish you already had a Halloween map out :p

Is it just me, or has Valve been unusually transparent with TF2 stuff lately?


L1: Registered
Jan 16, 2014

I've never been a great fan of the restrictions from a visual design and contributor fairness perspective, having some restricted and others not back in 2012 really stuck out to me as the black spot of that update. Other designs since then have taken it to unpleasant extremes.

I'm most curious about how this effects mappers, giving as there's only roughly four weeks to be able to reskin a map, as I would presume was their intent. Does the regular version get added after the event, as the Valve Halloween maps are reskins of their stock, or will it be just be the _event one? How will they monetise the maps in-game?

I have lots of questions, but you might be shocked or alarmed to know I'm interested in seeing where this is all going in a positive sense.

I swear, I am not a replicant.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Maaaan, I was going to make a Halloween version of Freight called Fright, but I heard that Fishbus was working on an update and didn't want to get started before that was available.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 18, 2010
Yup time to make _event of every map I ever made.. Which is like only 3.. rip

Good luck everyone.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
inb4 Ghoulywash

[DE] Niemand

L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2015
I want to see tc_hydro_event

No one plays it, so it would be obvious that there are the ghost of fallen players....


Aug 14, 2009
I wish this forum had these:
So we can be just as shitty to each other over petty things?

Boxes are an invitation to be a jerk to people. But I do wish we had the agree/disagree buttons though. Easier and less clutter than making a post that only says, "Why yes, my good sir, I dare say I agree with your astoundingly poignant words." Or alternately, "Wrong, you hatless swine!"